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Everything posted by NathanKell

  1. Yeah, interestingly enough my plugin (that adds crossfeed) will *also* fix the blowup issue
  2. Ralathon: you do that, I'll worry about scaled space. (In fact, it *will* mesh with scaledspace because of PQSWrapper and because at the same time I'll replace the diffuse and normal maps.)
  3. regex: supposedly if you remove any SSTScale lines from the cfg they should match perfectly, since I'm using Squad's own function to match the scaled space model to the PQS. It seems to work 100% for Earth but I've heard reports of problems for some elsewhere. Ralathon, woohoo! Now, how about doing it from a real Mars heightmap?
  4. You also might want to use RedAV8R's realism patch for FASA. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/73319
  5. Pretty much. If you add this to a tank (say, the radial LF tank from KSPX) and then surface-attach that tank to your stack, fuel will flow in and out without having to clip a fuel line on.
  6. Crossfeed Enabler by NathanKell A partmodule: adds a fuel crossfeed between the part it's added to, and the part this part is surface-attached to. Use it for radial tanks. License CC-BY-SA Installation: Extract to GameData. By default includes cfg to apply to radial RCS tanks, the mini radial RCS from Realism Overhaul, and all procedural wings. (NOTE: Requires ModuleManager, which by now you really should have.) Download Source on GitHub To add to other parts: Add: MODULE { name = ModuleCrossFeed } to the cfg, or do it via MM. For example, create a MM node and add it to some cfg. @PART[YourPartNameHere] { MODULE { name = ModuleCrossFeed } } ================= Changelog: ================= v3.3 * Recompiled for KSP 1.0 (thanks to Padishar and Angel-125) * Toggling crossfeed applies to symmetry counterparts (thanks Angel-125)
  7. ThorBeorn: Thanks! Yeah, I've kinda been addicted to the SPH since camlost wrote AJE. Currently remaking the JRC Mk. IV _again_. As Realism Overhaul doesn't even have properly-weighted spaceplane parts yet spaceplane engines haven't been much on my radar; I believe stockalike RF configs do support them (with tech levels), and if you strip out the *other* engine configs from the stockalike cfg you can use it with RftSEngines. I'll see about adding the XS25 though at some point. Hey, thanks so much! Always happy when people enjoy this stuff. Re: edit: As for tech tree integration, you'll have to ask Medieval Nerd. Best bet would be to find out the name of an appropriate node, and set their TechRequired as such.
  8. So? 600 Isp is 600 Isp. Ain't never gonna be chemical. (not even in the realm of FOOF or ClF5)
  9. Advanced Jet Engines: it does to jets/ramjets what FAR does to aerodynamics. I'd say you even have some F-14 influence there too, nice!
  10. 2-5 or so, since that means it's a nuclear thermal rocket pushing liquid methane.
  11. Oksbad: Starstrider42 is working on a generic asteroid rejiggerer, which I'll use rather than writing my own. BahamutoD: Thanks!
  12. HoneyFox: Dirt_Merchant ran into an interesting issue where KSC's location is reset to -0.1/-74 (stock location) from its RSS location when using Kerbtown's launching system. Any idea why that might be?
  13. Half-size Firespitter oblong fuselage parts (intake + structurals + tail) surface-mounted and rotated to be oblong left-right rather than up-down.
  14. % doesn't work for root-level nodes because Mu set the root of GameDatabase to read-only. I'm not aware of any way to do what you want. Sorry...
  15. Nope, that's been fixed on FAR's side for at least two versions.
  16. Can I just say that this new loading is awesome? I've been using v3 for a week or so, and I'm continually shocked by how fast KSP loads. Kudos!
  17. Well, I haven't modeled anything yet, but I built something you all might find helpful (since LF/Ox is in the tanks). http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/76421-WIP-test-Crossfeed-Enabler No more fuel-line-from-radial-tank-to-main-part, just add this module to your tank!
  18. NOTE: Has been released. See HERE in Releases Crossfeed Enabler by NathanKell A partmodule: adds a fuel crossfeed between the part it's added to, and the part this part is surface-attached to. Use it for radial tanks. License CC-BY-SA Source on GitHub Installation: Extract to GameData. By default includes cfg to apply to radial RCS tanks, the mini radial RCS from Realism Overhaul, all Stretchy tanks as of v9, and all procedural wings. To add to other parts: Add: MODULE { name = CrossFeedEnabler } to the cfg, or do it via MM. For example, create a MM node and add it to some cfg. @PART[YourPartNameHere] { MODULE { name = ModuleCrossFeed } }
  19. Your vessel attitude is a bit to the side of the prograde vector; I'd bet that one canard is slightly shielded by the nose?
  20. Ah, ok, that makes a lot of sense. I was wondering why the drag model addition was getting clobbered. At least that means for static parts it still works to define drag models.
  21. Dirt_Merchant, that's bloody amazing! Ferram: I'm having issues with gear, still. Updated to .13.1, and now not only do Firespitter gear still get wacky drag, *also* my application of zero-drag MODULEs fails.
  22. Aazard: That's what I have in my download folder. BahamutoD: 1. Please post output_log.txt. And make sure you have the absolute latest FAR. 2. Congrats! 3. Known issue; swamp_ig has fixed it, I believe, along with much other stuff, in Stretchy's successor, Procedural Parts.
  23. I'd call that lotsa use, since it sounds like TweakableRCS might be interfering with RF. Though as always with logs, please post'emall: might be stuff that looks normal to you that might not to someone else. The point of FX firing in VAB is usually some module exceptioning out...
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