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Everything posted by Sirine

  1. What have you try? The fun of the game is to trial and error. And finally achieve something.
  2. Picture 6 altermeter shows that you are dropping over 10m/s.
  3. My 1st experience in docking took 2 hours. And it failed. After 2 weeks of practices, I have confidence to dock in just a minute. Or just to said its already aligned perfectly once both craft in visual range. Remember, you can always tab to switch between craft.
  4. Notice the chute located? The legs are for proper landing.

  5. Congratulation! Nope, next is not Eve, next should be "Rendezvous". Then "Space Hovering + Precision Landing". Finally, "Atmospheric Precision Landing".
  6. Developer has the right not to follow your "lot of user" liking. Simply play it or wait till it becomes your liking.
  7. Mine was like ... Kabooms....many times. After 2 weeks. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/49509-Party-at-the-Mun
  8. Minions + Smurfette = Kerbal? (Yellow + Blue = Green)
  9. What are wings for? Serious answer, it provide "controllable-aerodynamic-maneuverability" while in the air.
  10. I wonder if you 'land' hard enough from air will break the runway as well. Well; frankly speaking, runway do have their weight-limits...
  11. 0.25 is available now. So?? will you be continue your quest as 0.24.2, or upgrade to 0.25?
  12. Remember that you can always 'reset' the tutorial at the tutorial-starting screen.
  13. Highest point in Kerbin. 6761m.
  14. Does clicking those ad. help in KSP development?
  15. Hello tall_guy, welcome to the forum. How tall are you actually?
  16. Sirine


    Hello _Bugs, Welcome to the forum. Your profile picture will be available to change once you pass the forum spambot test. (Just give it some times).
  17. Hello NickMcNeal, and welcome to the forum. Please give yourself a minutes to play thought the in-game tutorial. It really teach you something.
  18. Hello Loligoat, and welcome to the forum.
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