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Everything posted by NathanKell

  1. Fairings have never protected things in stock, nor do they prevent panel breakage in FAR.
  2. asmi, that's going in next release of RO, and yes, it's super useful! (I just haven't commited source and dll on it yet, there's another couple things to tie up with RO). About to go to bed, I'll address the radiator stuff tomorrw.
  3. Draw calls are more expensive than vertices/tris. It's better to have one mesh (one draw call) than three even if there are far fewer faces total with multiple meshes.
  4. Great! Thanks so much for that stuff. I'll take a peek and get it in RF. In other news, per above kicking this out the door so I can work (well, work with taniwha) on getting RF ready for .90. Changelog: v8.2 *Update heat pumps (thanks Starwaster) *Fix added parts to be MM clones *taniwha: lots of refactoring *regex: add lots of missing tanks (FASA, HGR, NP2, RLA, SXT) *dreadicon: improved KSPI config *camlost: RetroFuture tank configs *TriggerAu: include icons for ARP in RealFuels rather than in ARP *taniwha: correct tank cost calcs *Raptor831: Add missing NP2, HGR tanks; Add Taurus pod/SM tanks *lilienthal: fix Thermal Fin description *Starman-4308: Add configs for Modular Rocket System *Add support for the 0.625m tanks in Ven's Stock Part Revamp *Show tank/fuel cost in GUI *Lower Solid Fuel and ElectricCharge costs (oops) *Fix so science sandbox is still detected as "has R&D tree" *Add setting for unit label *A Modular Engine will switch to the first available config if its current config is not available (due to requiring a tech tree node you don't have researched). *Starman4308: SpaceY tank configs *Starwaster: configs for TT's Mk2 nosecone and Nertea's MkIV system.
  5. FAR will make that much, much easier (assuming you're not already running it).
  6. Generic RSS issue. Might mess with minDistance in the KSP/settings.cfg file, but to some extent it's a FP precision issue (at Earth's radius, float precision is ~= 0.5m).
  7. I think you might be a little confused. The V-2 was part of the Aggregate series of rockets, the missile itself was the A-4. The Redstone (and the Jupiter C / Juno I) used the NAA75-110 engine, of which there were various models designated A1 through A7 (e.g. NAA75-110-A4, -A5, etc.), which were unrelated to the Aggregate series numbering, although the engine itself was of course a derivative of the V-2's engine. The A4 engine, used in Redstone, burned 75-25 Ethyl Alcohol / Water with LOx as oxidizer (like the V-2's engine), whereas the A7 burned Hydyne as its fuel, with LOx as oxidizer. R-7 is the designation of the first Soviet ICBM, derivatives of which launched Sputnik PS1, Sputnik PS2, Objekt D, and with an upper stage Luna, Vostok, etc. Please try to get the spelling and acronyms right, it's very hard to figure out what you mean otherwise...
  8. Delete the file. If it still happens, I'll see what's going on in the code.
  9. You might want to just send that in as a pull request, I'm sure taniwha would love the help.
  10. Heh, we've been thinking the same thought. RoverDude, you may want to look at RP-0's source. I've been meaning to release the backend for a while, but what I do is (1) add support for extra ProgressTree nodes (2) add a probe altitude record node and (3) add a contract depending on that.
  11. This (neat!) tool/application should be in the eponymous subforum. And so it is!
  12. Sounds like you're running out of process memory for KSP. Use a lower resolution texture pack for RSS, remove part mods, install ATM 4.0, use openGL mode, etc.
  13. Fizwalker: for working on cfgs, you should check the Realism Overhaul OP, it has great guidelines. And while Earth is roughly 10x as big as Kerbin, changing parts doesn't mean 10x as big, it means "however big is real." For example, some engines get scaled up, some down, pods get scaled at different factors depending on what their real life analogue is, etc. And yes, when you add a new launch site that just means you can move the entirety of KSC there. Augustus: remove any lighting-related params from RealSolarSystemSettings.cfg ITAsimo456: I find it not flat. chris84567: Gonna need a good bit more detail than that, that's like going to a doctor and saying "I hurt." lordmuffin: Well, RSS would not be worth much if it could not edit bodies. RubisCO: There is a tutorial on the forums for doing so, IIRC by mcirish? And the 10x Kerbin version uses the same dll, just different configs.
  14. Northstar1989, as of the last log you posted (which I combed in a bit more detail), RealFuels was not installed--or at any rate the plugin was not. This really sounds like you got a bad archive, or ran it through a virus scanner that removed the dll. Please check in your GameData/RealFuels/Plugins folder and tell us the sizes (in bytes, not bytes-on-disk) of all files there.
  15. Can't remove the biomes as then you wouldn't get biomes in orbit. Can't remove biomeness from an instrument or it won't supported landed/splashed biomes on other bodies. Zeroing science is *exactly* what we do though.
  16. Alpheratz, that's a good thing to bring up in the RO thread; I agree it should be enabled.
  17. bodyName is not being changed because (1) Squad hardcoded body names a fair bit (e.g. you literally cannot recover a vessel unless you are landed/splashed on "Kerbin") and (2) it will break all science unless all science text is rewritten. Also it breaks any other mods that operate by name, such as EVE. Axial tilt is not possible in KSP. I asked Mike before .22 or .23 about it, he said he'd bring it up. I haven't pushed much (although hearing from more of the community that it's a desired feature wouldn't hurt) because I think we can all agree they're been pretty busy, and there are other bugfixes *way* more important to spend our "poke" resources on. The field in the cfg is meaningless since the code in RSS to do anything with it is disabled (because it doesn't work right, and really pretty much can't).
  18. Stay tuned, maybe .90 will fix that problem. Arsonide's FinePrint contracts don't have that problem, and Squad hired him, so...
  19. AJE needs to be recompiled every time FAR updates.
  20. Well, one thing that's so different is a new building and tons of new assets in .25. That means the memory footprint of stock KSP is larger, meaning less headroom for mods.
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