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Everything posted by NathanKell

  1. I think you mean: @PART[your part name]:HAS[!RESOURCE[LifeSupport]]:AFTER[IFILifeSupport] { RESOURCE { name = LifeSupport amount = * <----- what you want maxAmount = * <----- what you want } }
  2. Rakaydos: 1. Zip up the log. 2. Go to dropbox and upload (or pick whatever file-sharing site you like) 3. ??? 4. Profit!
  3. RoverDude's sounding rocket model doesn't look very much like a real sounding rocket, honestly. It's cool, but it would not behave well in a real atmosphere with that big egg. Also, it would take a lot of work to convert, since his style is pretty much diametrically different from RO's, from the aesthetics to the part choices (sticks as launch clamps...) to the flavor text. That said, RP-0 has had sounding rocket contracts long before RoverDude released his mod.
  4. Yes, it's clearly a phobia that makes me unhappy when people blame my mods for KSPWinx64 crashing, and when KSPWinx64 gets buggier every release. It doesn't even work pure stock now. Thanks, Captain Sierra, for clarifying my mental processes for me! Think about it: if Unity Winx64 is breaking building references, do you think it might be breaking unquantifiable other mod references? Do you think there's *any* way for a *modder* to fix that?
  5. a part must have stack-attach-to-it and surf-attach-to-it enabled for it to be a root part. That was true as of a couple versions back, doubt it's changed.
  6. Which trait is assigned to a kerbal (ProtoCrewMember) is purely based on a hash of their name, done whenever the PCM object is created, there is no saving or loading mechanism for saying which PCM has which trait.
  7. The issue is that Planet Factory does not properly insert *new* celestial bodies. It's a hack, it's always had issues, but the issues are more and more coming to the fore. Kopernicus does actually do things properly, but its main authors are students who are very busy with their studies right now, and I don't have time to contribute either. :\ Regarding Kerbin in particular, there are in fact *two* different variables for determining homeworld, the isHomeworld one, as well as a ref in Planetarium (home), the problem is that KSP doesn't (or doesn't always) actually *use* them. Instead it checks for a body named "Kerbin". <<< that's why RSS doesn't change planet names, because so much is hardcoded.
  8. Presumably because it's a probe core? Unless raidernick wants it to be a particularly *dumb* probe core I'd say it's working as designed.
  9. That's enough folks.... Yes, Wolves_Hero, RF needs an update. Working on it.
  10. Stock career itself doesn't work in KSP Windows x64. Squad warned you it was unstable when you downloaded it, and they ain't lying.
  11. TheOfficialStorm (et al): Please follow the guidelines in the OP. They're bold and in red, even. This makes everyone's lives *much* easier, and saves a lot of duplicated effort. nlight, thank you for, y'know, actually following them. I'm going to hold off on KAC and ALG until their (prolific) authors update their titles to reflect .90 compatibility. Ippo: oops, sorry.
  12. Still on .25, but it seems to work ok with RealFuels again. (Need to test a bit more.) It's an issue on both our ends--I sure as heck shouldn't be firing that event when not in the editor...
  13. Whereas, oddly enough, stock payloads like the pods and probes mass either their correct amount, or even much more than they do in real life.
  14. NEAR is FAR without the GUI (makes construction harder), without the stuff that makes reentry easier, and without wing interaction (which is not exactly realism). You can use it if you want, but don't expect to survive reentry. Bender222: are you using 0.25, or did you upgrade to .90? Note the topic title if the latter.
  15. Thanks mostly go to Goozeman, for doing this! (And for doing it awesomely, too.)
  16. Lemme know if you run into questions doing the porting (or otherwise).
  17. This is about the fourth time I've come into this thread and seen Master Tao has already done all the updates. Don't rep me, rep Master Tao.
  18. _Augustus_, please post on the appropriate thread. Let's actually leave this thread about a mod to discussion about that mod, shall we?
  19. I think everybody needs to take a deep breath. EDIT: Duracelle, for the record, RSS runs at main menu and can edit any and all planets that exist at main menu. You add two dozen? RSS can edit 'em. Assuming they're added properly (as Kopernicus does).
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