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Everything posted by NathanKell

  1. Yes, EVE works fine with RSS. EVE Overhaul works better than 7-x though.
  2. Welcome to the forums! This sounds like it's not a mod issue per se, but maybe a control issue. When you fly rockets, do they do the same thing?
  3. It's an issue with RealChute, actually. stupid_chris is aware, but we can fix it on our end (probably should since he had a massive does of Bad Real Life and will be away for a bit).
  4. For the love of Jeb, please don't recommend using KSP Windows x64. It's so crashy that I (and many others) basically refuse to support it. You best bet at this point is to keep using 32bit, and remove half your mods. If they work, add half of what remains. If they don't, remove half of what was installed. Continue until you find the problem.
  5. Welcome to the "x64 isn't actually all that stable after all" club. As the sticky explains, it appears related to memory usage; if you were using <3GB or so before, then it would be decently stable.
  6. yeah, even if engines aren't *firing*, you still need to hit x to make your *throttle* zero.
  7. Yeah, AFAIK solar panels *always* need to be separate parts, as otherwise the transforms and the raycasting won't behave right.
  8. <Mod hat on> Ok. I have now cleaned the thread. Some notes. 1. Please don't feed the arguments. If the conversation you are having is degenerating, the best thing to do is report the offensive post(s) and disengage. Continuing the argument just makes more work for us, and leaves you liable to violating the rules. 2. If you see a problem, report it. If you feel the need to preface your statement "I hate to backseat moderate" then you're going in the wrong direction (that's actually against the rules); instead, report the post(s) you want to backseat-moderate. 3. The moderation team is not omniscient (alas); while we try to read everything we can, we can't be everywhere. You really, really can't assume that "the moderators will be here soon" unless you report the post(s) on which we should take action. 4. Above all, in the words of Bill and Ted, "be excellent to each other." Now, back to your regularly scheduled thread.
  9. The center of mass is always 0,0,0 unless offset in part.cfg by CoMOffset = blah.
  10. FreeThinker: since everyone else would get that if it's a problem in the setup (and would be very vocal about it!) I'm going to guess it's an install issue. Please follow the troubleshooting steps in the OP, and if that fails, follow the issue reporting steps in the op. leeham991: nope, that's not allowed. Licenses, etc.
  11. On prior versions of KAX, that was correct (keptin's original rescaleFactor was 0.0125). Evidently in the latest version keptin re-exported the model smaller and changed the rescaleFactor to 1.0
  12. Well, it's probably going to differ between staged and gas generator, yeah? Nazari was working on one at one point though IIRC.
  13. That's great! Per the OP, if you could fill out your line on the Contributor page, "and mention on the Asset Groups you're assigned, and add each individual part you make to the assets list." Due to how the mods work, and for mix-n-match, it'd be great if you could model any engines / RCS as individual parts, instead of having the service module have built in engines and RCS (same for anything else with RCS). As for stats, for size you can directly use nixonshead's source; for performance, I'm happy to help with that.
  14. That does not appear to be the complete output log, so it's very hard to tell what's going on. Please follow the steps in the READ FIRST sticky for obtaining the correct log: launch KSP; cause the issue; quit; directly zip the player.log in place and upload that zip to dropbox.
  15. Dragon01, while I don't per se disagree with those points, would it kill you to also talk about the stuff you *do* like? Me, I'm mostly wondering if the various Vanguard-launched (or failed-to-launch) ones are also on the list. I did some digging for Surveyor and didn't find any already-done models, which is a shame....
  16. This looks great! Can't wait to try it. Afraid I have a bit of technical business to transact though--can you add a note to the OP about your license? The repo says MIT, but by the rules that should be in the opening post too.
  17. That site is blacklisted, per here, as it violates a number of mods' licenses that forbid redistribution.
  18. But I don't want to quote the original post, just answer it. My posts are long enough as it is.
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