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Everything posted by NathanKell

  1. That has nothing to do with the point in question, and IIRC for the other engine this was found for - the Redstone engine--frizzank said it was a typo and switched it.
  2. You appear to have your GameData inside KSPModAdmin? Or at least that's somehow where RSS is looking for the heightmap. "G:\SteamLibrary\SteamApps\common\Kerbal Space Program\KSPModAdmin\GameData\RealSolarSystem\Plugins\PluginData\EarthHeight.png" And it obviously isn't finding it there, which is the cause of your problem. Does KSPModAdmin do weird things to paths now?
  3. Thankfully this is CC-BY-SA, so anyone can upload it to dropbox in the mean time.
  4. We need the actual log, not the crash folder. Upload your output log (NOT ksp.log) to dropbox or something. Windows: KSP_win\KSP_Data\output_log.txt Mac OSX: Open Console, on the left side of the window there is a menu that says 'files'. Scroll down the list and find the Unity drop down, under Unity there will be Player.log Aka Files>~/Library/Logs>Unity>Player.log Linux: ~/.config/unity3d/Squad/Kerbal\ Space\ Program/Player.log SpacedInvader: I would suggest asking on the EngineIgnitor thread as well. I haven't seen that, but I don't actually play much at all...
  5. Taverius, yes, obviously the model is. But AJE uses it for about 4-5 different real jet engines. Hence why I asked if AJE; if AJE wasn't involved, then it would presumably be the stock B9 D-30F7.
  6. Yeah, um, while I sure try to make RF (and everything else) as realistic as possible, they're not perfect even for what they model, and there are bajillions of constraints that can't be modeled. Also, imma need a CITE on that difference in mass ratio. For example, Shuttle ET is about 3.6% dry fraction...
  7. MAKC: Your ballistic coefficient is quite low (about half of what I would expect). First, that's because your aircraft is a bit light for its size (although as you say, this is with no warload and half fuel), but second, it looks like maybe there are some issues with some parts' drag. Try right-clicking your various parts and see what drag they're producing, and post if anything seems weird. Also, are you using AJE? If so, what engine is that?
  8. KM_Gimbal is the gimbal plugin. It allows engines to provide roll control, and for you to set pitch trim on engines so you can use them for off-center launchers (space shuttle style). You need only the dll, the .cs file is the source code that developers use to compile into dll, and the md is the readme file. It's just plaintext.
  9. F8F-2 Bearcat, with Double Wasp replaced with Wright Cyclone (like Rare Bear). F-100C Super Sabre
  10. Cost. Is a thing. That exists in the world outside KSP.
  11. Lack, if you're willing, I have a little request for you for SXT. I love the radial intakes, and use them a ton (including some rescaled versions). What would be great, though, is a shock-cone version of them too. Example (using two rescaled ones): But due to AJE now modeling intakes, it needs to be one part, and also would obviously look better were the cone actually a cone. Real-life examples: Starfighter, Mirage, etc.
  12. Create a persistent variable, bool initialized = false. Set it to true the first time you start in flight, no matter the situation.
  13. Deathsoul097: correct, but you will also need to change the node lines. "Multiply in" the rescaleFactor, so if it said node_foo = 0.0, 2.0, 1.5, blah blah change it to node_foo = 0.0, 2.5, 1.875, blah blah
  14. FAR is not assuming sideways airflow in the VAB. It's assuming top-down airflow. It's the SPH where airflow is sideways.
  15. Have none of you noticed the thread sitting right next to this one? http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/81754-Release-BobCat-Ind-Space-Planet-products
  16. Even if the engine is roughly LV-T sized, it might still make sense to use size-2 nodes since it's likely to be in a 2.5m stack?
  17. Fair points! Although you can get stats for git. Example: (replace with your username and repo name) https://api.github.com/repos/NathanKell/RealSolarSystem/releases
  18. Can't help without log. Upload your output log (NOT ksp.log) to dropbox or something. Windows: KSP_win\KSP_Data\output_log.txt Mac OSX: Open Console, on the left side of the window there is a menu that says 'files'. Scroll down the list and find the Unity drop down, under Unity there will be Player.log Aka Files>~/Library/Logs>Unity>Player.log Linux: ~/.config/unity3d/Squad/Kerbal\ Space\ Program/Player.log
  19. Sounds like MODEL node used but rescaleFactor not 1.0
  20. First: Size matters not. Mass ratio does. If you make a rocket ten times the size of the Saturn V, assuming it still has the same wet:dry ratio, it will have the same delta V. Now. Aerospikes aren't magic pixie dust. They're less efficient than a bell nozzle at the bell nozzle's design pressure, and they at most save you the 15% or so nozzle losses you incur when not firing at optimum pressure. They certainly don't, as they do in KSP, give you equal Isp at sea level in vacuum. And they are heavier for a given thrust. Further, while hydrolox is much better than kerolox in vacuum (and indeed is pretty necessary for SSTOs) it's relatively worse than kerolox at sea level, so you don't even get the full hydrolox "bonus" Isp. Consider, if you will, the J-2S-derived aerospike engine to be used on the X-33, the XRS-2200. Note that it has a specific impulse of 439s in vacuum and 339s at sea level; slightly better than the J-2S (it is, after all, a 90s, not 60s, derivative) in vacuum and much (vs. 200s) better at sea level. But also note that it has a lower sea level specific impulse than the SSME (363s). Chamber pressure matters much more than nozzle design here. As for air-breathers, here is a calculator (from e of pi, IIRC) for mixed-mode (Skylon-like) SSTOs. Follow the directions, guess a dry mass fraction, and go. You can also, of course, use it for single-mode SSTO, just set changeover velocity and height each to 0. It will overestimate ground-start rockets, however, since it doesn't take pressure losses (lower sea level Isp) into account.
  21. taniwha: VasVadum found that the readme link is dead. Guess you forgot to update it when you moved the files around? :]
  22. Mettworks. I've clipped various stuff into it, changed its texture, and also did some cfg work to make it actually work though (you can get the revised version in the RftS pack that I linked).
  23. frisch: the information you seek is scattered across the Addon subfora, mostly the Dev one. More help is always awesome! What sort of component are you envisioning? USAGuerrilla: Not really; KSP is modular enough that it'd be a shame to ruin that. For example, a number of people play RSS without Realism Overhaul (or even Real Fuels and FAR!), and some people play Real Fuels without RSS, and some people play RPL with otherwise stock KSP (!). Further, the way modding works, what would be the point of joining cfg patches with a TreeLoader-based tech tree with various dlls that change other things? It's not like they all go in one massive .MOD file...
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