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Everything posted by NathanKell

  1. Ratzap: Dude needs to update his OP... :] (It works fine with RftS) Aazard: Thanks. :] That's two conic stretchy service modules. Set top and bottom diameter as desired, highlight and press b until curvature is to taste. For the engine, I clipped 2x Oscar-Bs going *up* from the bottom node, and then placed the A4 engine's top node on the top node of the second Oscar-B. Finally I radially attached pwings to the A4 engine. (The nose of the V2 is a PF interstage adapter, connected to the WAC Corporal Sustainer.) Especially since specific probes have specific experminets, they really should have their specific battery capacities. Admittedly, a large problem here is that any probe is, due to current KSPness, infinitely controllable, whereas really something like Sputnik or Explorer had no "brain" at all, and couldn't even receive commands. It just passively transmitted, and in the latter case transmitted its readings. Even the early "controllable" probes certainly weren't radio-control controllable, they had tiny little programs running that couldn't be changed. Another key difficulty is orientation. In KSP you always know how you're oriented thanks to the navball, whereas in reality it was very hard, often done with aligning via stars, and often failed. In the days of RT1 I had a module that allowed probes to conduct experiments only, not control vessels; I (or someone) needs to remake that. That would allow light, cheap "science probes" and heavier actually-can-control-vessel probes. Anyway, re: probes. Please, please, please set energy stored based on battery life and scale experiments to match; 1 EC has to equal 1kJ in RO or things get really messed up!
  2. Speaking of... camlost: if you're ever bored, I'd love actually-different settings for the Avon Mk301 and the J57 (rather than just rescaled J79s), and also the Tumansky R11 (for now I'm using the J93 you made). Also maybe some really early jets like the Derwent and the Jumo 004, since rescaling the J47 obviously doesn't feel right. :]
  3. As long as the engines are separate parts and don't include fuel tank butts as "thrust plates" I'll be happy :S
  4. Issue is the AfG settings probably shouldn't be the same in RSS; you'll get a different look with the same settings, I think.
  5. Huh, a Seabee / Aircar. Can't be that many of them these days. Nice 40s flying boat...
  6. Good start! Bell needs a lot of work though (it needs to be a bell...) and can't see from here whether the actual pressure vessel/casing is modeled or just the exterior cylinder.
  7. Recruitment is just a GUI overlay, IIRC. Tracking station is actually another screen. (You can tell because the clickbug goes away when you enter and leave tracking on first load to spacecenter, but it persists when you go into and out of recruitment or R&D). Benoit: saw post, will respond.
  8. As for plugin writing, if you're on windows you can use Visual C# Express (free). I *highly* recommend you first plow throw a "learning C#" tutorial, *especially* if you don't have extensive prior programming experience. You shouldn't actually need to make any models for this; my suggestion was that you use an existing part's model in the cfg, then swap out for the Kerbal EVA models with your plugin.
  9. I see no pitfalls with other people doing things for RSS (I had planned such a thing, but then HoneyFox fixed Kerbtown and I figured it wasn't so necessary anymore.) Make sure it's, say, only accessible from VAB or SPH? (Not a view where there actually is an active PQS--don't know what would happen if rebuilding a PQS while visible) and that you call mod.OnSetup after changing the mods and then RebuildSphere.
  10. C.f. RS-25 and RS-68 (SSME and Delta IV main engine).
  11. I think it's probably safe enough to just require EVE as a dependency, and use that for clouds; besides, rbray is currently implementing volume fog, too, so gas giants (and Venus) can have thick-as-soup atmosphere all the way down.
  12. Ratzap: Do you have RedAV8R's FASA patches installed? Charge amounts need a once-over, yeah. Biome support is in the RSS OP now. Aazard: I second placing pwings in the start node. You need it for making fins small enough to fit on starting rockets anyway.
  13. Re: scaling. RaccoonTOF, as I explained above, you *really* should not be using rescaleFactor in combination with MODEL nodes for any parts that might be the root part (and probably even if not). rescaleFactor is *only* safe for use with non-MODEL-node parts. ThorBeorn: as RaccoonTOF says, you need to use % for that scale call. Also, since most parts contain *multiple* MODEL nodes, you need to do your change to each MODEL node. (And you need MM 2.0+) Example: FusTekKarmonyHabModule (I also changed some stats to wild guesstimates.) @PART[FusTekKarmonyHabModule]:Final { @MODEL,0 { %scale = 1.76, 1.76, 1.76 // 4.4 meters, the width of the Harmony module } @MODEL,1 { %scale = 1.76, 1.76, 1.76 // 4.4 meters, the width of the Harmony module } @MODEL,2 { %position = 0.0, 3.245, 0.0 // was 1.84375 %scale = 1.76, 1.76, 1.76 // 4.4 meters, the width of the Harmony module } @MODEL,3 { %position = 0.0, -3.245, 0.0 // was -1.84375 %scale = 1.76, 1.76, 1.76 // 4.4 meters, the width of the Harmony module } @node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -3.245, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 4 @node_stack_top = 0.0, 3.245, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 4 @mass = 14.0 // ~14 tons (Harmony is 14.3t, but we assume some extras) @maxTemp = 1300 // not super rugged @breakingForce = 1280 @breakingTorque = 1280 @RESOURCE[ElectricCharge] { @amount = 18000 // 5kWh battery @maxAmount = 18000 } !MODULE[ModuleReactionWheel] {} }
  14. Putting in another vote for order-preservation when editing nodes. I didn't realize this before, but it turns out I badly need this feature for RSS....
  15. Copy the AtmosphereFromGround {} nodes from BA's RSS.cfg to the same places in your old RSS.cfg. Then use your old RSS.cfg.
  16. Here's an example with two ground stations. Note where the braces {} are, and note that each ground station must have a different GUID. ConsumptionMultiplier = 1.0 RangeMultiplier = 1 ActiveVesselGuid = 35b89a0d664c43c6bec8d0840afc97b2 SpeedOfLight = 3E+08 MapFilter = Omni, Dish, Planet, Path EnableSignalDelay = False RangeModelType = Additive MultipleAntennaMultiplier = 1 ThrottleTimeWarp = True DishConnectionColor = 0.9960784,0.7019608,0.03137255,1 OmniConnectionColor = 0.5529412,0.5176471,0.4078431,1 ActiveConnectionColor = 0.6588235,1,0.01568628,1 GroundStations { STATION { Guid = 5105f5a9-d628-41c6-ad4b-21154e8fc488 Name = Space Control Center Latitude = 28.608389 Longitude = -80.604333 Height = 500 Body = 1 Antennas { ANTENNA { Omni = 7.5E+09 } } } STATION { Guid = 5105f5a9-d628-41c6-ad4b-21154e8fc489 Name = Sternburg Latitude = -4.946 Longitude = 39.8 Height = 500 Body = 1 Antennas { ANTENNA { Omni = 7.5E+09 } } } }
  17. Do you mean using a plugin to manage your throttle for you based on altitude, or do you mean using a plugin to make sure that thrust is proportional to Isp (as it is in real life) rather than fuel flow being proportional to Isp? (The latter definitely exists--RF does it, KIDS does it, and Arcturus Thrust Correcter does it).
  18. There are at least five gimbal plugins, and they all support roll control.
  19. Should be fixed in latest version (get the dll from github, I don't think ialdabaoth updated the package yet.)
  20. Every load, until I implement caching. First thereafter. I timed it; 9.5 minutes on the black screen that says loading (right before main menu).
  21. Confirmed the issue, and fixed it. However, it added a good 5-10 minutes to load time, so I'll clearly need to cache the meshes. Dang.
  22. ThorBeorn: not aware of anyone. Please do give it a go! Here's how you rescale. That said, that's for single-MODEL configs. You will have to, as RaccoonTOF says, multiply all positions in the MODEL nodes by the rescale you're doing, as well as the attach nodes. RaccoonTOF: Oh, I agree they're wacked, and I look forward to your remake of them. I was just responding to the question part of your post, rather than the statement. I see the problem now better; that's a fair point. Perhaps what you might do is set the tank volume for if it were fully utilized, but then add a default config with as much LH2 and LOX as the real SLS uses (using TANK override nodes in the module). Not sure what you should do about base mass then; maybe leave the tank part masses on automatic and stick all the rest of the mass in the interstage part. Re: NK-33s, I was just being pedantic. You mentioned N-1, and I took you to mean N-1 the rocket, not N-1 the project. And with Denny's N-1 coming along, we're about to get -15s and -15Vs, too! brooklyn666: I *highly* support integrating it into RO; that was pretty much my hope from the start and why I asked back then. Because RT2 uses a dump-to-file version of confignode, rather than a GameDatabase-readable confignode for its settings, we can't patch it with ModuleManager, but I will have MedievalNerd include an RT2 settings file with RPL that will establish ground stations and make sure range model and multipliers are correct. Thanks, and enjoy your break!
  23. Sure! SpacedInvader: Wrapping problem confirmed. Now I'm getting null meshes for planets when I try to change them. I'll mess around some... Also, after much pestering I'm adding a donation button to the OP. Please don't anyone feel pressured, though.
  24. We're getting OT again. GoldForest: I direct you to this post.
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