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Everything posted by NathanKell

  1. Awesome! Well, nixonshead (the guy who made that pic) has his blender files up for download. So you can't get realer than that, it's the only source of it there is. Needs conversion to low-poly and textures baked from procedurals etc to game textures, though. Here's another render, without cell shading:
  2. I support Eyes Turned Skyward, obviously. If you do do that, though, can you sign up on the thread in Dev, or rather the spreadsheet linked? And can you do a 100% real version as well (or instead ) of the Kerbalized version? /salespitch
  3. MisterFister: the collision issues appear to be a float precision issue and will take, basically, rewriting from scratch the ground collision code (i.e. disable Squad's code, write our own) to fix. Long-term. legit_haxar: sounds like either you're running out of memory (32bit) or you're running into 64bit issues. The solution is either to install linux and use the 64bit client there, or use 32bit KSP and pick and choose very carefully what planet textures you want, and also use heavy ATM. Obviously 8192 textures alone are enough to make 32bit KSP (or windows 64bit KSP) crash, even if you have no other mods! IllusiveJeb: Probably because we never fixed the moon's initial rotation to be correct
  4. Nope, just this. The main changes are new rules on network access, and a requirement that the license must be in the zip as well as in the OP.
  5. Planned. HoneyFox suggested using his curve editor, although another option is to swap between some premade profiles.
  6. You...understand that KSP loads all assets at the start, right? And garbage collection doesn't run until later. So during loading, your memory usage is actually maxed.
  7. Turn on the allow stock craft option, it's either in the game's menu or the Alt-F12 menu (I think the game's).
  8. smartdummies: RF already handles that. You can give solids (or any engine, actually) a thrustCurve.
  9. Presumably because OpenGL mode takes you below the 32bit process limit.
  10. I'm just going to add the interface to the base procedural module, and look for a bast cost in cfg and then add resource costs, similar to what I do for MFT/RF (unreleased since it's not quite working, but in git). You should be able to set the cfg thing to 0 and it won't collide with yours.
  11. Yeah. When we do the fuels update that regex has been working on, we'll add separate resources for the major solids; but for now that seems fine to me.
  12. Please follow the instructions in the READ FIRST sticky; they will tell you where you can find the log we need to be able to help.
  13. That's not quite it.. The composite tank they forced the engineers to use in the X-33 failed, but there was a backup. Also, let's recall that X-33 was a reusable lifting body. The requirements for that are way steeper than just SSTO. Heck, Titan II's first stage was capable of single-stage-to-orbit with a few dozen kilograms of payload, on gas generator hypergolics of 296s specific impulse! Old-Atlas (i.e. balloon-tank) could easily be SSTO with today's staged combustion kerolox engines. And you could convert SLS into a single-stage-to-orbit design without too much trouble (hah, you could even just not jettison the boosters), although again payload would be quite limited. The argument for SSTO hinges on reusability though (you're not expending anything!), but reusable TSTO has it beat (as Falcon 9 will be proving) in pretty much all the ways that matter.
  14. Totally in line with the license. And yeah, sorry, I'll get to costs... :\
  15. Sounds good to me! For help starting, the wiki still has relevant info for getting set up with Visual Studio Express or MonoDevelop/etc. However, sounds like you'll probably want to make a KSPAddon, not a PartModule. And you can look at how HoneyFox does similar stuff for reference.
  16. Yep, the latest dev release fixes a bunch of issues and has been rock solid for me (thanks ferram!)
  17. I wasn't able to find specific numbers last time I looked, so I used astronautix's generic "Solid" numbers. APCP is reasonable, with higher end stuff PBAN and HTPB.
  18. v3.0.2 *Bugfix: No more NREs in editor *Removed unneeded update code
  19. Yeah, we've flown airplanes (if you can call what those SCRAMjet tests are "airplanes") at Kerbin-orbital-speed. Deadly Reentry isn't. And, indeed, there's been a fair amount of complaint about that in the thread, although much of it comes not from the low heat of reentry but from the high maximum temperature of parts; even scaled down by DRE, fuel tanks break at about 1400C, which is crazy when you think about it. That's still better than stock, where most parts have a maximum temperature of 3600 (which is beyond the boiling point of even high-temperature metals, and over double what real heat shields are rated at). Renegade: I made that square-cube assumption because I assume people are in general sane and will build, generally, sane rockets. An assumption you yourself alluded to with the whole bit about non-increasing frontal area. And for the love of all that's unholy, don't suggest lowering the PMF *further*. It's already, like, Redstone-level (75-80% propellant *without payload*).
  20. frisch: hit ALT-F12, go to Database, configs. Find the 3.75 Heathshield config, and view it. See if it matches these numbers: loss { key = 650 0 0 0 key = 2000 1500 0 0 key = 6000 2000 0 0 } dissipation { key = 300 0 0 0 key = 800 50 0 0 } If they do, then it looks like those values don't work any more. Which is weird, since they're basically the same, scaled up, as the ones from the Mk1-2 pod heat shield.
  21. I dig quite deeply through the forums every day, and there really haven't been much in the way of extra config patches--not least because whenever there are, we ask to include them in RO.
  22. You ran out of memory. Check the READ FIRST sticky for information on how to deal with that.
  23. There is not a way to mix tech trees like that. You would have to manually edit the techrequired keys of two of the mods to use nodes in the third's tree, and use that tree.
  24. Everything supported should be in the RO opening post...
  25. Here's an example that overrides TVPP's scale to be 4. ACTIVE_TEXTURE_MANAGER_CONFIG { folder = TVPP enabled = true OVERRIDES { TVPP/.* { scale = 4 } } } You could put, say, Squad/Space/.* in as an override in the Squad config and it would only apply to stuff under the Space/ path. (The override paths are in regular expression form, if that helps).
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