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Everything posted by NathanKell

  1. Well, it does compress them in memory, usually--to DXT1/5. Nor (where plugins are concerned) can you tell just from reading the code, alas--when I increased the frequency of the Voronoi PQSMod (that which makes the small procedural craters on the moon) usage shot up by 500MB (there's caching involved, evidently). MisterFister: If a texture has the extension .mbm, one of two things will be true. Either it is a normal map and will retain its entire file size in memory, or it is a regular texture. If it is a regular texture, see how large it is: if its divisible by 3 (768kb, 3mb, etc), that means it has 3 channels and will take 1/6 its space in memory (3mb->512kb). If it is not, it is 4 channel and will take 1/4 its space in memory. The a texture is a png or tga, you can open it in an image viewer and determine (a) whether it's a normal map (it will look either blue-purple or solid gray with darker/lighter highlights) and ( its resolution and number of channels (3 or 4). Then you can figure out its size uncompressed, and then its size compressed by KSP.
  2. keychain: open RealSolarSystemSettings.cfg. Make note of KSC's latitude and longitude (look for KSC). Open Remotetech2_settings.cfg. Give the ground station that lat/long.
  3. Zidane: I presume it's Z-fighting between terrain and citylights sphere. Known issue.
  4. Ok, sounds like shields need to get their conductance killed.
  5. The Russian 1021: Per the readme, open (in notepad) KerbalJointReinforcement/Plugin/PluginData/KerbalJointReinforcement/config.xml. Near the top you will see <bool name="reinforceAttachNodes">0</bool> <bool name="reinforceDecouplersFurther">0</bool> change each 0 to 1 That should stiffen things. Also, Ferram says many struts are worse than no struts. After this change, try with no struts at all. If you still get problems then add struts sparingly only one or two at a time. As for craft files I would recommend this thread. Also you can look at Ferram's LV tutorial here. EDIT EDIT EDIT: Ferram just updated KJR. Grab that. Aazard: I assume you're trying the dev build of Fustek, which wasn't around when the rescale cfg was made. Looks like it needs to be remade.
  6. This is a plus, not a minus. Denser fuel = lower tank dry mass and lower drag. This is why, for instance, kerolox first stages compete closely with hydrolox despite having a far lower specific impulse.
  7. Are you using KJR? Have you changed back to 1 the first two bools in the config.xml file for KJR, per the KJR readme? Do the parts you are using have correct-sized nodes?
  8. Has anyone already paid the bandwidth fee for those Mars textures BTW? Just wanting to make sure RSS-club doesn't spend twice. ANWRocketMan: yes, I've mentioned upthread that the normal map is flipped for what KSP wants. If you go to the RSS github you'll see I've uploaded corrected textures. However, there's a deeper problem with the textures, which is that they're from different datasets and don't align right (some craters are 1-2 pixels offset in the diffuse vs. the heightmap, for example).
  9. Lack, gotta say I'm super-impressed with your UV unwrapping skills for SXT!
  10. Node sizes are only ever even integers. But what would be great--swamp_ig, unless you've already added this and I missed it--is if you could determine whether the divisor for node size is 1.25m or 1m.... Also, another question. Looked through cfgs and didn't see a way to do ellipsoidal-cross-section tanks. Is this possible? I thought it was, but couldn't find a way...
  11. For textures at least (which take up most of the memory for mods), it shouldn't be that hard to write a tool to trawl through GameDatabase and output how much memory is taken up by textures of the same root folder (it's in the texture URL after all). EDIT: That said, it's easy to calculate by hand. Assuming all non-normal-map textures get compressed (and you should be running ATM at least in basic so textures *do* get compressed), then they take up the following amounts of space: No alpha channel: 512kb per 1024x1024 pixels (1024x1024x24/8 /6 for DXT1) Alpha channel: 1024kb per 1024x1024 pixels (1024x1024x32/8 /4 for DXT5) If RGB/RGBA (uncompressed, for normal maps), remove those last divisors (so 3mb and 4mb, the same size as the uncompressed MBM or TGA on disk. If png or compressed TGA, calculate).
  12. Well, you could PM him--that's the only way I know to reach him. But I'm quite certain doing that would be welcomed.
  13. mar117117: with the non-fixed-radius tanks (the super-stretchy and the conic stretchy). goldstarstickergiver: Sounds like maybe a conflict between Stretchy and PP; try using only one. Recall that stretchies use keys (hold key down while moving the cursor over the tank, sometimes left-right, sometimes up-down) whereas PP uses tweakables.
  14. Apologies, that was meant in a tongue-in-cheek manner rather than harshing, but it didn't quite come through. And as Starstrider42 says there *are* occasions when it makes sense.
  15. Hey, cool! You might want to retain independent settings for the PQSCity and the MapDecalTangent; at times it's easier to place KSC directly on the terrain without also placing the MapDecalTangent under it. And/or you probably need to either automatically or manually figure out the radial offset (i.e. altitude above sea level) for both, probably independently. Might also be worth looking at how KerbTown does things, since I'd hazard a guess it's better than how I do.
  16. The problem with attaching the heatshield to the Mk1 pod is "you shouldn't." Because it already has a built-in heatshield.
  17. The whole point is they use different curves. They don't use the same curve. So you can't put them on that curve.
  18. Raptor831: I went ahead and just used your config (with credit). Hope that's ok. (I forgot about this). Regarding RftS: I hope to have it done reasonably soon, apologies for the delay.
  19. Oh. It's another derp. I autoset ocean to true if the body has an ocean. Committed a fix. Also cleaned up the subroutine a bit. EDIT: Ralathon, do you have diffuse/normal textures to go with that heightmap? I've found, for example, that AndreyATGB's diffuse/normal/heightmap don't quite match, presumably from different datasets, so I was hoping you can tell me the dataset you pulled that Mars heightmap from.
  20. regex: it didn't sound harsh, and I'd posted before I saw this page of the thread; I was responding to your "Moho y u no work" post. Cool, thanks! I'll go ahead and nuke my version of the change because I want your sweet, sweet platform-agnosticism!
  21. Oh wow, that first pic of Kerbin and Mun looked like a photo.
  22. regex: because I'm stupid and put the export handler one level too deep--it will only execute if the body's radius changes. Just set Moho's radius to (whatever it is) + 1 meter and go. Sorry. Will be fixed in next patch (or you can fix it yourself and recompile). EDIT: Ninja'd by...not noticing there was a next page. Oops. EDIT EDIT: Ralathon, the game doesn't hang, it just takes forever. You can export up to 8192x4096, but expect to wait about an hour for those (i7 2600k; took ~48 minutes to render Kerbin at 8192x4096 when I first tried it last fall.)
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