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Everything posted by NathanKell

  1. Sure you can. Right click->disable engine. Or set "toggle engine" to an action group for an even easier time.
  2. Thesonicgalaxy: Try this: https://github.com/NathanKell/RealSolarSystem/wiki/AtmosphereFromGround-RSS-Settings
  3. By request from eggrobin: Etendard IV, Marine Nationale. (Should be MN sky blue, but this is closer than the cyan that is the blue Stretchy offers.)
  4. Do you still need help wrangling the RSS config file?
  5. ANWRocketMan: As always, no apologies necessary! You want to use basemass = -1 (which will turn off RF changing a part's dry mass). I'm a bit stumped myself as to reasonable dry masses for life support tanks. You can see what I did here for oxygen for ECLSS (and in these cases volume is in liters of tank); you need to add RF tank support for TAC's resources such that oxygen is compressed to a similar level as ECLSS (where I have it at roughly 200 atmospheres, or 286 grams / liter). Food I would estimate as having a density of maybe 500 g / liter? (i.e. 0.0005 tons/liter) although that may be low-balling how dense rations, rather than food, will be. For human usage, I use this calculator: http://www.5596.org/cgi-bin/mission.php Which also gives space requirements in m^3 which may be better than my guesstimates (I *think* mass is net, though, not including tank/container mass). Water will be way over-estimated at that calculator because it includes hygeine water as well as drinking water. For utilization, Oxygen will be whatever-yields-200atm-compression. For the rest, 1.0. For tank mass, I have not much idea, sorry--Oxygen tanks will be the heaviest, water the lightest (just has to be watertight, really) but food might need some shielding. If not, it'll be lighter than water tanks.
  6. Thanks! That might be because Kerbtown wasn't working, some months ago. HoneyFox has it updated and working now. The reason I mention the other things to add is because it is very possible that moving KSC will fail (KSC will be angled, below ground, otherwise broken) unless you allow changing the other things too. If you're finding it's not, then woohoo; just giving warning. Yeah, that Mission Control thing looks awesome!
  7. Sorry, just saw the post about atmospheres. Are they still confusing or have you figured them out?
  8. T10M101: Cool! Are these for RealEngines or RftSEngines?
  9. cBBp, how the heck do you think mere mortals feel when we see *your* stuff? Just because there are other awesome artists out there doesn't mean your stuff isn't ace.
  10. Don't think terrains *have* colors set in the shader; they're assigned by PQSMod, either colormap or landclass. See this dump of components of PQSs ZRM made.. The shader just modifies those colors (and only in brightness), AFAIK.
  11. BananaDealer: I really don't think you can add multiple ModuleFuelTanks. They'll probably collide with each other (internally--both will be setting the same stuff), and also you'll only ever be able to change tankage for one of them, because only 1 GUI will ever show.
  12. NeoMorph: the danger doing it that way is to turn the engine off you will need to disable it, which kills most dV calculations. This is why RealFuels has a hack (if throttle = 0, set minThrust back to 0; if throttle > 0, set minThrust to maxThrust * amount_engine_is_throttleable).
  13. +1 Demand. AJE has me addicted to 50s-60s jet building, and those parts are _perfect_.
  14. coldblade2000: realistic. Fictional too, of course, since all this is fiction. But realistic. You won't be restarting much; some engines with hypergolic mixtures can be restarted a few to a dozen times in orbit, and some pressure-fed hypergolic engines (like SPS) can be restarted at will, but otherwise, one and done. manuelasa1999: Follow the instructions in the paragraph where you downloaded the pack: it tells you you must download ExsurgentEngineering for gimbal support. Also, if you are using TweakableGimbals (or, IIRC, Tweakable Everything), uninstall them.
  15. It probably needs a collider adjust too then, since other stack chutes are fine.
  16. You really, really don't want uniform ejection force. That means, if you set it to 200, that your tiny probe gets a 200kN kick (buhbye!)...and also your 60 ton SLS payload does, and nearly doesn't move.
  17. Of course I'll let you! It has a totally open license that way anyway. I don't think "save to file" was ever implemented--just take note of the values you like, and add them to the cfg. Just, um, if I could maybe appeal to your gratefulness and ask you to make a RSS version of this too [i.e. for real sizes and real planets], if it's not too much work and if the regular doesn't work right?
  18. Plus what if you have GameData and Readme.txt in the root of the zip. Extract to /ksp/ and clobber the original readme: not good.
  19. Aaaaand OP updated for that. Green Skull: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/55145-0-23-5-Real-Solar-System-v6-4-7-14?p=1077612&viewfull=1#post1077612 Starwaster: it defaults to 1 so commenting it out is fine too.
  20. HoneyFox: what about clamping at Unstable or neither stable nor unstable, for full tanks? This would IMO make sense since you have a decent probability of pulling fuel in your first turbopump gulp.
  21. I thought this was in reference to a stack chute. Oops. I'll do that.
  22. ANWRocketMan: No apologies necessary; it's a heck of a thread by this point. :] As eggrobin is reminding me, I need to put up docs. whiskey1992: output_log.txt please. Kingster8128: ditto. SpacedInvader: The site Ralathon linked to charges $8 "for bandwidth costs" to download the hirez Mars maps. SpacedInvader: As ANWRocketMan says they are reversed because the scaled-space mesh of Kerbin is UV mapped that way, and because evidently the heightmap is that way too. But perhaps that only holds for Kerbin? ANWRocketMan: Sounds like either I flipped them wrong or Mun's mapping isn't flipped. Weird. Regarding heightmap/scaled space. I will look into why it's right for Earth/Moon but not Mars; that sounds like something is failing. SlimeCrusher: Yes, and it's not a bug. When you're trying to move KSC, you need to set its radial offset to how far from sea level it should be placed. Sounds like the elevation there is much more than the 60 or so meters that is the default. What I suggest in these cases is to use repositionToSphereSurface = true which will move it to whatever height the sphere surface is. Starwaster: it shouldn't need to be commented out, but it should be 1! Mr.Rocket: Yes, it comes in the download. Check back a few pages; metaphor released an updated CFG. I will update the OP. That "nosecone" is actually a procedural interstage with the top radius made as small as possible and nothing above it.
  23. RSS can change atmosphere colors like that (for when in atmosphere); Starwaster has done it for real-Mars in RSS. You can also look at how Alternis Kerbol changes atmosphere color ramps if you want to change the edge-of-planet glow from space (protip: just replacing a single-pixel-wide texture that is the color gradient).
  24. swamp_ig: yeah, I mean to extrude an ellipse (and in particular, do so with the bezier curve to allow for curving *sides* as well). Basically this is for making fuselages, since I'm currently kind of addicted to Kerbal Flight Simulator (RSS/FAR/AJE/RF) right now.
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