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Everything posted by NathanKell

  1. frizzank: you beat me to it, I was all going to sit and write a lengthy PM about it. Thanks for being awesome, as always. It will only ever be the configs, of course. And awesome about that PS!
  2. Now, a question: in the sad absence of ECLSS fixes (asmi: hope things are ok with you and all...) I'm considering switching over "the official Life Support mod of RO" to TACLS. Thoughts?
  3. Three notes: 1. Your choice, but now that there are good procedural parts for most things, you might want to go back to giving parts their real diameters--when I redid Gemini as modulemanager patches I rounded to 3m, but now it might make sense to go back to the full 3.048m. Same for Agena's not-quite 1.5m diameter. 2. You might want to check in with MCT here: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/71271 3. Shall I add those resources to the next RealFuels? That means one would be able to use other tanks for FASA engines, etc.
  4. It has everything you asked me to add and your pull request, so... BTW the point of utilization is that it can be done as a tweakable ingame, so that real rockets' stages can be replicated (i.e. so you can tweak how much of a procedural "tank" is actually tank, and how much is empty space / structure). We were talking a ways back about computing that automatically based on the stage length/width aspect ratio, but making it user-tweakable ingame in real time was an easier and more flexible solution.
  5. Same here. I had to get a mod to edit my titles for today's releases. Same 500 in both FF and IE.
  6. v4 -- \/ *Fix typo for RTG, Stayputnik, WAC probe core, AIES *Add missing KW RCS *Remove FASA config (handled by RedAV8R) *Removed inbuilt support for RealEngines *Changed scaling method for likely-to-be-root parts *Add community rescales (broman [Porkworks habs], amo28 [KOSMOS Salyut], Phredward [10m heatshield, docking ports]) Note the part about Real Engines. You might want to reread the whole OP (the readme and OP have been updated). Also note that I am getting an error (500) on updating the thread title, so...at least the text of the OP is updated.
  7. With whatever HLLV I have on tap. Maybe an N11 clone? Stretchy/PP has it covered.
  8. The latter. Utilization refers to how much of the volume of the tank is used; what you're talking about with that division is the stage's fuel fraction.
  9. I vote for SSPP stuff--when you think about it, *nothing* in KSP *really* serves a purpose.
  10. That's correct for solids. For liquid engines, note that the common-core boosters do have throttleable engines IIRC (they run the central core on low throttle until booster separation) so be careful about burn times...
  11. I've fixed all my other mods' hosting, but since this is SOOOO close to v4 I'm not bothering to up v3 just to replace it. Just hold tight for an hour or so... Ninjatsu: thanks! 1. Delete that "delete once copied" folder and ignore the copy instruction; brooklyn666's antenna configs take precedence. 2. Infernal Robotics is broken in .23.5; don't install it. cs files are source files; you never need a mod's source unless you want to see how it's written, and/or change it and recompile. 3. Can stash a ModuleManager cfg anywhere in GameData; for safekeeping you might as well put it in the RO folder.
  12. Heh, yeah. Yes, I am. Also RftS itself--it's been a month, it's high time for Wikinger to reach orbit.
  13. ThorBeorn: sorry they were confusing! Corovaneer: For RSS, since RSS makes Kerbin Earth, it's an orbit with a period of 23h 56min 4.1s, or an altitude of 35,786km. For the others...no idea, you'll have to calculate them based on whatever the planetary rotation and mass are. Sandworm: awesome pics, and thanks so much!
  14. Fixed. 10charoopsIguessmystuffispopular ninja: CoolBear: Well, I upped a 50mb RSS release and everybody downloaded it. Before, all my mods have been less than a meg.
  15. Yeah, dropbox just yelled at me for using too much bandwidth. I'm getting everything rehosted; sorry for the inconvenience.
  16. SpacedInvader: dropbox just yelled at me. Getting stuff rehosted, hold tight.
  17. Yeah, I just exceeded my quota. I'm currently getting all my mods rehosted...Sorry!
  18. Skyler4856: Yes. coldblade2000: Adjust it until the fuel mass is the same as real life, then use HoneyFox's ETC to adjust the thrust curve to get a real-life burn time.
  19. For planets, one solution would be to use placeholder textures when not in tracking station and when not in the object's SOI (or the SOI of its children). That won't help with the heightmaps, though, which are MapSOs not textures.
  20. I too miss this very much. Where did you hear that? Certain .24 subsystems are undergoing some testing (as is normal during a development cycle), but I haven't heard anything at all about .24 as a whole being in testing.
  21. The issue with the offset lighting is that for some reason, KSP (Unity?) rather than wanting your average RGB normal map, wants a weird RGBA normal map where RGB is old-G inverted, and A is old-R inverted. I fixed the maps AndreyATGB posted (see screenshot of my attempt upthread) and will work on the other planets too. Here, btw, is how you make CB textures. For all maps (color, normal, heightmap): flip horizontal, then offset left 1/4 of the map width, wrapping around. For normal maps: then invert R and copy to Alpha; then invert G and copy to R and B. Aazard: there's a big difference between changing textures and changing models. We could make the heads dark-skinned or light-skinned rather than green, for example, but they'd still have all their old proportions. That is, they'd still be "huge headed, long limbed, pot-belly" things, just not green-skinned. To make a serious change, we have to *at least* rescale the parts of the model, if not replace it altogether. coldblade2000: I see no reason it wouldn't. Nothing had to change for .23.5. ThorBeorn: as Starwaster says, it's likely a file naming issue. Download the file, and change its pre-extension name to EarthNRM. If you have extensions hid, it should appear as EarthNRM, and if you have extensions visible (i.e. you can see the extensions on files) it should appear as EarthNRM.png. Then move it into RealSolarSystem/Plugins/PluginData and replace the existing EarthNRM.png Note: this is ONLY the normal map; you already have the high-res Earth color texture, this will only make the mountains (and other terrain relief) appear a bit sharper from orbit.
  22. Tom K.: yep, now that it's solid it's definitely to be recommended. Oksbad: it means HoneyFox changed the install structure but I didn't change the readme. Will fix.
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