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Everything posted by NathanKell

  1. No. KSP does not come with DRM, so you can just make a copy of your install and put different things in GameData. What OS are you on, Windows, OSX, Linux? Did you purchase KSP through the store or Steam?
  2. AJE controls thrust dynamically. You don't get fixed thrust from jets, and you certainly don't from propellers.
  3. The reason I linked that thread is because it tells you how there is always a log. Please actually read it. I'm not being snide, I literally cannot help you without a log, and it is always generated. Read the link. (Unless for some reason you turned off log generation in the launcher. But from the way it sounds, you did not.)
  4. However, note that in the stock module, thrusterPower doesn't do a whole lot, it depends much more on the lever arm.
  5. mecki: rather, the issue is that like ~so~ much in KSP it is hardcoded and thus I will have to hide it and create our own.
  6. DaMichel, does AJE have my tweakable-drag patch? It's on my repo, dunno if camlost is using it. Basically, it sets inlet drag based on AJE inlet are * a tweakable factor, so you can try to figure out what should be correct.
  7. No, you cannot dock. Level 1 would be what, Orbital Rocketry, Stability, and Survivability, yeah? Do you recall Mercury or Vostok docking? :]
  8. Yes, the reason I care about decouplers being fixed, or missing IVAs added, is because I want my mod rescaling the planets implemented. It all makes sense now!
  9. mecki: What he said was it did not change canopy size. What he did *not* say was that it did anything *good*--it and RealChute would clash over mass. Once again, TweakScale must not be used on RealChute parts. romanasul, welcome to the forums! I clipped a cubic strut upwards on the base of the (tall) fairing base and then attached the tank to the strut's top node (inside the fairing) and thus hid the fairing base ring. In .90, that could just be done with the offset tool.
  10. cashaber, from the OP: (emphasis original) You may also want RP-0 for career play.
  11. It was not in the least directed at you; in fact the one comment of yours I saw regarding testers (that 1.0 will be a heavy load) seems entirely correct. I more meant this, and various others' comments here and on the article: which I thought grossly unfair, and wanted to address.
  12. Please follow the guidelines here--we need more info than just that.
  13. If Proc Parts say 'non-RO', that's a bug. They are RO-compatible. The proc parts *addon* that was just released, however, is not.
  14. Those of you who are quick to blame the testers, consider that bugs have been noticed and yet persist in the KSP stock game for multiple releases. Indeed, bugs have been fixed by modders and yet remain in Stock KSP. Please don't assume the testers are incapable.
  15. Frankly I take it as a sign of strength of this community that so many are concerned on behalf of Squad and KSP itself, rather than their own financial/ludic interest. Let's not belittle that love and affection for a game that deserves such a family.
  16. bs1110101: looks like you're running in DX11. Bad idea.
  17. Try using RVE, at least for Kerbin. RVE is built for Earth-size planets; 10x Kerbol involves real-size planets, so visual packs built for stock KSP sizes are *not* liable to work very well. You'll have to swap out its city lights mask for EVE's original though, obviously.
  18. PLAD: I talked to eggrobin (who generated all the orbits off JPL data, albeit for barycentre) and he is looking into it. It might just be a typo. :] And thanks so much! mouzfun (and anyone else): whenever you swap between RSS and another config, if that config does not come with its own cache files, you will need to delete your cache and wait (for a long time...) as RSS regenerates it. TheKutKu: not yet, really. VonFrank: I have noticed that too. There's something screwy, but I haven't had a chance to investigate yet. I trust it is not PQS have a size minimum. Neoph: there's a guide on the RSS wiki, if you want to add it feel free! Can always use help!
  19. You need the latest version for that release of KSP. Please do not try running 2.5.9 on KSP 0.25! Please use 2.5.3, I believe that was the last version for 0.25.
  20. .28 technically, .23.5 was a full release in all but name.
  21. FlowerChild: that that reference was not obvious to you is, um, kinda evidence that women's role in space needs more emphasis, right?
  22. Starwasper ( ), lextacy asked for a realistic config. I told her/him what would happen with a realistic config. :] (realism != hard, folks, why is this difficult to understand?)
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