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Everything posted by NathanKell

  1. Great to see all this interest! I have updated the OP to include links (that I oops-forgot last night) to the Eyes Wiki, which includes technical data on the launchers and all imagery done so far for the timeline (craft views as well as scenic pictures). The end goal of this is to recreate the Eyes universe in KSP as much as possible. For that reason, while I absolutely agree that stock-diameter parts should be an option, 100% real scale should also be an option. This is in part because some portion of the audience for this mod would be readers of Eyes coming to KSP to fly missios in the Eyes universe, rather than players of KSP coming to Eyes. A note on sizes: Freedom's modules are the largest spacecraft in the Eyes universe thus far, something like 8-9m in diameter (they just barely fit inside the 10m "widebody" fairing on the Saturn Heavy). So we should leverage Procedural Fairings and Procedural Parts (with custom textures) to handle adapters, I think. That will let us stick together rockets and payloads each in their own scale for stock KSP (so they both have stock-stack diameters) and then real-scale where each is 1:1. I'm currently waiting to hear back from nixonshead; that'll let me know more exactly how much source material we have to work with. At the very least we'll have the hi-poly models in blender format, I think. He's busy enough that I doubt he has time to work on low-poly stuff himself, so that's probably our job.
  2. This sounds like maybe you nuked the Squad folder too by mistake?
  3. As you're finding out, when you play with realistic stuff, KSP is absurdly easy. (It's absurdly easy if you don't, too--mass ratios and TWRs aren't *that* nerfed in stock KSP). But yes, if you have an engine with a realistic TWR, and tanks with a realistic dry:wet ratio, then it doesn't take much to get into orbit. About 2x the delta V of getting into lunar orbit (less, with FAR) and since orbital velocity is really only a tiny (few hundred m/s) more than maximum attainable air-breathing velocity, it makes spaceplanes especially absurdly easy compared to real life.
  4. Real Solar System. It converts the tiny marble-sized funky-looking planets of KSP into the real thing. (And it means that orbital velocity becomes real life's 7.7km/sec, with delta-V-to-orbit of approx 9300m/s)
  5. EngineThrustController perhaps? It gives solid rockets thrust curves (as in real life) where thrust is not constant, but varies over time.
  6. Upload your output log (NOT ksp.log) to dropbox or something. Windows: KSP_win\KSP_Data\output_log.txt Mac OSX: Open Console, on the left side of the window there is a menu that says 'files'. Scroll down the list and find the Unity drop down, under Unity there will be Player.log Aka Files>~/Library/Logs>Unity>Player.log Linux: ~/.config/unity3d/Squad/Kerbal\ Space\ Program/Player.log
  7. Use EVE Overhaul v8. Not perfect, but at least it works some. rbray's aware and working on it (check issues page on Github).
  8. Can you expand a bit on what you mean by index? Also, heatDissipation should basically never change; AFAIK all parts (unless RF modifies them) have 0.12 for that, always. It's a ratio applied to how much of the delta between part.temperature and environmental temperature is applied to part.temperature each physics tic.
  9. As it happened, e of pi contacted me about this to start with (I'd been kicking around the idea, since I'm a regular lurker on AH.com, and posted a Saturn Multibody + Apollo III+ launch in RSS). Which is why I finally got around to posting this thread. I'm reconfirming with them all they're still ok with this (and in particular asking nixonshead how involved he'd like to be with the art, from just letting us use the sources to bake diffuse and normals up to making low-poly stuff). Even if no one wants to take an active hand, I doubt they'd not be in favor, though; nixonshead for instance already offered them up for use in (or as references for new models for) Orbiter at one point.
  10. I see your Rogallo Wing Saturn I and raise you the Saturn S-IC caught by helicopter! It was to parachute down after burnout, and be caught midair by a truly gigantic chopper.
  11. (ETS logo by nyrath) SEE BOTTOM OF POST FOR UPDATE This is a thread to discuss development of a mod to bring the universe of Eyes Turned Skywards to KSP. Eyes Turned Skywards is an "alternate post-Apollo space age," a "history book"-style alternate history timeline by e of pi and Workable Goblin, with contributions from Brainbin and art from nixonshead and MichelVan. Starting from its Point of Departure in 1968 (George M. Low appointed as NASA Administrator rather than Thomas O. Paine) it chronicles the history of spaceflight (and, increasingly, some gradually-diverging terrestrial matters) to the present. It's part of what got me interested in KSP, it's certainly what got me interested in realism in KSP and what inspired my own Reaching for the Stars, and it's something I think many fans of KSP would enjoy. The point of this thread, however, is to discuss (and bring about) the Eyes world in KSP. And such a pretty world it is. For example: Apollo Block IV approaching Challenger, the first module of Space Station Freedom The successful Europa family of launch vehicles This universe's Mir The AARDV Block II cargo vehicle (Apollo SM-derived) From the Eyes Wiki: Spacecraft and Launch Vehicle Data Artwork Here is the Worksheet! On Google Drive Please edit responsibly. Please help me fill out cells that haven't been filled out, and start adding your own information to the Contributors list, and start assigning yourself parts (and mention on the Asset Groups you're assigned, and add each individual part you make to the assets list.)
  12. Apologies, there was an oversight in the upload. It has now been fixed.
  13. I'm going to create a thread in Addon Dev relating to Eyes Turned Skyward; I suggest we move the convo there.
  14. Starwaster: when .23 first came out we wrote up an MM patch that disabled showing the tweakable. That works for engines. But it's not so good for sumghai, since presumably he wants the resources tweakable...although if they're maxAmount=0, there's no point in keeping them tweakable.
  15. That's exactly the cause, yes. It occurs for engines that have maxAmount=0 electric charge from their alternators.
  16. Assassin215k: that's 6.2pre4, a prerelease. It did not include all files. Here is the official v6.2 release. Grab from main post. Changelog v6.2 \/ *PQS->ScaledSpace wrapping now works and caches correctly. Wrap now defaults to false for backwards compatibility. RSS will export obj files (with extra lines using keyword t for vertex tangents) for all wrapped meshes, and import them (if they exist) instead of wrapping. NOTE: If you change any PQS settings (let alone changing RSS configs!) you MUST delete all .obj files in GameData/RealSolarSystem/PluginData! NOTE 2: If you don't already have cached meshes, and/or you delete them all, KSP WILL APPEAR TO HANG on the "Loading..." screen right before Main Menu. This is NORMAL. Let it run. It takes me about 15 minutes. After that, you'll get your usual load times. *regex: fixed Space Center initial camera height (for when camera is under terrain) *tons of launch sites from eggrobin! *regex: fixes for KSCSwitcher; new icon; now saves and loads selected KSC location with your persistence file; shows descriptions; icons hidden on zoomout; can click to set map to focus on selected location. *Update to ModuleManager 2.1.5 *tweaked Earth's horizon glow a bit IF YOU ARE NOT USING THE DEFAULT RSS CONFIG you must delete all OBJ files in GameData/RealSolarSystem/Plugins/PluginData before launching with the new config. Further, KSP will take an extra 15-20 minutes to load the first time while it regenerates models. This is normal. After that, subsequent launches of KSP will be fast..
  17. Why on earth would posting a progress update be bothering people? And that progress is looking great!
  18. Nice! Hmm, I wonder what ascent profile you're flying, since that *first* rocket you have a picture of should be able to achieve orbit... - - - Updated - - - xandalis: Nice! Hmm, I wonder what ascent profile you're flying, since that *first* rocket you have a picture of should be able to achieve orbit... ThePinda: known issue with EVE. The next EVE (Overhaul) will fix it. For now, raise the altitude level of your clouds to at least 10000.
  19. Take the diameter of the connection point (if the node is at the end of a fuselage piece, that'd be the diameter of the fuselage...) and divide it by 1.25. Round normally, with the exception that any diameter < 0.8m or so should be size 0. In the part.cfg entry for that node, note the numbers. If there are seven numbers, set the seventh to what you calculated. If there are 6, add a comma and what you calculated at the end (now there are 7). You may find it easier to do ingame. Attach the part to one end of a cylindrical stretchy tank or procedural part tank. Size the tank to match the part. Then check the diameter of the tank.
  20. Then please do the first part of the post...
  21. Thanks! Hmm, ok. What I'd like you to do is launch hit ALT-F12, go to Database. Find a solid booster that gives you trouble, and tell me what's in its config. Edit: check the Stockalike RF Config thread. Raptor831 has an update.
  22. I get that, as I said. But as I said, Tweakable Everything is what is showing as causing errors in the log. To make the log clearer, please do as I ask.
  23. Remove Tweakable Everything, then try again and post the log. I know you said Tweakable Everything wasn't the problem, but it *is* what's showing up as the problem in the log.
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