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Everything posted by NathanKell

  1. Ralathon, re: Minmus, that needs to be done by a plugin. Borisbee: Alas RSS only allows the adding of things I've specifically coded to be added, and that's not in the list yet. The idea was (is) for Kopernicus to support doing everything. That said, that's exactly how mapDecal *should* be used Paul Kingtiger: Yes, unstated values will be left unchanged, with the exception of the fact that if you change radius, mass will change to keep G at sea level constant, and things like that (radius/mass/GaSL/gravparam are tied together). I am very, very aware of the fact that many launch sites have issues. I would dearly love it if someone volunteered to fix them, or even just one of them! Esc@p3 Velocity, I'm going to guess your problem is the same as Arrowstar's, i.e. running out of RAM. You can both verify this by posting your logs (see here for how), or by yourself checking from the bottom up of that log and seeing if "memory" gets mentioned. RSS does use a lot of RAM. You'll need to use a lower res texture pack for RSS, remove part packs, use ATM (or higher aggressive level), switch to OpenGL (if on Windows), etc...
  2. Welcome to the forums! As this is cfg modding, rather than the specific 'writing a plugin' topic for this subforum, I'm moving this back to Addon Development. First, I would suggest making your changes via Module Manager. That's what it's for. You can create a cfg file, stick it somewhere in GameData, and do @PART[name_of_part_to_modify] // where that name is found by looking the cfg for the name = whatever line. { MODULE { name = KethaneDetector DetectingPeriod = 1.5 DetectingHeight = 60000 PowerConsumption = 0.4 Resource { Name = Ore } } } That will add that new node to the part. As for cloning, you can do +PART[name_of_source_part] { @name = new_name_for_new_part // whatever other changes you want to make }
  3. It seems to be a hatch. I would guess the cross is supposed to look raised, i.e. so it can be twisted (the wheel/handle/whatever on a hatch), no idea about the slot.
  4. Odd. I don't recall dropping it... Ah, I see what happened. It was in the v8.0 changeover. I need to go back to my chat logs with regex regarding it.
  5. Genius Evil, those are so pretty you're tempting me to redo all my planes!
  6. Raven., my repo is https://github.com/NathanKell/CustomBiomes if you want to fork from that. I'm maintaining it only because RSS needs it, but if you want to take it on it's one less thing for me to do.
  7. The "launch site not correct on load" thing is a known issue, as the RSS changelog states, and it also gives a workaround.
  8. Kakyokuu: please follow the Add-On Posting Rules. All addons posted must include a license in the archive, and furthermore addons that include dlls must also include source or a link to the source used to compile. Bare DLLs violate both these rules. I have not the least doubt you're trying to help, but you do have to follow the rules. It's also worth ruminating on the OP, perhaps--consider the lengths Senshi went to try to prevent this causing problems for ferram4. It'd be right kind of you to do the same.
  9. Nigh impossible? Methinks you might need to rethink your build or your ascent. Should be able to get about a ton into orbit with a T800/LV-909, a couple 800s and an LV-T30, and then six BACCs staged 4 and then 2. (i.e. first stage 4 BACCs, second stage 2 BACCs, third stage LV-T30, fourth stage LV-909). Maybe you're playing with ~LOLSOKERBAL~ TWRs? You don't need high TWR.
  10. CaptRobau: sorry for delay. Spot on, only exception is planets with oceans, where you want DXT5+mipmaps because the alpha is used for specularity (i.e. white (->shiny) ocean, black (->matte) land), although you can also use DXT1 with no alpha for shiny-everything.
  11. I recall this being an issue for quite some time; asmi reported it back in .23 or so IIRC. It does look like something involved with PQS leaks, or (since it appears to occur even just on revert to VAB/relaunch) like the cache is being expanded rather than reused.
  12. They work in both the VAB and SPH. However, you may have to rotate your vehicle in the VAB to be able to make the reshaping work better (i.e. shift-click on the vehicle, use A to rotate it horizontal, click to put down. Now try reshaping wings). It's all about the axes involved...
  13. Seconded. Heck, until recently, Realism Overhaul itself was just Notepad++ edits. Lots of them, sure, but that's what MM patches are.
  14. mecki: It is intended that proc SRB diameter limit in the starting node is 0.2m, yes. I need to fix the issue where it starts at 1m when placed though. I don't know about the AJE turbofan, sounds like SXT needs to set Charge to invisbile/untweakable. It is intended that you get access to all wings, and fairing bases up to about 2m, in the starting node. It is intended that you get no science landed/splashed anywhere on Earth. We need to fix the dialogs to make that clear. Any craft can achieve a Sounding Rocket contract. The ones that just say Altitude Record alone are stock KSP contracts that require crew aboard. Makers: We hope to use Contract Configurator to do stuff like that, yes. I'm...really quite mystified why people are installing source zips rather than the release zips from the repo. Source means "you must build before use" after all...and in this case what must be built is the tree.cfg. I even made sure to push out a release at Christmas so people could install from that. (Hence Apollo 8 naming.) I will try to update the metadata of everything so CKAN installs are go again.
  15. Fizwalker: you should definitely post them on the ATM thread then! And glad you got the launch site working. Ralathon: there should be about 100MB extra memory usage in .90 due to all the new biomes Felger made (I think they weren't shipped for the final .25 version?) but as for the rest...yeesh. No idea. I'll dig some, but I can't imagine what could be doing that--one change was the wrapping caching, but that shouldn't be using extra memory...
  16. Normals yes (save them in DXT5nm). Heightmaps no, and they should be saved in L8 not DXT1/5--you do *not* want to compress your heigthmap, especially since they will just be uncompressed again when loaded into a MapSO.
  17. No, that is a problem I need to fix.
  18. Fox Loco: RP-0 sets the starting maximum diameter to 0.2m. That's working as designed. However, I forgot to also change the initial diameter, so the thing starts out at 1m diameter...will be fixed.
  19. Northstar1989: StoryMusgrave already basically answered, but just to expand a bit, the pressure in a (highly-)pressurized tank comes from the *pressurant*, not somehow magically compressing the liquid propellant to hundreds of atmospheres. ServiceModule tank type *is* for highly-pressurized tanks; you can see this by checking how many liters of tank volume is used when you add x liters-at-STP of a gas (say, Nitrogen).
  20. Bender222: right now DRE is a bit too harsh (it's primarily for making Kerbin-scale stuff deadly) so you should turn down the multiplier a bit. As for TWR, the reason for the short sharp kick is to get the (unguided) sounding rocket going fast enough that aerodynamics will keep it stably pointing the way it's meant to.
  21. Northstar1989, you are being and will be answered on the RF thread.
  22. You solved your own issue. Now you just have to act on it, i.e. remove part packs, go to a lower res texture pack, install ATM and/or use higher aggressive scaling, etc. There is no magical way to fix the memory limit.
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