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Everything posted by NathanKell

  1. I haven't experimented with this sort of thing yet, but I'd say your best bet is to look at how Krag adds new planets, because by definition that's creating a PSystem object, a CB, and a PQS.
  2. Cool! RSS doesn't touch anything. It's people who install the whole shebang, i.e. RSS/RO/RF. Yet I don't see what would be the issue with RCS, unless you're actually changing the RCS module which you don't seem to be, just changing some of its members with you own module? The kicker is the gimbal, where I often *do* replace the gimbal module. MM2.0 ordering would help, although there's actually multiple mods to key for since what matters isn't RF or RO itself (well, RO matters for RCS), but the specific engine configs (either SFJBRealEngines or RftS).
  3. No, that's for pure H2 exhaust (~950s). LOX-Augmented NTR gets only about 640-50 tops.
  4. Fixed in the latest version of MFT, I believe. EDIT: Huh, no it's not. I thought taniwha had...
  5. Awesome, once again! Can't wait! Can you please add an option for "daytime" citylights while you're adding, i.e. blend between two detail textures depending on light, rather than just fading one out? That would let us at least have city *textures*. (Flying above NYC looks so weird with it all forest).
  6. Shukinen: update to latest EVE. The various cloud packs for EVE / Clouds mod / etc are for obsolete versions and have not been updated yet, so don't use them. Aazard: The science stuff looks cool! Give MedievalNerd a holler (I'm linking him to the post, too) as that's more his bailiwick. Thanks so much, and thanks for working on this! You're definitely getting the hang of it. A note about MM, not clear from what I was seeing in your files--you never need to mention a value or node unless you want to do something to it; if you want to leave it as-is, you can just not mention it. Also, when deleting nodes, you can just do !Nodename {} without having to specify anything in it. I see you sometimes do that, and sometimes include various values. The pods energy usage thing looks like it's still going to override any changes anything else makes, i.e. it will apply to *all* pods, regardless of whether RO or a realism patch has changed them. This is why I do suggest either just doing per-pod configs (this way pods can have variety, woo!) or using some kind of check that is liable to exclude previously-modified pods. You should be safe globally doing the KAS changes though, since AFAIK no RO-related patches apply KAS modules to pods.
  7. toadicus: could you add checks in anything that references ModuleEngines, ModuleGimbal, or ModuleRCS to be sure that the part actually has the module before doing anything? There's no guarantee your MM patch will run before something else with :Final that switches one of those modules out.
  8. Probably not installed correctly. Please install exactly as specified in the readme. If you still have problems, please launch KSP, quit, and post your ksp/KSP_Data/output_log.txt. SpacedInvader: I'd say let's go with what we know, and use procedural terrain to give it more detail.
  9. Stretchy does not support ModuleEnginesFX, which is why things are failing. I presume that the stretchable SRBs in Procedural Parts do though? Check on the PP thread?
  10. ModuleRCS does not support that. It uses part origin rather than nozzle origin as the place to apply force (and detect the lever arm of the force) so...they'd fire in the wrong directions and not apply rotation.
  11. Did you install it as directed? That often happens when people install mods into the wrong folders. Also, try a download manager; Spaceport often stops downloads haflway through. I highly doubt that the mod would be randomly missing half its parts, and no one would have noticed for seven months.
  12. I would suggest maybe a 4096x2048 heightmap for the moon, and maybe even 2048 color and 1024 normal. I *do* have an 8192 normal available for Earth in the OP but the "standard" RSS size is 2048, like in stock KSP. I would therefore suggest at least defaulting to those sizes above, with the option for hirez moon, etc--I really want to avoid RSS taking 500mb all by itself, if that can be avoided (though rbray is right to suggest "quick n dirty" paging as a way around this).
  13. Also, that'd be 1.5 ElectricCharge.
  14. KerbTown allows multiple KSCs.. Don't see why you couldn't move KSC to Duna, although you'd have to remove the PQSCity component from Kerbin and add it to Duna.
  15. No, you pick either the new, semi-working NODE {} method that uses transforms, or you use the old node_whatever = (7 numbers) method that's been around since the start. Check basically any part ever for the syntax; it's xyz, xyz orientation, [optional size, defaults to 1]
  16. Another RSS oddity: 2d clouds appear far below despite being set to 5000m altitude.
  17. camlost: it's close enough, since in reality the stage would have a fuel and an oxidizer tank, so the combined CoM of both tanks, as they drain, will be decently near the middle of the stage (presumably oxy on top of fuel to keep mass higher in the stage).
  18. swamp_ig: you may want to include the functionality from CrossFeedEnabler if you make radial tanks.
  19. Huh? It looks a *lot* like the F-4's cockpit. Back in my day we didn't have these new-fangled "hiviz" canopies... </geezer>
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