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Everything posted by NathanKell

  1. Cydonian Monk: You need VSE (or VS) 2012 or above, it doesn't compile on 2010. taniwha, thanks so much! As always. And at this point taniwha *is* the author, folks, I just edit the post.
  2. Take it easy, world won't end if (gasp) people have to wait a whole nother day or two to use the mod.
  3. Let's try again. This mod allows CUSTOM biomes. 0.90 does not do that.
  4. Ven, those look very interesting! I would suggest taking the first in the direction of the Agena engine (Bell 80xx and 8247) since it already looks somewhat close (source of pic, with more), and the the second was already mentioned as looking rather like Redstone's engine, all it needs is an exhaust pipe (with a nozzle like that it's certainly not closed-cycle ). As it happens I was in Huntsville and have a *bunch* of reference pics if you'd like them. I would suggest, for once (very uncommon in KSP...), giving it a *lower* area ratio than what you have, though... :]
  5. I fear strongly this will need a lot of work, due to the editor changes.
  6. Are you kidding? It's not in the least obsolete. It allows custom biomes, what in .90 does that?
  7. By solids to the moon: Pioneer 0 in lunar orbit. (Yes, a solid TLI stage and solid insertion stage. Yes, RSS/RO.)
  8. I would say keep them 100% Earth-scaled and statted.
  9. Not only is it not originally mine, it's now again not mine! And yes, it's not terribly realistic at all.
  10. Until that time, if you want to use RO, don't upgrade.
  11. Sarbian, thank you so much for using the correct format. Makes our lives much easier. One exception though: forum links, not curse links. That said, three of those I ninja'd you on.
  12. theflyingfish, that's nice, but I dare say ferram has a better idea of how well or poorly FAR is working on .90.
  13. Cool I mean, I'd never use the boattail probably, so I wouldn't recommend it for me. Just tossing it out there as it may have been what Cpt. Kipard meant.
  14. For anyone wondering how to get Explorer 1 into orbit, here's how I did it. Note: Make sure you change the engine config from Ethanol/LOx to Hydyne/LOx. Ethanol was used for Redstone, Hydyne for Juno I / Jupiter-C. Fly that ascent path until burnout of the booster, then decouple. turn on RCS, aim directly at 90 degrees heading, 0 pitch, spin up and decouple at about 10 seconds to apogee, then fire the solids in succession. You will indeed probably need to spin up for stability...
  15. Known Compatible, but upgrade required (as of listed version) Achievements 1.8 Action Groups Extended 1.25 Actions Everywhere 1.1 Active Texture Management 4-3 ActiveStruts 1.1 Advanced Fly-By-Wire 1.4 Advanced Jet Engine 1.7 Alcubierre Warp Drive 0.1.0 Ambient Light Adjustment AntennaRange 1.6 Asteroid Recycling Technologies 0.6.0 Auto Actions 1.1 AutoAsparagus v0.8 Aviation Lights 3.7 Chatterer v.0.8.0 ChopIt! 2.5.4 Collision FX 2.1 Community Resource Pack 0.3.1 Contract Configurator 0.3.3 Contract Configurator 0.3.3 CrewFiles 2.1 CrossFeedEnabler 3.2 Custom Biomes 1.7.0 Dang It! 0.5.3 Davon Throttle Control 073 DDSLoader 1.8 Deadly Reentry v6.4.0 [thread=64972]DMagic Orbital Science 0.9.1[/thread] Editor Extensions v2.0 Enhanced Navball 1.3.5 FASA 5.00 Ferram Aerospace Research 14.5 Final Frontier 0.5.10-178 Flight Manager for Reusable Stages 0.3.01 FreeEVA 0.3.0 Freight Transport Technologies 0.3.0 GN Drive from Mobile Suit Gundam 00 4.0 Hangar 2.0.1 Hullcam VDS 0.33 HyperEdit In game notes / notepad / checklist 0.10.1 Infernal Robotics 0.19.3 Interstellar Flight Inc. 2.1 Ioncross Crew Support 1.18 Karbonite 0.5.0 Karbonite Plus (K+) 0.3.0 Kerbal Aircraft Expansion 2.3.1 Kerbal Alarm Clock 3.0.6 Kerbal Alarm Clock Kerbal Attachment System (KAS) 0.4.10 Kerbal Engineer Redux 1.0.13 Kerbal EVA Resource Transfer 1.2.2 Kerbal Joint Reinforcement 2.4.5 Kerbal Live Feed 8.7 Kerbal NRAP Kerbal NRAP Kerbal Stock Launcher Overhaul 3.0 KerbalStats 1.1.0 Kerbin-Side 0.41 Kerbsplosions 3.3.1 KSP Alternate Resource Panel KSP-AVC 1.1.5 Landing Aid 2.1 Landing Height 1.2 Lazor System 35 Malah's Quick mods: QuickRevert 1.11 Mechjeb 2.4.2 Mission Controller 1.10.1 Modular Fuel Tanks 5.3.0 Modular Rocket Systems 1.4.1 Module Manager 2.5.4 ModuleRCSFX 3.3 MovieTime 0.3 NanoGauges 0.5.18-164 Navball docking alignment indicator v6 NavHud 1.1.3 NEAR 1.3.1 Near Future Solar 0.4.0 and Near Future Construction 0.4.0 NovaPunch 2.08 Part Angle Display Part Wizard 1.1.2 Pilot Assistant Planet Factory Revived Version 2.2.5 PlanetShine Precise Node 1.1.2 Procedural Airships 1.3 Procedural Fairings 3.11 Procedural Parts 0.9.21 Procedural Wing 0.9.2 QuantumStrutsContinued 1.2 RCS Build Aid 0.5.3 Real Fuels v8.3 Real Solar System 8.4 RealChute Parachute Systems Realism Overhaul 7.0.4 Regolith 0.1.0 Resource Overview RLA Stockalike 12.1 Sane Strategies 0.42.3 SCANsat 8.1 SCANsat 8.1 Science Alert 1.8.2 Science Containers .08.1 Ship Manifest 3.3.3 Simulate, Revert & Launch 1.32 Smart Parts 2.0.4 Smartstage, intelligent VAB reset button 2.3.1 SmokeScreen 2.5.3 Sound and particle FX for stock Ion drive 0.2 Sounding Rockets! 0.0.1 Space Shuttle Engines 2.1.3 SpaceY Heavy-Lifter Parts Pack v0.5.1 Stage Recovery Station Science 1.4 SteamGauges 1.6.0 Stock Drag Fix Dec 16 StockRT 1.20 and StockPlugins 1.01 StripSymmetry 1.5 Switch Active Vessel 0.4 Switch Active Vessel 0.4 Taurus HCV 1.4.0 TextureReplacer 2.1 Transfer Window Planner TweakableEverything 1.6 TweakScale - Rescale Everything! 1.48 Universal Storage 1.0.0 US Probes Pack - Old and New 0.29 USI Exploration Pack 0.3.0 USI Kolonization Systems (MKS/OKS) 0.22.0 Vertical Velocity Control 1.16 VOID - Vessel Orbital Informational Display 0.16 Working Multiple Star Systems 1.2 Zero-Point Inline Fairings v0.9 Known Compatible (as of listed version) AIES 1.5.1 AIPS - Better IVA Prop Placement 3.1 Blast Awesomeness Modifier 1.0 Bobcat Soviet Engines & Proton Contract Science Modifier 0.3 DefaultThrottle 1.0 Distant Object Enhancement 1.4.2 Docking Port Alignment Indicator 4.0 FPS Viewer Hakari F1 1.2 ImprovedStrategies 0.13 Kerbin Date Calendar 1.5 KW Rocketry 2.6d2 Lack Luster Labs (Sci-fi flying boxes) 13.1 Launch CountDown 1.7.3 MemoryUsage 1.11 Oblivion Aerospace Pack 0.1.3 Raise Minimum Ambient Lighting 1.0 SafeChute v1.5 Science Funding 1.0 ShowAllFuels 1 SXT - Lack's Stock Extension 19 Tantares 12.3 TurboNisuReloaded Known Incompatible (as of listed version) Kerbal Construction Time 1.0.3 Load on Demand 3.3
  16. Mod Compatibility in 0.90 KSP 0.90 has just been released. A number of mods have already updated for .90, but there are a lot which have not yet. Even those that have, however, may experience issues in .90. Those that have not may or may not still work. See the second post for the lists This thread is for reporting compatibility issues. However, there are some guidelines which I would ask you to follow. In particular: 1. Please include the forum link and version number when reporting. 2. If you are using the Windows x64 version, please do not report on compatibility. As Squad's own download links and the .90 FAQ say, the Win x64 version of KSP is unstable and it is impossible to say whether an issue encountered on it is a stock problem or a mod problem. Therefore all reports regarding the Windows x64 version of KSP will be ignored. 3. If you get a warning on launching KSP that the mod is not compatible, please respect the warning; there's no need to post that you're getting such a warning, the mod author already knows (as, now, do you) that the mod is not yet compatible with KSP 0.90 4. Details: Saying "it doesn't work" doesn't do any good unless you provide some details. What doesn't work? 5. Interaction: If you wish to ascertain whether a mod works, please try it alone. If you have multiple mods installed, and something breaks, all you can say for certain is that some interaction between them, or one of them, broke--not that they're all incompatible. Thanks!
  17. Ah, sorry, I just overreact at the threat of tankbutt. A thrust frame makes perfect sense (here's another view of the RS-68), but please don't, as many KSP engines do, add the lower dome of the tank to your engine part. By boattail, I mean the fairing that covers the exposed parts of the engine pumps/tubing/etc. You can see here in this drawing of the Jupiter how there's a fairing around the top of the engine. On Delta IV it's that white cone they place around the RS-68's upper parts. While that can be made with Procedural Fairings, if you want one that will match your engine, you might consider making it yourself.
  18. Bryce Ring, Compressibility effects. As v approaches M=1, and supersonic, IAS gets...wonky.
  19. There's a stock bug where masses ingame are in tons but KSP tells Unity it's actually kilograms, which makes everything super-buoyant. So don't expect your floats to be more floaty than the capsule...
  20. NOOOOOO! Tankbutt BAAAAAD. If you do make a "base" (which is actually a tankbutt) please, please make it a separate part. Or just make some generic 1.25, 2.5, and 3.75m boattails.
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