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Everything posted by NathanKell

  1. Can you maybe borrow some of asmi's code? It's HLSL but doing the same thing, IIRC.
  2. Are you looking at the new code I wrote (based on JSBSim) or the old YASim code?
  3. I am the ultimate opposite of disappoint. Amazing work (as always, but especially finally a real atmosphere shader!!!)
  4. Hey, ol' Bang-Bang works *great* in atmosphere. Don't be hatin' on ol' Bang-Bang! I know almost nothing about electric propulsion, sorry. You'd best be served by talking to hoojiwanna or Nertea IIRC.
  5. Unity is not needed for plugin dev.
  6. Proc fairings does not implement compatibility checking IIRC. It bundles KSPAPIExtensions which does, and will warn on KSP Win x64 but not lock.
  7. FAR has a serious bug in its current release form. Get the dev release direct from FAR's repository on github.
  8. Awesome! And, definitely, Real Life first. Don't let us drag your college-ing down.
  9. Yes, MM edits confignodes. The game loads all cfg files as confignode files and puts them all in GameDatabase (well, it skips anything under a PluginData folder). In fact, if you look at Launchsites.cfg included with RSS, you'll see it does that very thing. Good question about whether to keep together or split. pjf, thoughts?
  10. You have multiple ModuleManagers. That's bad, keep only the most up-to-date. As for lowering memory, just because RO supports a mod doesn't mean you have to have it. Try with, like, *half* those part packs. See if KSP is more stable.
  11. You don't have to figure it out, RealFuels does that by default. (As long as you add a ModuleEngineConfigs module, even if there's only one CONFIG.)
  12. This is a pretty neat idea, and should work well for those who want things a bit bigger than 1.75x! However, I'm afraid it's not in compliance with the Addon posting rules. You'll need to: 1. Include a license for the add-on in the download and in the OP, 2. Include either the source or a link to where the source might be obtained for all dlls included 3. Follow the license terms (and state the license of) all bundled add-ons.
  13. While that doesn't appear to be an explicit out-of-memory crash, it's worth trying to lower your memory usage since that usually increases stability.
  14. Gaalidas: Since Isp determines how much *mass* of fuel is consumed, changing a fuel's density will not change how many kilograms of it are consumed by an engine per second. It will just change how many units of fuel are consumed, but units are essentially meaningless in KSP; they don't correspond to any actual measure of volume. If you increase density, then a tank that holds 440 units of the resource will still hold 440 units, but where once that meant 2.2 tonnes, now it means, say, 4.4 tonnes. The rocket equation doesn't care about what size or shape your rocket is, all it cares about is mass_gross / mass_dry, and Isp.
  15. PGHampton: They're in order of update. It's easy to copy-paste and sort, or to Ctrl-F for modname; you can't ctrl-F for date-updated, and this way people who've already been looking at the list can just look at the bottom of each to see what's new. That said, it having been a well over a month since .25 was released, you're probably going to want to use the Community Mods and Plugins Library since that's a much more complete list; this thread has pretty much served its purpose.
  16. Yeah, the DLLs won't fail to load--they will load. They'll just break badly when you try to do anything not in NET 3.5.
  17. Oooh, that is an *excellent* question. They'll collide. Thanks for that.
  18. Yes, it rather depends on some not-yet released things I just added to RO, and also FAR from git since otherwise Procedural Fairings support is broken. Also meant to be played with Ven's Stock Part Revamp (and the VSR / SXT interop patch I wrote for this express purpose).
  19. Paul: CKAN doesn't support replacing files, so that's not going to work. However, you can write your patches to AVP as *patches*, i.e. with MM. That's why rbray made the cfg file system the way he did. Also, please put 64K on github? (It'll also make it easier to add CKAN support.)
  20. Drooling over that IVA...
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