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Everything posted by NathanKell

  1. AFAIK all Fine Print contracts are fine. The only problematic contracts are the stock "test part suborbital" and "test part in orbit" contracts, which use hardcoded altitude ranges. The Rescue Kerbal contracts use the asteroid generation code IIRC, so they're fine.
  2. Please wait for it to hang, force quit (alt-F4 if on PC), and follow the instructions here for posting the log.
  3. Chris is about to release an update. I would wait until then, see if it fixes the problem, and if not post a support request on the real chute thread following this guide (as that is the only format Chris will accept, due to too many info-less requests).
  4. A special module would need to be written for Tweakscale functionality, due to the curves. Looks very nice!
  5. magico13: Profuse apologies for not Reading The Fine Thread re: Kerbal Konstructs. :] I will try it with RSS (6.4x, to eliminate RO shenanigans). As regex is on hiatus, and even before that (i.e. months ago) shuttered the campaign system I don't foresee the pad cooldown stuff getting written any time soon. I would *love* it if KCT stored state for each individual launch site--indeed, complete state, upgrades to one VAB shouldn't carry over to another. Your sandbox methodology sounds great to me, for the record. EDIT: After searching and not finding any hits for procedural, have procedural parts been discussed? How are they handled? IMO the best bet would be to store the "OnSave" confignode as a fingerprint, and not count a part as a rebuild unless its OnSave confignode matched the stored one. But that would mean you could have potentially hundreds of different Proc Part entries in the Stored Parts list.
  6. It's probably a part trying to load a resource that doesn't exist. That's usually what makes loading die. However, only a log will say for sure, and note that the text displayed may not have a relation to what it's *actually* dying on.
  7. Just a quick note: I have a working set of MM configs to allow SXT to work with this. Ven, I hate to make a request, but could you do the LV-909 as two mus, welded via MODEL nodes? So we can have the possibility of removing the toroidal tank and just having the engine and the frame stringers? (If you're willing to do that, could you do the same for the Skipper's tankbutt, since it expands well past the diameter of the nozzle? That's lower priority though since it won't look out of place as much.) I'm making these requests because while I need to talk to RedAV8R, I'm fully in favor of making this a required mod for Realism Overhaul...the engines (and everything else too of course, but...the engines! <3) just look so wonderful.
  8. I now have a working MM config for Ven <-> SXT. In particular, I have a generator for it (via xls), so as Ven's mod adds more replaces, I can tick off more textures. I based this off what Lack posted (thanks Lack). Note that instead of the folders as Lack uploaded them, I created a 0RevampBak folder in GameData and then entirely replicate the original paths (i.e NASAMission/Parts/Size2LFB rather than Lack's zip where it's just Parts/Size2LFB). Also, I do not include any unrevamped textures (but they are zipped in case of later use). Here's the whole package. Stuff in GameData goes in GameData; the xls is if you want to see how I did it. somnambulist, I am waiting with baited breath. That sounds great, and should definitely go in 0.90.
  9. Anything that compiles to CLR is fine, so C++CLI will work, IIRC. eggrobin (who is making Principia) is doing almost all his coding in native C++ with just an interface dll to sit between.
  10. Even with FAR, things are a problem (wing interaction is still borked for flaps). However, ferram is doing some pretty amazing magic with wings right now (check the FAR thread) so stay tuned. I'll try to get a patch so it at least sortaworks with NEAR in the mean time.
  11. Starwaster: if you're only hitting a max of ~3Gs, you're totally missing the issue. Most (early) real life launchers hit 7+Gs on ascent. Heck, Thor-Able (aka Thor-Delta aka Delta) hit over thirteen Gs at burnout, even including residuals. That has absolutely nothing to do with RO. My main point, however, is this. First you talk about going to ~700C across the board. Then you talk about the shuttle ET being rated for 1000C. It seems reasonable to me to treat nose cones and rocket stages as being similarly insulated. That said, if you're fed up with this, I'll shut up and just try to get RealHeat working. I don't mean to pick a fight. Wanderfound: Don't blame ferram, that's my pull request (took all of twenty minutes, IIRC, it was very barebones). Ferram is doing all sorts of magic with wings right now, it'll probably get obsoleted soon.
  12. I have played career on this just fine with Fine Print. Unlike stock KSP, Fine Print doesn't hardcode orbital altitude...
  13. If you're using blizzy's toolbar, you'll need to click the downarrow to configure the toolbar and add the TACLS button. If you're not, not sure where the button is.
  14. Whenever a vessel is loaded, the parts are cloned from the part prefabs. If the prefab doesn't contain your module, then it won't persist between scenes, and you'll have to re-add it every scene.
  15. Yep, missing the factor of 9.80665 (or, rounded to 9.81...or, if you're KSP, it's rounded to 9.82 because...who knows.) I goofed earlier too: it relates *weight* of fuel to thrust, so lb vs lb, or N vs N. If you're comparing mass of fuel and thrust, you need g0 in the mix.
  16. That indeed breaks things, so you want to put all the shared stuff in an earlier-loading folder (and why SXT is alphabetically after Squad).
  17. That's exactly what I thought you did, hence the puzzled query.
  18. Question: how does KCT interact with RealSolarSystem's KSCSwitcher, and with Kerbtown/Kerbal Konstructs? RSS moves KSC, the latter add new spawn points.
  19. Are you sure that's the correct log? RSS appears to have completed successfully, then you alt-tab out of the game.
  20. No, no it doesn't If your plane flies in NEAR, unless it's a milliplane, it will fly fine in FAR. I really, really don't understand why people assume that modeling less = things are easier, or that a GUI being *present*, even if unopened, somehow makes it ~Le Too Hardz~. Starwaster: Yes, it's true the ET needs protection. But that means that rocket fuel tanks, and nosecones, and everything else exposed to the airstream should get similar protection, rather than having a destruction point (remember, parts start burning at 85% of max, so the real "death temp" is lower) of about 600C. I say this, having been in 6.4x for a bit and recently returning to RO, where yes, I *do* think that temperature increases too much.
  21. Doesn't matter if there's a crash log, there's always a log. Follow the steps in this helpful sticky to get the log. Thank you for including the versions.
  22. Do you have Terrain Scatter on? Maybe for some reason the scatter meshes are refusing to load, being replaced by Unity primitives?
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