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Everything posted by NathanKell

  1. That looks like a very complete pack of the "add MJ to everything" MM script floating around! Cool! One note, though: you will need to add the license to the post (and inside the zip), and you will need to make reference to the included Module Manager in the zip's readme and attribute Module Manager per the terms of its license, as well as including, or pointing out where one might find, Module Manager's license.
  2. Before we get too diverted, I want to point out that in general this community is quite good at, when someone asks *how* do to something, answering. And most modders will be much more willing to help someone learn how to do something, than contribute code/assets to yet another "idea" mod.
  3. Awww yisss. That is definitely a Serious Business rocket.
  4. There's an old integration config for Kethane bundled with RealFuels, but I don't even know if it works anymore, sorry. Some folks on the RF thread have been talking about ISRU recently, and there might be something soon.
  5. You should keep the KAE a mod comes with, with the mod. KAE is set up such that the mod will call the assembly it expects, and multiple versions will not collide.
  6. I enabled procedural cost support. I did not, however, balance it against stock, sorry. Partly because I don't know how, because I don't play stock. Any and all feedback on costs greatly appreciated (and has been requested before too).
  7. That integration config appears to be from this fork of 6.4x.
  8. Just a friendly note: if you're releasing anything that's compiled, you do need to supply (at least a link to) source with it. (-your friendly neighborhood mod who is *very* interested in these developments...)
  9. @MODULE[ModuleEnginesFX],0 or ,1 could also do @MODULE[ModuleEngines*]:HAS[#engineID[Xenon]] or [Monopropellant]
  10. Regarding part scaling, I think the best policy is to make everything at 100% actual scale, and then scale down if desired for Kerbal play. That should give the most flexibility. Regarding style, since the source art we have is photorealisitc, and this is all either real, or derived-from-real, or as-real-as-possible hardware, I think maintaining a photorealistic style makes sense.
  11. Use a procedural interstage to adapt one size to another.
  12. Suggestion: use ModuleManager to change the predeployment pressures of parachutes to something much, much higher (to like .26+ instead of 0.01). Then by default parachutes will only open when it's kinda-sorta safe, probably. Also, chutes will not be cut on armed or predeployed, only semi-deployed or fully deployed.
  13. All masses ingame are in metric tons unless specified otherwise. For engines, you can cluster multiple engines. Not very many real life engines in that range, pretty much everyone clusters. If you get BobCat's Soviet Engines pack, though, you'll get 2MN (RD-191) and 4MN (RD-180) kerolox...also, anything including the RS-68 will give you a 3.4MN hydrolox booster.
  14. I have moved the Deadly Reentry-related posts to the DRE thread.
  15. You need to open it in an image program that reads the alpha channel of a PNG separately. If Photoshop, get SuperPNG. Then select the file in the open dialog, then hold down Alt (I think? Maybe control?) when clicking Open. Right now you're only seeing the alpha channel (which shows what's above/below water level). Also you need to supply an oceanColor.
  16. What you should get from the export system in RSS is a diffuse (color) texture and a heightmap. Use a plugin to PS or Gimp (or Crazybump, which is much better) to generate the normal map from the heightmap.
  17. This was the original description of the tweakables system. I would certainly like to see it.
  18. They need to be fed by a (highly) pressurized tank. Anything listed as type ServiceModule is that thing. So Proc Parts tank switched to ServiceModule (or Fuselage), or an RCS tank.
  19. 1. EVE comes in regular or Low Resolution. 2. Are you on a Mac? If not, don't worry about Merge. Mac's default behavior, when you drop a folder somewhere already containing a folder of that name, is to wipe out the old folder rather than merge the contents together. The latter happens by default in every other OS. 3. Mods are installed into GameData. EVE comes with its own GameData folder; thus you extract that folder into your KSP install folder and merge the contents of EVE's GameData with the original GameData. Thus you "dump the contents of the EVE zip" (i.e. GameData) into your KSP folder, where on non-Mac OSs it will ask you if you want to merge the folders; choose yes. On OSX you have to drag it a special way to get the merge functionality.
  20. I have updated the link-to-pack post with a link to the current dev release, which should work (mostly), in particular not crashing via RF 8!
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