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Everything posted by NathanKell

  1. If a rescaleFactor is ever not 1.0 (and a MODEL node is used) you will get broken scaling on revert. While they fixed the bug of rescaleFactor being applied twice normally, now it's applied *zero* times on revert...
  2. How large are your attach nodes? Make sure they're the same size as the diameter, i.e. 2.5m diameter part means size 2 node (0.625 = size 0). Also, make sure the interstage masses enough. A light part in between two heavy parts will lead to a *lot* of flex. For a 1.25m part, I wouldn't suggest a mass of less than 0.05.
  3. Well, they'll come through *Kerbin* reentry just fine; that question originated on the RO thread, and that's an important bit of context. Though I do recall it possible to fly a *very* careful lifting reentry in a spaceplane in RSS even without shielding buffs.
  4. A nice start! Following with interest. KSP always needs more engines that look like engines. It's not outside the bounds of possibility that it would be used in a second stage in KSP (where it would not be inside a boattail), so I would definitely argue for modeling the turbopump and other details. You might take the latest engines in FASA (F-1, J-2, RL-10) as an inspiration, or the ones in any of the OLDD packs or BobCat's Soviet Engines.
  5. JT2227: due to how DRE works, clipped parts will not be shielded by the part they are clipped into. As to the gears not having a heatshield module, dunno. Post on the DRE thread about it? Dragon01: to the extent I will respond to that (original) post, I want to point out that buried underneath everything else you have a legitimate point: winglets/wings/fins do need to be separate parts for FAR. That's not how you get anyone to make changes, however.
  6. jrandom: the engines are designed to be their actual size. F100s and J58s just happen to very close to that diameter IIRC.
  7. MeCripp: I'm talking about the HAS block. HAS needs an operator: # for has, ~ for doesn't-have. If you plan to use % however, why are you using HAS at all?
  8. Awesome! (Moved back to Releases) Oh, a note. TGA is, indeed, very very bugged. It randomly fails to load, and it's also never compressed. Right now the only unbugged format for stock KSP is the MBM format. Note that if someone is using ATM, even in basic, all loader bugs are fixed, but there *will* be people who don't use it...
  9. The thermal fin is, IIRC, the only radiator part that works as a heat pump. But note that right now and in the past (AFAIK) *no* probes use even mildly cryogenic (like LOX) propellants. Certainly not LH2. There are lots of ideas for how to have massive refrigeration for cryogenic stages, but that's certainly not probe-sized stages anyway. jrandom: engines like what?
  10. That's also missing an operator for cost[] Do you mean ~cost[] perhaps? That will find things that don't have costs.
  11. I think he may have said it on IRC. I know I was there (either IRC or forums) when he did, it's a real quote.
  12. Most mods do come with installation instructions. That should always be the first thing you check, and what you follow. In particular, FAR tells you to "merge the GameData folder in the zip with the GameData folder in your KSP install", i.e. make sure all the stuff inside the GameData folder in your FAR zip file ends up in (your KSP folder)/GameData/
  13. Strange, that sounds like a bug. It should occur for unloaded vessels too.
  14. Swearing in French is no more permissible than any other language. Sorry. Thus you have been Haddocked.
  15. EVA kerbals have a max temp of 900C according to source, unless you changed it.
  16. According to the research I did, solids should cost about half a liquid stage for the same kNs impulse. Since engines do not even have costs yet, it doesn't make any sense to talk about what is *now* too expensive.
  17. Please upload the correct log file. See the How To Get Support sticky for details.
  18. !PART[partname] {} should remove a part from the game's database (though recall assets are loaded as assets, not because parts reference them, so no assets will be unloaded).
  19. Hah! Yeah, pretty busy... :] And thanks so much for the kind words! And yes, yes there is. Which grew out of pjf being in the same boat as you, and wanting a package manager to make RO installs easy. You just select the RO meta-package in the GUI (or do ckan install RealismOverhaul in the terminal) and off you go.
  20. I've been quite busy. RftS engines will, at some point, have a massive overhaul (and engine use will probably change, but keep to the "more variety" metric...) BobCat's packs are on the planned list, yes. Principia is being built from the ground up to support RSS, and will doubtless be a required mod when done.
  21. That's like talking about the Russian Saturn V project and meaning N-1. NERVA is the name of a US NTR project; there have been other NTR projects (like RD-0410).
  22. Hah, whoops, I spot-checked a bunch but I didn't do a full search. I'll update the patch to go by your list. Actually, I have a better idea: I change Ven's parts that reference stock textures (via MODEL) to have a special tag, and apply the patch to everything else, SXT or no.
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