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Everything posted by NathanKell

  1. MysteriousSteve: Yes it did, the Block E. It was a small kick stage, the same one used for the Luna missions. See here. Also, wikipedia's main pic for the Vostok program shows the spacecraft still attached to the Block E. Beale: Very nice! For the volumes, you can just use the tonnage of kero + lox in each core and booster, and linearly scale them all down, so the same ratio between core and booster fuel is kept.
  2. Which have no problems when CrossFeedEnabler is installed, right? I mean, I radially mount all my hydrazine tanks...
  3. Nope, the point of Real Fuels, like most of my mods, is to replace KSP ~magic~ with reality. Making things use magic fuel flow is...kinda counter to the point. In particular, it's a very *good* thing that RCS fuel doesn't flow through interstages or solid walls in RF. With CrossFeedEnabler, there really isn't a need for magic fuel flow rules, and there's a lot of need for *not* having them.
  4. 1. Not a crash log, an output log. 2. No searching necessary.
  5. dreadicon: thanks, and you too take your time! Surgery is never fun... I'll take a peek at the configs in case I can discern the issue. JRA, thanks for catching that. I had thought I had all the old-names fixed, but had not counted on other mods doing that. Yes, that is a truly ancient link btw. I'll cook up a patch to run on FINAL to try to fix that sort of thing though. Dragon01: Indeed yes. It's planned, I've just been super busy. But since I saw you had the FX nearly done, I'll speed it up.
  6. Please follow the instructions in the How To Get Support sticky.
  7. If RSSROConfig = true (it's case sensitive) then "nonRO" should not be applied. That's puzzling. Can you upload an example cfg?
  8. I have not moved the above posts to the DRE thread, so that all parties can see all responses. But if anyone wants to respond further, please do take your conversation to that thread.
  9. Thread closed due to new management; OvenProofMars, if you (or anyone else) wants this reopened, let us know.
  10. Felger is currently doing biomes for RSS. I don't think he's done Titan yet, though. You might want to ask also on the RSS thread in case someone else has.
  11. Closed by request, discussion is moving over there. If you (CKANers) want this reopened so discussion can be separated by topic, let us know.
  12. You might want to ask your question about Deadly Reentry in the Deadly Reentry thread...
  13. This is a massive enough project, and will provide massive enough advantages for pretty much all of us, that it's now stickied. Congratulations on a great release!
  14. Any kerolox engine designer would kill for a sea level specific impulse of 363 seconds (SSME). That's higher than the vacuum Isp of kerolox upper stage engines! By contrast the J-2 is an upper stage engine, so of course it's going to be optimized for vacuum and the upper atmosphere. The real problem is that since no lower stage uses the first stage as payload, the returns on making it lighter are next to nonexistent (especially if by doing so you make it cost more). By contrast, if you make an upper stage twice as heavy it requires the equivalent of two of the old rockets under it. The N1, despite having a far, far more efficient engine in its first stage, and massing about what Saturn V did, had a LEO payload capacity of only 3/4 Saturn V. But the real kicker is it had a TLI (i.e. puts it on course for the moon) payload of half what Saturn V did. That's due to the efficiency difference between kerolox and hydrolox for a third stage. BTW Hancer I answered your questions in the RF thread if you didn't see it yet.
  15. Never thought I'd say this, but I agree with Dragon on all counts!
  16. Can't you do (on the OP) edit post->go advanced, and change the title there? If not, I can do it, sure.
  17. You're very welcome! Don't pay any mind to the number of patches, that's not so very related to what's installed (except to the extent that probably that number will go up as you install more mods...)
  18. JRA, that sounds like an install issue. However, KSP does always produce a log, and that's what I need. Here is a very helpful thread on how to get support (and what info we need to help).
  19. Xenon2462: Neat! Folks, there *is* a license statement. That said, Xenon2462, could you make the license a bit clearer? The public is free to...what? Do you mean you're releasing this as Public Domain? Thanks. And finally, no, pictures are not required. While pictures can often help show off a mod, the "no pix no clix" mantra is really annoying...
  20. All prior RO releases are available from the Releases page on the repo.
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