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Everything posted by NathanKell

  1. Hah, whoops. Thanks for catching. I use either RO or RftSEngines so I never saw that.
  2. If you've updated RSS to 8.1+, instead of hanging on the black LOADING.... screen until all loading is done, it now shows you its progress.
  3. That would be great! Nli2work made me a set of generic spinner+prop that I meant to get working but never did. They might be of use to you. PM her/him (and mention me), maybe?
  4. Mu said he'd ask about doing it for .23. I haven't heard since, but I haven't poked since because I know there's bigger fish to fry. However, more support for the idea might help Squad reevaluate how much interest there really is for it.
  5. Yeah, probably worth adding a bit of black to the Cape on the city lights mask...
  6. As this is a duplicate of the thread lurkoholic linked, I'm closing this thread. As a note, please edit your OPs rather than starting new threads for updated releases. Also, regarding the removal of the gallery from this thread's OP and the off-topic discussion which followed, if you have concerns about the moderation of the forum, please contact the moderators. We do listen to, and respond to, concerns.
  7. Awesome! I haven't gone through those configs since ferrram update FAR's drag code, so I'm not sure what's wrong. That said, if you want spot-on Cd0, go to the Stability / Stats tab of analysis, set density to something high, and calculate.You might also want to lower mach. That'll approximate the Cd0 with pretty good precision. (And thank ferram for adding Cd display to it )
  8. On Windows, if KSP is set to run in full screen and you alt-tab out such that it's no longer the foreground window, it will print that D3D error for every frame until you switch back to KSP. To avoid this, run in windowed mode. If you want the best of both worlds, use -popupwindow to run in borderless windowed mode (i.e. full screen borderless window).
  9. Interestingly, the SRBs and the nuclear engines have the correct efficiency for real life (in dry mass and Isp, though the nuc uses way-too-dense fuel), it's just the chemical liquid engines that are 4x as heavy as they should be and have, like, kerosene+ClF5 Isp. The ions...gah, the ions. They're better by, like, 3-5 orders of magnitude than real life.
  10. 1. Remove FXModuleAnimateThrottle. 2. Remove ModuleResourceIntake.
  11. You can't use real chemistry with stock resources. It just doesn't work. If you want to make something for stock, do it so it "feels" right. If you want real math, use Real Fuels.
  12. Also, as mentioned, KJR will make the decoupler work.
  13. Link removed pending compliance with the rules. GregroxMun, the changes are very minor, but they *are* necessary. We can't have addons that don't follow the rules.
  14. Genius Evil: use this excel sheet to generate the engine config. You can input the actual BHPs at altitudes and adjust things until the curves match.
  15. Concur with Kasper concurring with Cpt. Kipard. The requirement for source is for plugins, not assets. Yes, if you release under the same license (CDDL-1), with attribution to the original developer, it will be fine.
  16. Genius Evil: Use the HS60something propeller. That's the 13ft Hamilton Standard that the F4U-4 used, and is basically the same as the 13-footers all the late/postwar radials used. For the Wasp Major, you'll want to probably just use the R-2800-18W and increase the HP accordingly; alas I don't simulate three blower speeds yet, so you'll miss out on either low or high blower (neutral blower will always be the in as "low speed" because otherwise you won't get sufficient takeoff BHP). I think now I have the Double Wasps using neutral and high, skipping low, but at one point they were neutral and low, skipping high (which was kinda-simulated by increasing ram air recovery effectiveness).
  17. DaMichel: that's because the interstage adapter only has a decoupler in itself so that KER/MJ don't get confused; it doesn't actually decouple anything. The upper stage / payload / whatever is held in place by the fairings (remember the node is floating, there's nothing else to support the upper stage / payload), so as long as the fairing sides are there, the stage/payload will be held in place. The only exception is if you have KJR. In that case, KJR turns the fake decoupler into a real decoupler, so you can make interstage shrouds.
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