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Everything posted by NathanKell

  1. While KSP Trajectory Optimization Tool may not be the best, you might try the one for Orbiter by the same author. That uses real planets and their alignments...
  2. First, welcome to the forums! Second, as Padishar says, we need your log. Third, the arrow from the ball was removed, since it was meaningless. If you open the FAR GUI in the editor, go to the Stability Derivatives tab, change mach to 1.0, and click calculate, what angle of attack does it say you need?
  3. That's just how they write that error message; no idea why, but that's how it looks for everybody.
  4. Same deal. If there are two NODEs, then @NODE,0 { do stuff } will change the first. And you're welcome!
  5. Redhotita1, I suggest starting a new thread as your situation seems entirely unrelated.
  6. You have run out of memory (KSP is a 32bit process, and thus restricted to about 3.4GB memory usage, no matter your system RAM). Please remove some part mods, use Active Texture Management (or up the scale= line if you do), or run KSP in OpenGL mode (risky but seems to work for many people).
  7. Dragon01, I'd be very interested to see how you'd remap Sputnik. And by see I mean actually see, not just hear tell.
  8. No, not all heat shields. Some are thermal sink, some are hot structure and insulation.
  9. For the first, Fine Print does it. The latter sounds very neat!
  10. No, it is not, sorry. While you could add more planets, you'd have to position and change them yourself. In that case I would highly recommend DRE, and also if you want to make life a bit easier (so your payload fraction is closer to stock) Real Fuels and RF Stockalike conifgs and Procedural Parts; it's very possible, however (I'm doing so now) to play 6.4x with stock part stats, you just need to build bigger.
  11. If I were you I'd PM r4m0n, he might be quite welcoming to someone willing to patch it. He's a very reasonable guy, really, and I think ARR was less about "no you can't have my toys" than "I want some control over what people do with this." Reserved rights can be waived; disclaimed rights can't be reinstated.
  12. NEEDS and FOR are separate things. It should be :FOR in the @PART[], and then NEEDS[Firespitter] only for the MODULE that relies on FS.
  13. When multiple values are involved, you need to index @emission,0 = new_emission_for_first_emission_value @emission,1 = etc
  14. Also: the scaling for the detail textures in the clouds hasn't been touched, and needs to be upped for this; and finally, I notice even in the default it's a 6hr rotation (same as the 6hr folder), not a 12hr rotation.
  15. At 120km, orbital velocity is ~6.061km/sec, yes? Rotational velocity with a 6hr day (aha! I thought I had a 12hr day, must have grabbed the wrong config from 64K) is 1.117km/sec. That means just under 5km/sec of delta V, plus gravity and drag losses. 64K claimed it was 12hr but I guess there's a typo. Fixed, and I'll see how much it takes now. MrabEzreb: You need to tell us what you're looking for, per the options described above. We can't recommend stuff for you unless you tell us the experience you want. Do you want "stock, but bigger/harder"? Do you want "as big as real life, but fictional"? Do you want "the [full size] real solar system" Do you want KSP, but with real-looking planets?
  16. RealChute doesn't use ModuleParachute and so Claw's fix, which targets that, won't do anything (let alone that RealChute is totally different from ModuleParachute and thus would need a different fix). Claw: Loving this so much--finally had a chance to try the decoupler fix and the EVA fix and love them both.
  17. dlrk: awesome! Kudos to you, and I'll follow with interest
  18. Sounds like you ran out of memory. Try removing some part mods, and/or using the 2048 textures. And welcome to the forums!
  19. Welcome! Claw nailed it; I just want to add a bit more context. Ion engines in KSP are about 1000-100,000x more powerful than real ones (and have 20-1000x the thrust to weight ratio), and use less electricity than real ones too. In real life, an ion engine might need the equivalent of two or more of those Gigantor solar panels (to get its 2200W electricity), and generate only about 0.00012 kN of thrust out of its 6kg mass. At an Isp of 1800s, not 4200.
  20. Make sure you get 8.2.1, 8.2 had yet another stupid typo (01 instead of -1, which made the ground flicker for some cases). Sorry about that And I will proudly steal that for RSS if you don't mind, since our stars should be pretty much the same Even if no *atmosphere*, modifying the temperatureCurve would be good, so things get very hot when close. As for terrain, try playing with the 6.4x mod's settings? They should help. You might also want to export the heightmap and mess with it, as was done in the 6.4x thread.
  21. What you should use depends on what you want, as expressed above. Do you want "stock, but bigger/harder"? Use 6.4x Kerbin. Do you want "as big as real life, but fictional"? Use 10x Kerbin. Do you want "the real solar system"? Use RSS. Do you want KSP, but with real-looking planets? Use the 1/10th solar system config. In any case you will need FAR. If you want realism in parts and behaviors, you should consider either the whole Realism Overhaul suite, or at least stuff like Deadly Reentry and Real Fuels (perhaps with the Stockalike engine configs). Northstar: wat? I make orbit on 6300m/s in 6.4x (I'm trying a stock KSP + FAR + 6.4x career playthrough, and used way less delta V than I expected).
  22. Felger: the range formula is as I descirbed, range_a + sqrt(range_a * range_ so a large groundstation will make even a short-range antenna work at long range.
  23. Aw, crap, I thought I mentioned it explicitly in the changelog. Oops. Like "Final orbit update fixed" or something. Sorry! The crash is an out of memory crash. Lower the resolution of the planet textures, and/or reduce part mods, and/or increase the aggressiveness of ATM. (if you start reading the file from the bottom up, you'll find "Unable to allocate memory" or suchlike) biohazard15: Oh, it works fine. Just expect horrific payload fractions. Also you can make a copy of that DRE config and just remove the rescaling lines (if there are any) and the :FOR[RealismOverhaul] bits.
  24. That part, however, the Root model *does* take into account. If you give KSC a large enough ground station, you should be able to use a wimpy little antenna *way* far out.
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