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Everything posted by NathanKell

  1. It was never in v1.7.2, you had a prior version. Due to a tagging issue, however, 1.7.2 never was on CKAN until now.
  2. Some of this is done, or will be done, by TestFlight. And certainly that's the direction we're trying to push RP-0 in.
  3. That is really, really confusing alas; it seems like you're the only person getting that bug in current RSS. :\
  4. FAR indeed does not recognize wing thickness or LE shaping, just 2D wing shape. You want AJE for engines.
  5. If you load your save and go into tracking station, click on another site, then click on the desired site, does that help?
  6. Body lift indeed does not respond the same way to AoA as wing lift does. As your AoA increases, the percent of lift you get from your body compared to the your wings will increase, thus shifting CoP forward. This is why, for example, the SR-71 could not exceed something like 8 degrees AoA or it would become unstable ("flip out" in KSPeze).
  7. This sounds 100% like the bug RSS was having before, like, 8.5. What launch site do you switch to once you start a new game?
  8. Actually, from what's described above, thrust becomes a function of density and mach. Given that, I'd be shocked if they didn't also fix both issues you described too.
  9. vosechu, looks like a CKAN issue with not pulling the latest Ven's Stock Revamp. I'll try to fix it for CKANers.
  10. darqen27: RO makes similar changes to "RSS mode" in DRE. RO needs a pass to bring it up to date.
  11. Rabada that's excellent work, thanks so much! Will use that fix for next RO. venturaguy101: Welcome to the forums! (And to RO!) That seems to be an issue with RF's locking when GUIs are open; the locking needs to die when the GUI disappears. I'll fix that.
  12. Sounds like a tweakscale issue, please poke them?
  13. Just like FAR looks to be decent prep for New Aero, I'd say AJE is likely to be decent prep for New Jets.
  14. Is the science lab tweakscale-enabled? This is the stock science lab, right?
  15. Make sure you in fact have RSS v8.6.0 or v8.6.1 (right-click the dll in GameData/RealSolarSystem/Plugins and go to the details tab). Make sure there are no other RealSolarSystem.dll files anywhere else.
  16. Kitspace: No, all tanks are going to be rounded, it'd be nuts to run a pressure vessel at 1.8atm and have sharp corners. Also, no, balloon tanks don't have higher pressurization than regular tanks, they just can't ever be unpressurized. The ones with the high pressurization are the tanks in type ServiceModule or Fuselage, i.e. for pressure-fed engines. komodo: Thanks! Fixed in git. Do please check and get back to us if we're duplicating Tantares configs.
  17. XkaOnslaught: I'll check, maybe the Ven Stock Revamp model has a different transform or something. EDIT: I see the issue, fixed in git. Lilienthal: yes, it is! Ferram's been working on that. JT2227: need far more context than that. All that's saying is that some part threw an error due to a collider issue. That certainly would not cause a crash. Please actually follow the steps in the support thread when you crash.
  18. I've noticed that DRE appears to not default to RSS config when RSS is installed. Can you do a check and apply the RSS config when Kerbin's size is >5x perhaps? Or just have a value in DRE.cfg saying defaultConfig = default and let RSS do @DRE{@defaultConfig = RSS } ?
  19. Moved to Plugin development, where questions about code reside. I believe that works via GameEvents, I'd suggest looking there.
  20. OnStart, OnUpdate, and OnFixedUpdate (in PartModule) run only when the part is active. Start, Update, and FixedUpdate run regardless. Use them.
  21. Given what's already been said about changes to Isp and the Isp curve for 1.0, stay tuned.
  22. You're using DX11 mode. KSP doesn't fully support it, and that's the result. I'm quite sure RO does not recommend using force-dx11 (it recommends, if anything, -force-opengl) so...you must have picked that up somewhere.
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