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Everything posted by NathanKell

  1. It's not impossible. ECLSS does it. (Not saying TAC ain't awesome--it is--but not accounting for electricity for unloaded vessels is a design choice, not an "it's impossible" choice.)
  2. Woopert: check KSP.log after you open the Load Craft menu. It will tell you. Search for the craft's name. kendoka15: the flickering is well know the first time you get into Space center view; however, if you enter the VAB, SPH, or Tracking Station and then exit it again, clicking will be as normal. Regex is working on it. Also, that really belongs in the RSS thread Changelog: v5.1 \/ *Updates to FASA patches by RedAV8R *Fixed heatshield tangents not being set, leading to unexpected behavior *Add patch for MissionController (patches fuels and engine costs to be 1k = $1000 USD 1960) *Update RT2 patch file, fix errors *Add throttling and EngineIgnitor support to BobCat Soviet Engines *Upgrade to ModuleManager 2.1.0
  3. ECLSS does, but ECLSS is a bit broken because asmi has been busy with real life.
  4. And even then it could only launch a less-than-1/4-or-so-fueled Apollo CSM.
  5. Ah, I see--yeah, MM is finally fixing a bug, but it's brought front and center a serious bug/issue with the Module loading code. The usual smart folks are working on it though!
  6. marce: thanks! Regarding Earth: Well, real Earth has about 113x the surface area of Kerbin. The 8192x4096 texture has only 16x the pixels of the stock 2048x1024 Kerbin texture. Therefore you have about 10% of the pixels-per-square-km. Since KSP only supports a maximum of 8192x8192 testures, that's about the best that can be done right now. If you zoomed in the same amount in map view as you are in orbit, they should look identical. If not, post pics?
  7. Mmmmmyum, sorry. Just pointing out that the laws of physics are the laws of physics: if your wet mass is x, your dry mass is y, and your specific impulse is z, your delta V will be ln(wet/dry) * 9.80665 * z Or, for some reason, in KSP, 9.82 rather than the actual value of g0 (9.80665).
  8. Following this with interest (obviously). As for multiple pads per site, this I'd very much like to see. I mean, the Saturn / Shuttle pad *complex* was Launch Complex 39 (of which there were multple pads). Space centers are *big*. There is also something to be said for having turnover time related to launch weight: you launch an Aerobee, no one bats an eye (ready to launch tomorrow), you launch a Saturn V MLV, the ground crew lose their minds for months re-readying the infrastructure.
  9. marce: Ah, yeah, your post popped up well after that part of the thread occurred, so it got missed. Sorry! Anyway, you probably have enough posts (or will shortly) that you'll be past moderation. You're using RealEngines--there are a number of engines that doesn't support. They will still be using LF/Oxidizer. Use supported engines instead. And yes, not all fuel types available may be used by the engines you have; for example, Syntin is only used by some Russian kerolox engines, none of which are currently supported since the realism patch for BobCat's Soviet Historicals pack is not up to date. It is not possible to change a part's RF tanks in flight. Think about it; it's not like you could pump red fuming nitric acid into a kerosene tank; it'd eat through the wall. If you pumped liquid oxygen in, it'd probably break the pumps, it'd be so cold. Etc. MechJeb and the gimbal plugin used for RealEngines (KM_Gimbal) don't play nice right now. In MechJeb, open attitude adjustment and choose "Use Stock SAS." You need an appropriate citylights texture. I keep forgetting to add it to the RSS opening post. Yes, you can use real orbital values. Regarding engine ignitions: While you can play without engine ignitor, it's not recommended Also, there's the fact that RealEngines doesn't yet really play nice with it. You might try RftS Engines in the meantime. But yeah, in general, you should only be using orbital-class engines for on-orbit work, and generally those have many reignitions. You can place cryogenic fuel in non-cryogenic tanks (note that the ServiceModule tank type does count as insulated), however you will have higher boiloff. If you try to use a pressure-fed engine with a non-pressurized tank, it should fail to work (although I'm not sure if the latest Engine Ignitor is detecting that correctly; I thought it did...) Now, regarding sizes. If you are using the RPL tech tree, as its opening post and install guide says, you need to use RftS Engines, *not* RealEngines. All engine sizes in RealEngines are correct. Apollo SPS really was 4 (3.9 actually) meters in diameter; the HM7B really is sized for a 5m stage (the Ariane 5, actually 5.4m diameter core) and really has 65kN of thrust, and so forth. Real vacuum engines have *gigantic* bell nozzles for efficiency in vacuum; KSP is hilariously wrong about just about every nozzle you see (and, of course, its engine have about 1/3 to 1/4 the TWR of real engines). It's also, of course, wrong about having a giant "tank butt" at the top of most engines--that's actually the bottom dome of the stage's lower capsule tank, not anything to do with the engine itself. Here is a real HM7B. The fact that KSP-looking engines look "normal" to you is for the same reason that one might think waiting until 10km to start pitching over, and having pea-soup-level aerodynamic "drag," is normal: because KSP gets it hilario-tragically wrong. pingopete: see above; use RftS with RPL, per the RPL instructions. Realism Overhaul is scaled 100% to real life. It's well known I eventually plan to replace the Kerbals with humans anyway. Phredward: thanks! You might want to look into "welding" aka using MODEL nodes to reference existing assets. I'd be happy to include your landing leg rescales in RO. Romby: No real engines have alterable tech levels; that's because they model specific real engines, not notional lineages of engines that are upgraded over time into different models. Note the Russian engines have not yet been placed properly in the tech tree; they're all TL6 and TL7 engines...
  10. I wouldn't be super-sure EVE won't be seeing updates soon... Bedi: Have you tried RSS v6+? You might be surprised. Zoom out in the tracking station.
  11. burningcrow: For the Juno rocket, you probably want the C2, or the actual Redstone's Rocketdyne A-7 engine (in Hydyne mode). From the top down you want your probe, then a single Baby Sergeant, then the small decoupler (careful how you place it), then the 3x cluster, then the larger decoupler (again, careful how you place it!), then the 11x cluster, then the final decoupler / nosecone etc and the Juno tank. Is there a PP modulemanager patch for tank widths? If not, yeah, try Stretchies. Aw, thanks! :] Ivan Ivanovich: I can't remember whether TL0 tanks were set at 1.5 or 2m; they probably should be 2m. (There's actually a good case for them being 3m...) Certainly TL1 allows 3m tanks (or should; that's what we planned). SPS *should* be 4m diameter btw (that's it's actual size); it's coming out as 5?
  12. Then how come I don't get the same problem? I'm using mostly engines older and less capable than the F100, and I easily reach Mach 2-2.5. (Note, of course, that the F100 *is* optimized for somewhat lower speeds; earlier jets are better for Mach 2+ speeds.) A MiG-21F, nearly Mach 2 at sea level. Fairey Delta II (with a single EE Lightning's Avon rather than the early, no-reheat version), Mach 2.5 at altitude. A traditional-planform version, M2+ at sea level.
  13. Welcome to the fact that KSP jets use gold-pressed unobtanium as fuel, and magic fairy dust for thrust. Note that the "turbofan" engine is now the engine the F-16 and F-15 use--so if you're not getting Mach 2 performance, it's your craft design, not the engines. You understand that 1000m/s is, like, Mach 3.5, right? SR-71 speed?
  14. Congratulations! You've discovered the rocket equation.
  15. Then yes, MCE will override all parts' cost values. I've explained a number of times in that thread how the costing algorithm works; you can also open MCSettings.cfg and read about it there.
  16. KSP Settings -> Change from Kerbal time to Earth time. It's a feature SQUAD added in .23.5, to default to counting MET in Kebal-days.
  17. Only the Service Module is pressurized. Pressurized tanks are heavier, with lower volume utilization.
  18. swamp_ig and Sarbian are working on a better solution (aka automatic upgrade); but *do* make a backup of your SFS before messing around, just in case.
  19. Yep. RSS sets them all, too, if you want to see them being accessed and set; trivial to write a dumper.
  20. 15nelsoc: no problem! Armchair Rocket Scientist: craft file? Pics? That sounds weird that the tank would overstress that late. Is there jiggling going on? DRE cares about Gs from rapid back-and-forth see-sawing, as well as linear acceleration/deceleration.
  21. Total stab in the dark, but...Smart Parts? Those can activate stuff. Remake your ship without custom parts. Add one mod's worth of custom parts back each time, test. Also, for the eleventy-millionth time, post your output_log.txt
  22. Creature, probes mostly obey EC/ton ratios of batteries, I thought. That said, maybe we need to create a solar panel module for it.
  23. 15nelsoc what craft, what mods? I'll try to repro (I guess by creating a non-RSS install)...
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