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Everything posted by NathanKell

  1. blender's free. Some use Sketchup instead. There should be lots of tutorials in the main Dev forum (where perhaps this ought be moved?) and the Modeling subforum. If you're making parts, no need for plugins.
  2. camlost: Sure, no probs. Hence the "if you're bored."
  3. Plausible the normal maps are constructed wrong; some KSP shaders use weird normal maps.
  4. Sorry, I can't understand what you mean. Can you restate (maybe with punctuation)? (Not trying to be snarky, btw, I genuinely can't follow that.)
  5. I meant the modlists to implicitly have an order; many will break otherwise. Further, I suggest a phone-home model, where the modlist itself is hosted remotely and can be updated by someone (i.e. me) which will push to all clients. As for routines, I meant "subroutines", i.e. actual scriptability. Rather than a modlist that simply does "get and extract each mod in order", it would support modlists that do something like 1. Get package X, extract to GameData (overwriting any existing files) 2. Get package Y, extract to GameData (overwriting any existing files) 3. Move file Y/foo.cfg to X/bar/foo.cfg Basically, my question is "can this replicate the functionality of the Mod Bundler" :]
  6. Visari: am I weird for finding planes remarkably easy? Is the difficulty design or flying? kasperhangard: you're comparing a 6.5 inch (16.5cm)-diameter probe with multiple-meter-diameter engines. Of course it's going to look like that. And the Vanguard satellites were of course designed just to be placed in orbit, not to actually act as controllable probes. If you use a decent-sized probe core (like the Hex or Cube) and, say, the LV-1 or LV-1R (LR11R and Equiso ® respectively) it should be a better match. Also AIES has tons of small engines, as Visari mentions. Aazard: I'm in full agreement with many other mod makers who are skeptical of mod packs, for a variety of reasons, chiefly that it's a devil of a time keeping them up to date (and the mod pack maintainer often stops maintaining--casting no aspersions, RL is a pain!--), leading to multiple versions of mods floating around and support headaches; it leads to people posting support requests in the wrong threads (I installed this pack, and I heard FAR is hard, so I'm gonna blame ferram for this problem even if it has to do with parts breaking due to attach node issues); and the like. See this collection of threads on modpacks, featuring comments from a number of prominent modders. That said, we *are* aware of how difficult RO/RPL etc is to install; I've posted on the Mod Bundler thread that if no one steps up to maintain it I will, and Medieval Nerd and I will be making some really good installation instructions (and he a video tutorial) this weekend, for manual installs. Finally, I think the approach you advocate will be counterproductive. Most modders are not in it for the thrill of being supported by RO, let me tell you; and indeed many are on the edge of their patience as it is with constant requests and "is it done yet? is it done yet?" posts, and installation problems being reported as bugs (sarbian? patience of a saint), and the like. (And as above, even if they do permit inclusion in packs, that's likely to make their life harder, not easier!) I mean, let me say that I appreciate the spirit in which you made that post, absolutely, and I'm glad you're trying to think of ways to make this work better. I just happen to disagree (somewhat) with the approach.
  7. regex: cool! SpacedInvader: only way I can think of (to generate a heightmap from a 2D image) is to use software to convert it to a normal map (I think I've seen tools that claim to derive normal maps from diffuse maps' shading), and from there to a bump map. So...much like what you're doing (and is failing), sorry. White Owl: Nope, that's KerbTown. regex is making a GUI for the support for moving KSC that's already in RSS. AndreyATGB: I've been waiting on (1) fixing the wrapping issue (I need to design a caching mechanism) and (2) SpacedInvader's updated maps. However, Mars will need some work such that the land color matches the image of Mars that will be used for scaledspace (woo, *another* texture since IIRC Duna relies on a vertex color map rather than landclasses) You can actually get the latest working RSS dll from Better Atmospheres v4 So...given the number of people who are having problems with 8192 textures, I'm considernig only supplying 4096s, and having the 8192s as an optional download. Thoughts?
  8. gleedadswell: Ah, goodness, we haven't had a round of this in 20 pages! Must be time again. You're clearly not using a large enough, *and cryogenic*, tank. Try using a bunch of jumbo-64s, which are for cryogenic fuels (or a cryogenic stretchy tank). Although frankly I think there's an install issue, since you should *never* be getting a propellant fraction of 55%. Are you sure you're not combining the mass of the engine *and* the mass of the tank?
  9. Yup, never have used Spessspohrt, never will. While we're requesting features... 1. Modlists: Ability to publish metamods that list other mods (in install order). 2. A modicum of scriptability: ability to have a mod install routine that involves "copy this file to that folder" or the like. As jamis no longer has time to maintain the Mod Bundler (also written in Java--you might find useful stuff in it to borrow), and as I'd rather not take on another project, I was hoping this could work for RO/RSS/etc.
  10. Yep, solids are far more shaky than liquids. Watch a video of one; whole unburnt chunks of propellant get chucked out the back, they kick like a mule, etc. By comparison liquid-fueled rockets are silky-smooth.
  11. It's not supported by Cilph; that doesn't mean that it's not working (err, working well enough). Support in the sense of tech support.
  12. I really, really would prefer if the 1 unit = 1 liter at STP standard is continued; RaccoonTOF is right that with the new TACLS GUI the program, rather than you, can convert to human-days of consumption. Otherwise some *very* strange tricks will have to be done to make life support in a ServiceModule RF tank work (utilization could be used, but that's really to account for things kept under high pressure, or things where extra insulation is needed).
  13. Good luck with RL! If no one else steps up I'll try to at least keep it current with my stuff--it's a wonderful tool and has saved me a ton of tech-support time, since installation is the #1 issue people have.
  14. You....understand that was satire, right?
  15. Benoît: apologies for delay! Your issue is you're out of memory. Even though KSP isn't crashing, when RSS tries to load its giant textures, it fails. Try deleting some partmods or running ATM in even-more-aggressive mode (if basic, switch to aggressive; if aggressive, increase the divsior used). KSC location is set every start of the game. So you can move it freely during saves (just, um, don't have anything on the pad or in the area at the time; it won't come with you, IIRC). CSG, near Kourou, Guyane française, is here IRL: Latitude = 5.2372 Longitude = -52.7606 You can check the last few (or maybe it was 10 ago?) pages of the Realistic Progression Lite thread for Ratzap's config for CSG. SpacedInvader: the specularity is because planets default to being shiny. You will need to include a black alpha channel in your color texture to make it matte. See EarthColor.png to see how land is matte and ocean shiny (KSP usually uses alpha in a diffuse map for specularity, not opacity). Oceans only exist at the PQS level; at the scaledspace level there's just the planet and the oceans are painted on.
  16. Sternface: adding a velocity check for situations would be interesting, yeah! Quick note: X-20 was similar to Mercury in that it carried one person for a few orbits. It was similar to Orion in that it massed seven freaking tons dry, and ten wet. Which would be why it was canceled, since it would offer "Mercury with a tiny bit of cargo" in 1965, and need a more powerful booster than Gemini to reach orbit. It was mostly based on the hilariously optimistic estimates of what reentry heating would be like that Saenger, and followers, made; and even then it's not super-clear that DynaSoar *was* shielded enough, IIRC. MedievalNerd: I plan to release RO v5 in synch with MS19b, so... Aazard: I've pushed an X-15-alike (with an AJE ramjet rather than the rocket engines shown here) to about Mach 5.5, whereupon things start melting. Bare hypersonic is possible with ramjets, but after that you do need a scramjet. On examination I don't believe AJE supports scramjets, however. pWings need some kind of active shielding; cockpits and and fuselage pieces probably need a buff, too, although not that much of one; KSP reentries are in the hypersonic range. The data recorder code *would* need some more code in order to limit to recording data above certain velocities (or rather, above one velocity and below another); FlyingHigh could be reached with balloons, and also with subsonic aircraft (c.f. U-2). The way the data recorder currently works, it is dependent on the game's own code for situations, thus you only have the basic 4 in-flight situations, no discrimination based on velocity or anything else. Sternface: Heh, that reminds me of the various Minuteman (etc) patches and graffiti.
  17. Uh, the Merlin 1D is the rocket engine used by SpaceX. It's not combined cycle at all. I think you're thinking of the SABRE. An AJE version of the scramjet would be great though!
  18. Oh, I'm a big fan of the Seabee! I might wish it had retracts like a Goose/Mallard/etc., but it's a very nice-looking plane.
  19. Or, if you want to use ascent guidance (just use smaller turn-end altitude for non-RSS play).
  20. Well, since ferram4's Eotena is pushing a good 20-30 thousand tons at 1.2TWR, it's very good you clamp it, but it means any rocket larger than, say, Titan 2 will have the same amount of shake (remember that some of us play real-scale, so 40MN thrust is merely a Saturn V-level heavy lifter).
  21. Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet?
  22. Interesting! Is shaking based off gross thrust or TWR, for thrust? Do you support RealChutes in terms of chutes? (Also, you probably should append the license that's in your source to the OP.)
  23. andqui: Primarily I had set things such that 1EC per second = 1kW. That translates to 1EC = 1kJ (and 3600EC = 1kWh, which is what battery capacity for spacecraft is usually given in, that I can find).
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