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Everything posted by NathanKell

  1. Touché. Although I have no idea what they turned me into, ingame, after I left; when I was still there I was a mild-mannered political revolutionary who wasn't very good at swordfighting but could solve a mean math problem. I'm, like, some mafia don now? You have, however, given me a neat idea for a mod. Not that I can do it any time soon, but procedural checklists sounds awesome.
  2. Awesome! Thanks! As this is a part module, you can just store the trim in KSPFields marked persistent and then set the trim to that OnStart. Edit: Ah, it's both. Well, you could save trim to static members of your KSPAddon, and query them for your module's OnSave, and apply them in OnLoad.
  3. This sounds like an install issue. Make sure you have only one ModuleManager, and nuke your RO directory and download fresh.
  4. Ah, I see. Is it possible you could just grab the actual controlstate when Alt+Z is pressed? That way it will set the trim to "just like this" no matter what caused "this"--SAS or regular inputs.
  5. KM Gimbal will work well for verniers; if you were doing independently-gimbaling thrust chambers, you'd want to use the stock gimbal (it gimbals each thrustTransform independently). Dragon01: I'm well aware. I'm suggesting solutions for the now, not "best possible option regardless of KSP's current reality"
  6. Now this, this is useful. Nice! Um. Does "autotrim" work for remembering current inputs regardless of SAS? I.e. I get my plane trimmed out with stick and rudders, and hit autotrim, and it will remember *those* inputs, regardless of SAS on/off?
  7. Career mode is delayed by the fact that treeloader is broken on 24, and I haven't been able to reach r4m0n yet. Apologies, I didn't realize you'd switched formats. Though that *does* include real costs for everything, at least. And certainly the cost of *everything* will have to be changed for RSS/RO.
  8. Except that the costs of things have almost no relation whatsoever to their real cost, which means *any* straight funds<->dollars conversion is meaningless.
  9. Yes, I'll update the OP. What exactly do you want to know? You click on the site you want to go to...
  10. Cool! Here is the cost cfg I drew up for use with Realism Overhaul. It appears to have been removed at some point, I'll talk to RedAV8R about it. https://raw.githubusercontent.com/NathanKell/RealismOverhaul/38d9ee43e832017b3ea34f44425706b4eac778aa/RealismOverhaul/MissionController.cfg
  11. The cause of the issue is that heating is proportional to density^density_exponent, whereas FX are proportional to density. (note that density is much less than 1.0 at reentry altitude and density_exponent, stock DRE, is 0.85...so that's a sizable difference.) I may do another bare release of DRE with a few issues fixed and support for FX density exponent included, as a last legacy release.
  12. You can get better separation effects by adding small solid motors to various parts. That's how AIES or FASA fairings (and various other things) do it, and it works well.
  13. coldblade: your issue is using KSP Windows x64. That release is not stable. Use 32bit, or make a Linux install and run KSP Linux x64.
  14. Honestly, if you're willing to keep this in sync with RSS, I'd suggest just bundling the RSS plugin and whatever cfgs you need with this, and I'll tell people on the RSS thread to *just* download your pack, not RSS proper. Because yeah, problem.
  15. Right now (you can check the commits on the branch) I'm working on getting decent propeller support, but yeah, those engines are too awesome not to add
  16. Biotronic PM'd me about it; as of the next version of RF, RF itself will ship with that dll (so it can always be compiled against the right RF), and the dll will be compiled against an unchanging interface dll in TweakScale. So that should fix things.
  17. The flames occur when: 1. Speed is above 750, reaching full at 1100 (these numbers are customizable) 2. Density * velocity^3 is high enough (stock code) #2 is a problem because KSP has density scale linearly with pressure, so density in the upper atmosphere is less than it should be. RealHeat will have various things you can do to play with the FX, though.
  18. It...scales your Isp. It's really that simple. There are various presets: One for people who say "FAR IS LE CHEATY" because you no longer have insanely high drag losses. So FAR to Stock makes getting to orbit in FAR take the same amount of fuel as stock KSP. One is for people who want to make real-life-size rockets but play in the stock-sized system. FAR to Realistic will scale down Isps such that you only get a realistic payload fraction. One is like that, but takes into account the fact that KSP hardware stinks and therefore you get less delta v than you would in real life (engines and tanks are 3-4x as heavy as they should be, for instance). Etc.
  19. Make sure you have only up-to-date versions of KSPAPIExtensions. Sounds like there's an old one hanging around.
  20. Neutrinovore: 1. Master Tao was referring to the fact that Raptor831 (to whom you addressed your post) was running an out of date version of Tweakscale, and therefore Raptor's problem is likely to be *that*, rather than what *you* mention. 2. It's also not Biotronic's job to do anything either. So maybe if users helped out 1% more, devs would be a little less overworked. Saying "IT BROKED" (and you did very little more than that) is nearly useless; Master Tao was giving you advice about how to actually bring about a better version of TweakScale, not diction lessons. If you don't want to see mods improved, that's sure as heck not modders' problems, but expect to be treated with the same respect and helpfulness you show modders, then.
  21. Taki117: you mean shockwaveExponent with those numbers, I think, as the OP says. Heat multiplier starts at 25... I have edited the OP to make things clearer: presence or absence of FAR does not matter. Don't believe what the youtubez tells you.
  22. Testing my fix. Also I added a toggle button, per (old) request.
  23. The known issue is that the current ModuleRCS, if given PROPELLANT nodes rather than resourceName, will only use one of its thrust transforms. You can use ialdabaoth and my ModuleRCSFX to fix it.
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