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Everything posted by NathanKell

  1. You should reinstall KSP, to make sure you have all the original files. Then carefully install mods one by one, following their instructions, and report back if something breaks. Note that if you're on a Mac, you need to *merge* when you put stuff in your KSP folder, as OS X by default will replace your existing GameData folder with the new one you're dragging...
  2. The problem is that proc parts can be anything from a 10cm x 10cm sphere, to a 10m x 50m Saturn S-IC stage tank (or much, much more, like ferram's Eotena). I understand the constraints you want to operate under, and you're right that it might not be worth the effort, but if you think a mere doubling in size is worth special handling, a factor of a thousand also warrants it.
  3. Please follow the directions in the How To Get Support (READ FIRST) sticky.
  4. I do recall something about Internals being more limited with MODEL support, but nothing specific, sorry.
  5. That said, KSP is anything but poly-limited. So don't be scared of reasonable facecounts.
  6. It was done a lot in pre-WW2 and WW2. The Seversky P-35 is one example.
  7. Ven: in that case, you might add an exhaust pipe for it (so it looks like the 11D33M), or maybe make an alternate model of it without the two pumps (which would look a good deal like the AJ10 from Able/Delta, at least the nozzle portion with the rest hidden: Vanguard's install and Delta's). Or you might consider making the 48-7S look like the latter...
  8. KJR lerps between a gravity of 0 and a correct gravity over the first few frames after loading. Sounds like due to that the craft doesn't reach the runway until after your mod reenables destructability. Options might be to have a larger invincible window, or a larger one only when KJR is detected.
  9. Hmm, did you finally add the blackout/redout filters that should have been in at the start of kerbal G damage? Reflectivity should be bumped up for 64K, I think, and moreso for RSS.
  10. The loss and dissipation floatcurves that are part of the DeadlyReentry module, I mean.
  11. That is quite confusing, since it works perfectly for me. In GameData you have the folders 0RevampBak and zFinal, yes?
  12. 1. Hardcode means "Mu wrote the numbers in the code". It is possible to write a plugin to change contracts after they've been generated, however. 2. Nope, if you are in atmosphere, your vessel situation will be FLYING_HIGH not SUBORBITAL or ORBIT.
  13. Yes, now that that file has other stuff in it, DRE will need its own "non-RO heatshields for RSS" file...
  14. Problem with moving KSC is that when you move a PQSCity, you need to rebuild the sphere afterwards, I think. That will make all terrain disappear and the game pause for a few seconds. The alternate approach, cloning the model everywhere, would work better I think.
  15. Once you see the problem occurring, force quit (alt-F4 if on PC) immediately. That will mean that the most recent bit of your log will be from when it's happening, which, if it's due to (say) exceptions being thrown, will make it *much* easier to find. Right now I have no idea.
  16. Please don't bump threads.. There's actually a lot of people who answer support requests, but you might have to wait a few hours before someone gets to one. As Master Ninja, err Tao, says, we need more information (versions of mods, for example). However, I was able to find the problem. You ran out of memory. Try using ATM aggressive (if you are not already), and if that fails remove some parts from one of your part packs.
  17. As I suspected, one of your parts wants a resource that doesn't exist. Looks like you may have nuked your Squad/Resources/ResourcesGeneric.cfg file.
  18. If you run KSP windowed (or in a borderless window, so it looks like it's full screen) it will run in the background. You can do that via the launcher, or via setting FULL_SCREEN = False (in settings.cfg) and using the argument -popupwindow when starting KSP.
  19. Ah, sorry, you seemed a bit annoyed in your last post and I didn't want to further annoy. :] It's definitely worth trying some higher-TWR launches heading for LEO (LKO if 10x Kerbin, which IIRC you use rather than RSS). Also, without throttling... I get persistently quite high temperatures on my fairings (~650C which is beyond the "burning point" if maxtemp is lowered to 700) during the middle of the ascent. And that's with a liftoff TWR of about 1.2; it would be much, much worse for high liftoff TWR LVs (i.e. US solid-assisted LVs).
  20. I for one very much like the idea of a plug nozzle aerospike rather than the full spike stock has (which, AFAIK, has never ever been used on a real aerospike engine). GregroxMun: that sounds very strange. So let me get this straight: you have installed both this mod (stock revamp) and SXT, and then moved all the files from GameData in my zip into your GameData? My zip doesn't replace either mod. Ven: the LV-909, what cycle is it supposed to be using? I don't see a preburner, but I also don't see an exhaust; it does have two turbopumps, so it's not pressure-fed...
  21. Have you considered moving the 0.625m parts to the start, and the 1.25ms to the early Rocketry nodes?
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