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Everything posted by NathanKell

  1. Sorry, we do indeed need more information than that. Please follow the guidelines in the How To Get Support sticky. My guess is you're running out of memory (Better Atmospheres takes a lot of RAM) but to confirm, we need more info.
  2. Welcome! Right now there isn't a good way to do that; Planet Factory is long dead, and Kopernicus is not quite ready yet. You can however use Kopernicus to clone planets and then use RSS to edit the clones...
  3. Planets are procedurally generated *in* the Kerbol system, but everyone shares the same seed. There are a number of planets that have no heightmap, and thus their terrain is *entirely* procedurally generated. Minmus is an example. It's just that the seed is kept constant, so everyone gets the same Minmus.
  4. But...they don't have heightmaps stock. You shouldn't need one to match, just increase the deformity and decrease the frequency of the procedural PQSMods and you should get exactly the same planet, just 10x bigger. Aaaand once again I fail to see there's a "next page". Pity pity ninjawaster.
  5. KSP, stock, considers density linearly related to pressure. FAR, however, will calculate density based off pressure, temperature, and gas laws. So that post is correct for stock KSP but not for FAR. The problem is that using FAR's approach, you need to know the temperature at a given height, and unlike pressure, temperature is not set by formula but by interpolating from a table of height-temperature keys (and not linearly, either). This is why I was talking about using code to get what the temperature would be, since you can only get at Squad's data ingame (unless you write a plugin to dump it). Apologies for my lack of clarity before. Put another way, while pressure is calculable via a scale height exponential decay equation*, density (which is not the same thing) is not, or at least is not in FAR. *only holds true if you're on a planet whose atmospheric pressure is set in the legacy manner. All planets with atmospheres in RSS, by contrast, use pressure curves.
  6. Liquid Ammonia is indeed cryogenic; boiling point of -78C. That said, I'm reworking how boiloff works due to Northstar1989's info... Edit: ninja'd by Starwaster; will fix that too.
  7. You can add the following node inside any body node (like Kerbin{} ): Export { resolution = 1024 // the width of the maps to export. Height will be half this. maxHeight = 14000 // the maximum variation in height in meters (i.e. height of tallest peak + depth of deepest ocean trench / crater oceanColor = 0.1255, 0.22353, 0.35683 // the color to make the ocean. DO NOT INCLUDE if the body doesn't have an ocean or you want to render a color map showing the color of the sea floor. }
  8. Focus on a planet in Tracking Station (or map view) and click the info tabs. You'll get info.
  9. pressure at any given height is given either by e^(-height_in_km / planet_scaleHeight) [ if CelestialBody.legacyAtmosphere is true ] OR the evaluation of CelestialBody.pressureCurve for that height in km [ if CelestialBody.legacyAtmosphere is false] Temperature is given by evaluating CelestialBody.temperatureCurve at the given height The gas constants for Kerbin's atmosphere are given in FAR's atmosphere data cfg. IIRC R is 287.06 or so.
  10. density = pressure / (R_air * temperature_absolute). Kerbin uses Earth's atmosphere's gas constants in FAR.
  11. Note that rocket propellants are placed in pressurized tanks. Yes, even pump-fed (vs. pressure fed) engines need pressurized tanks, but pressure-fed engines need highly pressurized tanks (which mass a lot more). This means two things: 1. Tanks mass more than your average car/airplane gas tank 2. Tanks generally are rounded, so the walls can be made strong with limited reinforcement (usually tanks are capsule / pill-shaped, though sometimes spherical or toroidal) #2 in particular means you can't just take the (exterior) volume of an object and say "that's how much propellant it holds." The "tank" parts you see in KSP are really stages, inside which are two or more capsule tanks. This means a fair amount (somewhere between 10 and 25%) of the volume is not utilized by the tank. That's why the volume available doesn't correspond to a calculation of the volume of the part. As for what tank type to use, I suggest probably Default. But you will need to handle interaction with FAR for mass...you should ignore any basemass and only increase above and beyond FAR's mass based on tank mass.
  12. For the record, as Senshi said I am fine with RF without disabling on Winx64 being distributed in Senshi's thread and maintained and supported by Senshi. While I share ferram's belief that I will have to deal with bug reports (or rather, won't be able to deal with them, because the bugs are not in my code and not fixable by me), I think that the locking has by and large served one of its main purposes, which was to change the conversation on the forums and at Squad from "mods are broken on Winx64" to "Winx64 is broken." For the people it is not broken for, or is not visibly-and-always broken (since a lot can break under the surface), however, it *is* a problem. It's not a "mod community divided" or an "x64-x86 war" as some of the posts have mentioned; I think I can safely say I want x64 as much as anyone (RSS in 8192x4096 for all planets!) but we're just not there yet (unless we're happy little penguins and run Linux x64). Here, however, is my call to action. Please don't just say "people gonna people." If you see someone complaining about mods breaking x64, or with an x64 instability-related issue, don't assume it's just going to happen and you can't stop it. Say something. Only with the help of the community can we change the community, indeed, only with the help of the community can we maintain this community as the one we cherish. Yes, it's true that there are lots of people who Y THIS NO WORK FIX NAOW. But that problem can be helped if everybody pitches in, and in particular, that can ease the stress of your favorite modders if their Hobson's choice isn't either to deal with every, even rude, bug report ever (and perhaps get goatse in return), or to let people post about how mod x is bad and broken and you shouldn't use it. Together we can make this, keep this, a better place for everyone.
  13. you can increase the density of the AeroFX on LateUpdate, which increases their strength. It's how DRE tweaks them.
  14. You should not be swapping around DLLs that come with mods. Install the mod as the readme dictates. The mod will be compiled for a given version of KSPAPIExtensions, and will ship with that version; that's the version it should use. If the mod is causing errors on .25, the mod will need to be updated. Sadly Space Shuttle Engines is in limbo right now because dtobi has offered it up for a successor, but hasn't gotten back to any applicants...
  15. Which you can do be using the Export node via RSS. That's what it's there for.
  16. As mentioned above, "Realistic" with planets the size of Kerbin just isn't that hard, and no matter what Deadly Reentry does, its model doesn't really allow it to be realistic anyway (hence the paused but done-eventually RealHeat). I would offer some caution regarding playing with density exponent rather than shockwave multiplier/shockwave exponent/heat multiplier. Density exponent changes the height at which heating occurs; the others actually change how much heating there is. If you want to tweak how much heating there is, I would use the latter bunch first.
  17. Use Part Angle Display. You can rotate objects in as tiny steps as you like. Want 0.25 degrees down trim? Sure.
  18. You can calculate it: get the vacuum thrust and vacuum Isp of the SLS core. Get the burn times of the SRBs. Calculate how much fuel would be burnt as tons fuel = burn time in s * thrust in MN / IspV / 9.80665. Subtract that tonnage from the stack, then calculate TWR.
  19. Oh goodness no, I mean define more GroundStations in the RT settings file. You can give lat, long, altitude, and range (give it something obscene for range). That's how you have red dots on the planet, for reference. Also, in the RO thread, next to where RT is linked, there's a link to CerberusRCAF's config that adds a small groundstation by every possible space center location. That'll show you how it's done. Very cool work you were doing!
  20. I believe they let you key animations to the deployment phase, and to the transmission (i.e. a progress animation).
  21. Sorry about the clipping, didn't notice at the time I either fed you wrong info or something got lost. Corrected the camera lines to be as they are in the source code. My pleasure!
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