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Everything posted by NathanKell

  1. tater et al, I am currently having a blast playing career. Indeed, I find the rewards on Normal to be a bit too easy (though Hard for funds was a bit too little cash). I've been playing without RealFuels, although with all other realism mods (and yes, KIDS with multipliers of 1.0 but thrust correction enaged), including AJE, and it's great. I did roll my own fork of Stock Rebalance, and made a few tweaks to KSAEA (and will make some more, since I want to start with .625m parts). Fine Print is great too. The only problems you will run into on career are: 1. A lot of the stock contracts' altitudes are hard-coded, thus you will get "test suborbital" or "orbit" contracts with altitudes inside the atmosphere. 2. Stock/FP contract rewards don't realize how expensive it is to go BLKO vs. Low Kerbin Orbit, and thus while orbital contracts may pay too much, "build a 20 ton station on the surface of the Mun" may pay vastly too little.
  2. And I, by contrast, mean exactly what I said and you quoted.
  3. What takes up memory is textures. Placing another tree takes a few kb for the position/rotation/scale and the link to the meshrender, nothing more. Unless you mean more tree *models* rather than just more trees that have the same look.
  4. I am not aware of any off the top of my head. However, you should be able to get sufficient control by placing them all above the fuselage/wings such that they will be shielded.
  5. The reason you will not encounter issues is because no mods are incompatible with KSP Windows x64. The problem with KSP Windows x64 is that it, itself, is broken for many people. If it is not broken for you, then mods will not break it. If it is, then nothing can be done.
  6. In KSP's own settings menu you can swap between Kerbal time and Earth time.
  7. HotRockets depends on SmokeScreen to do anything. That's like removing ModuleManager and noticing the changes it applies are no longer applied.
  8. Starwaster, I mean in conjunction with lowering the heat multiplier and/or buffing shields. Not *only* changing the exponent.
  9. That all sounds most excellent to me. On a ballistic reentry from LEO, peak heating on RSS should be about 50km with density exponent of 0.5 (i.e. real life). As for heat shield patching, here is a MM patch I just wrote for 6.4x Kerbin if you need ideas: // Wildcard @PART[*]:HAS[@MODULE[ModuleHeatShield]]:WHATEVER_PASS { @maxTemp = 1800 @MODULE[ModuleHeatShield] { @loss { @key,1 ^= :^1000 :: @key,1 ^= : 0 0:: @key,1 *= 3 @key,1 ^= :$: 0 0: @key,1 ^= :^:2500 : @key,2 ^= :^3000 :: @key,2 ^= : 0 0:: @key,2 *= 5 @key,2 ^= :$: 0 0: @key,2 ^= :^:7500 : } @dissipation { @key,1 ^= :^500:400: } } }
  10. Eve's rotation should be somewhere between 1/4 and 1/2 the speed it was in stock KSP, depending on which rotation-speed configs you're using. Here is, as promised, my generic DRE patch (place it *above* the existing patches in the DRE patch file in the 64K folder): // Wildcard @PART[*]:HAS[@MODULE[ModuleHeatShield]]:FINAL { @maxTemp = 1800 @MODULE[ModuleHeatShield] { @loss { @key,1 ^= :^1000 :: @key,1 ^= : 0 0:: @key,1 *= 3 @key,1 ^= :$: 0 0: @key,1 ^= :^:2500 : @key,2 ^= :^3000 :: @key,2 ^= : 0 0:: @key,2 *= 5 @key,2 ^= :$: 0 0: @key,2 ^= :^:7500 : } @dissipation { @key,1 ^= :^500:400: } } } Paul, can you put this on github so I can do PRs?
  11. Does this skip PluginData folders? If not, that will cause all sorts of problems...(since anything in PluginData is skipped by KSP's loader and is loaded manually by plugins with explicit filenames...)
  12. Irrespective of any thread maintenance, more people helping out with PRs is great! And a highly simplified career mode sounds *great*. One should not underestimate how fun career is (I've been playing 6.4x without RO or RF, but with the other realism mods, and it's super fun).
  13. That is, indeed, all RemoveNode appears to do, anyway. (It seems to just do RemoveAt() at the first node whose name matches.)
  14. Are you using Realism Overhaul? If not, then your Proc Parts will assume you don't want realistic anything, and use normal tech progression.
  15. You might want to post your bug report about HotRockets in the HotRockets thread.
  16. Sure! Sorry for the delay. You can export the various curves, but you're never going to know whether the player who uses the autopilot is going to have different ones modded in. This is why I am suggesting you pull the actual values, ingame. You can evaluate the temperatureCurve of the body you want by calling, for some CelestialBody body, body.temperatureCurve.Evaluate(5) // for 5km For density, you can use one of FAR's static methods to get the density of the atmsophere of a given CelestialBody at a given height. I think you will need to make a PID controller for that. Due to how things wobble in KSP, let alone due to velocity (and thus required AoA as well as pitch control surface torque) you can't just set one pitch setting, you'll have to constantly alter it depending on flight conditions. Indeed it does! And it's exposed via the FAR API. But it's easy to calculate, it's just the angle difference (in pitch) between your vessel's forward axis and the surface velocity vector. And you're most welcome!
  17. Yeah, sounds like we need one that operates in reverse, adds an untweakable/invisible 0/0 ElectricCharge PartResource to such parts.
  18. There is no "balance" in RSS/RO, just real numbers. Also, FennexFox mentioned above that s/he was using wrong stats. (If 0.8 is the right stat after SRB burnout, then presumably the core is getting lofted very high indeed.) You're 100% right about the necessity of that myth dying. Consider circularizing a 20t payload from Atlas V on the anemic SEC they use. To do that, though, you need the main stage to loft you quite high, and you'll be reaching orbital velocity well after apogee. As for Saturn V, you're indeed correct. Here's an acceleration vs. time image though it's worth noting that S-IC burned for ~161 seconds, with quite possibly a higher TWR than the SSRBs provide SLS (since their fuel is shaped and grained to provide precise thrust throughout ascent, whereas F-1s were unthrottleable). The problem as described is exactly as the OP says: burn time is too long on the core for the velocity it must produce for the ascent path it was flown. Yes, it's very true that it's possible to "circularize" on 0.8 TWR. It's possible to do it on 0.01, depending on how much velocity you need to make up and the time you have to do it in... (And the excess delta V to make up for additional gravity and steering losses) EDIT: Oh, speaking of Saturn V, here's a cool image showing a lot of ascent parameters.
  19. RedAV8R, thank you for all you've done and are continuing to do. A question to the body: for now I will be stepping in to handle support and OP updates, but if there is anyone who would be interested in handling the thread, please let us know.
  20. What's your OS? Also, I assume you did install the texture pack, as the RSS install instructions direct? Log? (output_log.txt / player.log, NOT ksp.log)
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