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Everything posted by NathanKell

  1. Wait, so you're not even playing the current version of KSP and you're trying to convince us we're wrong about the general stability of the x64 version of the current version of KSP? You know, the one where Squad said it's less stable than .24? ... On the topic of this thread: While it is factually true that There Will Be Trolls/Jerks/etc., as I said before it's a colossal dodge of responsibility on all our parts if we think that absolves us of the need to, each and every one of us, confront them. I don't believe people are unchangeable, but even if I did there's a far cry from "there's a jerk every few pages of thread" to "there's a jerk every few pages of thread, who promptly gets piled on by everyone else." Can you see how the latter is much, much less dispiriting for mod makers?
  2. Augustus: if you can give me another fix-six hours a day, and/or take over a few of the mods I'm maintaining and also my job, then sure. MCFG22: Sorry, what does the Np stand for in this instance? All I know of is "no problem"... For editing terrain, you would want to edit the various PQSMods that create the terrain. Please watch to get an overview of how terrain works in KSP.
  3. PhaserArray: I have no plans for this at all, other than fixing bugs. I would, in fact, be extremely happy if someone were willing to add that stuff (or anything else) but I'm *way* overstretched myself. cipherpunks: use Realism Overhaul and Real Fuels. Everything will be as correct as we can make it. Do you have stats on Ni-H2? I couldn't find any in the wiki; RF battery mass and volume is based on my best guesses....
  4. On the contrary, NEAR is *less* forgiving. NEAR does not model mach effects, thus you have much, much less drag super/hypersonic, and thus reentries are much, much harder than they should be. Use FAR.
  5. As dio says, presumably something broke during part loading, but to know what we need the log (the one the linked sticky thread tells you how to get).
  6. LethalDose: consider it possible that a person is playing modded KSP (in this case RSS + RO, so the *actual* SLS Block 2 with the *actual* SRBs. Going to a TWR of 0.8 when you're only two minutes into ascent is Very Bad News on RSS.)
  7. The mountains and other terrain *are* scaled up as well. I've been trying a generic DRE config, since I noticed the config only touches a couple parts, not all heat shields (????).
  8. Any disabled checks should only be winx64 checks IMO; you can just find/replace IsAllCompatible with IsCompatible in most cases.
  9. Ferram answered there, as did I: it's stock KSP. If you want them to have fuel, play KSP.
  10. Of course they work in Linux. KSP Linux x64 is stable, and thus we see no reason to lock plugins on it.
  11. No textures are procedural. The only procedural stuff is on PQSs (and the closest to texture would be vertex color), but Jool doesn't even have a PQS.
  12. Here: https://github.com/rbray89/EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements/raw/Overhaul/x86-Release.zip FennexFox: Very cool!
  13. Check BTSM, not sure if that removes the jetpack or just zeroes the fuel though.
  14. I reported the issue on Github. I think ferram is aware by now.
  15. Ruedii, KSP plugins are architecture independent. Errors you encounter in Win x64 are not due to mods, and the fact that we can do nothing about the problems, and that nonetheless people blame the mods is a very, very large contributing factor to why a number of us disabled our plugins on KSP Windows x64. (For example, all the stuff you talk about applies to KSP and to Unity. Please make those suggestions to those devs.) I mean, heck, I'd love to be proven wrong. Maybe we're using unsafe x86 code and we just somehow don't know it.
  16. Can't speak about balance, but stock solar panels are about 10-20x more powerful than real life ones, although they also mass considerably more than real life. It's only made worse by the power curves not following an inverse-square curve, however.
  17. The falling appears to be an issue with scaled planets. Somewhere past 6.4x scaling but before 10x/RSS it kicks in, but only for planes (???)
  18. RSS operates via .cfg files. You can open the RealSolarSystem.cfg file to see an example of what RSS does. What exactly are you trying to do?
  19. Looks like you maybe need to make a clean install and install the latest B9? Bunch of exceptions in the log from RPM.
  20. Not quite. It should be ^.*Squad/ since texture keys get texture = model00, path/to/model00 (the path is after the texture name). Though the code is correct for the problem *as stated.*
  21. That's not what the sticky tells you to add, and that's not what we need. Please follow the guidelines in the How To Get Support sticky.
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