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Everything posted by NathanKell

  1. The stock KSP thermal settings are designed to make reentry on Kerbin (2000m/s) nearly as hot as reentry on Earth. So if you have a less tiny planet, you need to tone down the thermo settings.
  2. Hlaford: I do not encounter that issue with uncrewed craft, only crewed craft (and only sometimes). I'll ask nightingale about it.
  3. Ah, didn't realize you were using RealPlume's non-RO configs. They're quite evil (bad Felger! bad! ), they set engines back to ModuleEnginesFX even after you change to ModuleEnginesRF. That's why. :] Your config above looks just fine, the issue is RP clobbering it. For now, add a @PART[whatever]:FINAL { @MODULE[ModuleEngines*] { @name = ModuleEnginesRF } } See here: https://github.com/NathanKell/ModularFuelSystem/issues/98 RO escapes this because the RO RealPlume configs either don't clobber, or clobber in favor of ModuleEnginesRF.
  4. The solution is "it's not a FAR issue." It was stated upthread. You have realheat installed but your stock aerofx settings aren't configured to play nice with it (or vice versa). RealHeat is designed for the current Realism Overhaul aeroFX settings. If you don't have them, you'll get what you describe.
  5. The patch has some...issues. !EFFECT[running_core] {} will do nothing, because it will try to delete an EFFECTS node that inside it has 'name = running_core'. Did you maybe mean this? @EFFECTS { !running_core {} } Next, the engine node. You need @name = ModuleEnginesRF inside the @MODULE to use the new engine module, and you have the ignitor parameters inside a ModuleEngineIgnitor subnode, not sure why. They all go in the main MODULE node. With those changes it should be fine.
  6. ZaPPPa, not sure what you mean. Sounding rockets are one of the two main ways to start off your career. We support sounding rockets just fine. that's why there's a "sounding rocket" probe core in the start node, and a bunch of science experiments, and sounding rocket contracts. Unless you mean RoverDude's Sounding Rockets mod, in which case no: the rockets looked terrifically unstable last I checked, and RO isn't in the habit of supporting fantasy parts like that. :] Hlaford: um, not sure what you mean. Just ride the rocket all the way up, you don't have to be in the tracking station for contracts to complete...
  7. IIRC the heat bar shows up at 1/2 max temperature. If max temperature is only 500K (as it may well be for pod internals) it'll show up when temperature is >250K. Don't worry about it. (Skin temp has a much higher max, 2-3000K).
  8. Second half of this video is Mu explaining PQS and PQSMods. (PQSMods are how a plain sphere, PQS alone, gets turned into actual planetary terrain)
  9. goldfang35: Update to Realism Overhaul v10.2. As to the tree, as the OP says we only really support through Gemini, we're nowhere near dealing with the present day or near future. ZaPPPa: Real Solar System defines Year 1 Day 1 to be Jan 1 1951. If you get Kerbal Alarm Clock and switch its time mode to Earth time, you'll get a real year/month/day display! (RP-0 starts with 1945-era tech, but to save time we don't start then, rather the default RSS start time of 1951.)
  10. SavingPilotRyan: sounds like an install issue. Try a clean install? Hremsfeld: Realism Overhaul, or if you don't want RO, you can: 1. Just get RealFuels and the stockalike engine configs, or 2. Use this simple mm patch: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/KSP-RO/RealismOverhaul/master/ROMini.cfg
  11. To use Isp multipliers you need to specify an engine type (L, U, etc). Check out the stockalike configs (or use the webapp to generate the config) for examples.
  12. We include the textures already, and B9 has an open license, so that makes sense to me.
  13. Proc fairings desperately needs dynamic modifying of the thermalMassModifier when the fairing size is below 0.5m and the mass below that value. That would fix the instaexplode for those bases without making larger bases improperly heat-resistant.
  14. Apologies. I flipped true and false (I was copy-pasting from the default) and only did for tanks, not engines. Edited for correctness. filename isn't important except insofar as it affects patch run order. If a patch filename starts with a z, it'll be loaded later. (You can put it in a folder in GameData called zFinal, too).
  15. All parts except parachutes generate lift. Light blue (cyan) is the color of body lift, the lift parts make when they don't have lifting/control surface modules.
  16. Open Notepad (or your OS's text editor). put this in it: @MFSSETTINGS[MFSSettings]:FINAL { %useRealisticMass = false } @RFSETTINGS:FINAL { %useRealisticMass = false } Save it as "zRFmass.cfg" (yes, use the quotes if on Windows) in KSP/GameData.
  17. 1. Metadata situation sorted out. A change in how netkan built metadata meant that newer versions of RSS and RO were being hidden. That situation is now solved (by brute force from me, and actual fixing from pjf). 2. In real life, the sustainer is lit when the booster is. I suggest you do the same. Place both engines in your first stage (along with the launch clamp(s)), then the booster decoupler, then anything else. Use MechJeb's autostage functionality to automatically decouple the booster as soon as it burns out. There you go. Here's a craft file to demonstrate. https://www.dropbox.com/s/8v5hvx2zs488zjo/WAC%20no%20PF.craft?dl=0 This is because the booster provides a tremendous jump in acceleration, and then it burns out and drag provides a very strong deceleration, destabilizing your tanks. 3. Contracts unlock based on what you've done. Once you reach the Karman line, the orbit contract opens up. As the RP-0 release notes say, it is possible to get into orbit from the start node alone, it's just very hard.
  18. There's a third way, a core plugin and then some additional dlls that each require (and reference) the core and (the other mod0. I.e. how Mechjeb supports plugins that link MJ and FAR, MJ and KM_Gimbal, etc.
  19. No problem. I'd say post it here, that gives the advantage of discussion.
  20. Hotfix released with KCT fix, CKAN versioning fix, and some new experiment result text. In the next few days I'll write a plugin to fix exploding fairing bases, if edog doesn't get to it. For now, see above.
  21. There's an issue with tiny proc fairing bases and the Squad heat system. Until the stock bug is fixed, or e-dog clamps thermal mass to some floor (by increasing thermal mass modifier when total part mass is below a threshold), fairing bases won't be safe to use when < 0.5m in diameter. I suggest therefore that you place your sounding rocket core, then place a realchute stackmount chute, then place some experiments atop that. Action group them. Finally place a procedural nosecone on the stacknode, size it appropriately (i.e. so the experiments are hidden inside. Let that serve as your fairing instead.
  22. gruneisen make sure you update RealHeat to the latest version.
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