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Everything posted by NathanKell

  1. Just a note: while regex pulled PID Tuner, and you must absolutely not poke him about it, it is released under the BSD 2-clause license and thus can be redistributed.
  2. RedAV8R: 1. Cool! Yeah, it just seemed to fit so well. Have to give it a gimbal on the thrust transform itself, which won't be pretty, but will work. 2. In KSP 0.25+, hold down ALT to disable surface attach. It will default to on if available, but it is toggleable that way (as it was/is via Editor Extensions ALT-R command). And as for surface-attaching F-1s, FAR will just rip them off, so I wouldn't worry about it. Though 4 radial F-1s plus nose cones will look rather like the bottom of the Saturn V, I think, so there's that too. Regarding TweakScale integration: sounds like OSX/Linux search upper case before lower case paths? In that case, try renaming the folder tweakScaleIntegration. The main point is that it must load *after* the TweakScale main plugins (in TweakScale/plugins [which is annoyingly lower case] ) and also after RealFuels/Plugins. If that fixes it, I'll change the case for next release. Thanks!
  3. You pick and choose parts. For example, you can remove all fuel tanks because of Procedural Parts. Also, Active Texture Management. Get the aggressive version. Finally, lower the resolution of your planet textures as necessary (there are 8192s, 4096s, and 2048s).
  4. Yes, RF + Stockalike RF configs are just about perfect for this. Not sure about what's complicated in the install...
  5. You actually don't want to use the releases release, it's old. Sorry, should have given you a link I guess. Use this.
  6. pingopete: in the main REALSOLARSYSTEM node, you can add: cam00Near cam00Far cam01Near cam01Far camSSNear camSSFar They will be applied globally, unless there is an override in a particular body node, like Kerbin {} could have cam01Near = something else and it would override the global value.
  7. You're referencing DockingNode as the docking transform, but I highly doubt engines have such a transform. :] You can try referencing some other transform that *does* exist, but I don't know what's required of a transform for it to be usable by that module.
  8. It's worth noting that this mod is *not* Realism Overhaul, which tries to model real engines; this is Stockalike RF Configs, which merely tries to give realistic Isp and TWR to stock engines without changing their role. If you want a Raptor, this probably isn't the place.
  9. For the record, I offer unlocked RSS by request by PM, same with all my mods.
  10. Thanks for supplying log and modlist with versions! Out of memory crash. You need Active Texture Management.
  11. This sounds like a stock issue, if it's occurring without mods. I am thus moving to Umodded Installs, and would ask you to examine the stickies in this forum.
  12. If Squad's code changed how it handles rescaling textures, then sure.
  13. A nontrivial number of support requests for my mods have come from people using mod managers (which sometimes install wrongly). I'm eagerly awaiting CKAN. As for myself, I have about 6 installs right now (all manual, until CKAN).
  14. Depends what you want. Honestly, unless you're using KIDS just for thrust correction, I'd suggest not using KIDS at all. It's very possible, you just have to build Mun rockets for orbit, and Duna rockets for Mun.
  15. Ah. The Overhaul works better. If you want to use 7-4, you will need to nuke main.tga, the take the main.png from the OP and offset it 2048 pixels left (i.e. 1/4 the width) and then flip it horizontally.
  16. For the record, gameplay changes are no less or more likely to break when KSP updates than anything else; but yeah, EVE is a good place to start for beautification. Actually, the stuff that doesn't need updating is usually parts; plugins of any type often (though not always) need updating.
  17. Nodes in files get converted to actual objects/components/etc once the PART{} is compiled into a Part. Yes, you can definitely add and remove MeshFilter components; I forget the exact code, but Unity docs should tell you how. Just how procedural do you want to get? Proc Fairings and Proc Parts actually generate the meshes, so you don't need to add and remove MeshFilters, just change their vertices and face lists.
  18. It might be worth considering scaling the fuel costs to bring them inline with KSP costs? While RF uses 1 root = $1000USD in 1965 (as, I think, RO will) people playing this config pack might want to play a traditional campaign. You also should consider giving engines appropriate costs if you do not already do so; the final cost column of the spreadsheet can be useful here.
  19. Verniers are merely engines with a fair amount of gimbal that are placed next to larger engines. They are used to control attitude and for fine adjustments in final velocity. Example: Atlas sustainer has a 350kN engine, and two 5kN verniers. The main engine does gimbal, but since there's only one, it can't provide roll control. The main engine shuts off when the velocity is almost as desired; the low-thrust verniers then thrust for a few seconds to a few dozen seconds to provide the precise velocity desired. Ullage motors are either liquid or solid motors that ullage your propellants (i.e. provide a bit of acceleration so the propellants settle to the bottom of the tanks and the engines don't suck gas instead). This is needed so you can start engines reliably when not under thrust or on the surface of a body. You can use RCS (which really aren't any different from any other liquid engines, except that they are fed by propellant bladders that don't require ullaging, usually), or if you only need it once some small solids. Phredward: which version of EVE? What files are in that folder?
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