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Everything posted by NathanKell

  1. @winged I was speaking in general--there are many, many IVAs to scale. @Phineas Freak awesome! You can just put scaleAll = xScale, yScale, zScale in the root node of an internal (i.e. @INTERNAL[whatever the internal name is] { %scaleAll = ... } ), where those numbers are the numbers in the scale = x, y, z in the part's MODEL node. You also should add a %kerbalScale = x, y, z in each of the MODULE[InternalSeat] in that INTERNAL--though to avoid odd kerbals, x had better be the same as y and z. You can also play around with kerbalEyeOffset (goes in the same place, offsets the camera when in IVA). and kerbalOffset (offsets the kerbal in the seat).
  2. Do you have other shapes unlocked? Various shapes are locked until you research various techs in career and science sandbox.
  3. I thought MJ did integrate properly at one point, but that was RT1 maybe not RT2. We did talk about this sort of thing, but in the context of locking MJ when RP-0 reports insufficient avionics (you were going to steal @erendrake's kOS code once kOS did that). However, the issue here isn't merely that MJ continues to do its own FBW controlstate modifying when RT reports no connection, it's that @panourgue is reporting that MJ actually lifts input locks. (I think.) Er,, @sarbian. Tags >.>
  4. Realism Overhaul requires it, so I would be shocked if you don't have it. Can you take some screenshots during your low BC reentry?
  5. The X-1 pod is only rated for supersonic flight. It's not surprising at all that it explodes. Glad it's fun though. (Even the 1.25m cockpit that unlocks in High Speed Flight needs to be very, very careful about how it reenters.)
  6. v10.9.4 NOTE Uninstall TestFlight and TestFlight's RO configs before installing this. After it is installed, reinstall TestFlight but not any TestFlight config packs. RO is now the source for all RO TestFlight configs. Further Aerobee fixes. Fully incorporate all RO TestFlight configs Further RSB fixes (Agena D, Eyes Turned Skyward Carrack and Saturn IC / Multibody). Fix Castor II issue. Support SXT airbags. Further tweak TF reliability for the imported TF configs, improve burn time ratings.
  7. That may be an issue in MechJeb recently. I will check on my current install, but I know that MJ will still execute maneuvers when not connected. Pinging @sarbian and @Peppie23 if they have insight.
  8. Make sure you are on High terrain detail. If you are, then it's probably an issue with the launch site. Which site?
  9. Yeah, SRB thrust is set that high because otherwise you can't make an LES or separation motor very easily. You can always tweak 'em down.
  10. @John FX: Ah, ok. If you have a cite on the MB-3-II burn time I'd love to see it--all the info I can find points to a slightly shorter burn time than the LR79-NA-9 (since the thrust was uprated but not stage stretch was done). However, since the engine was unlikely to be rated for a lower burn time than the -9, I used the -9's value. Also, heh, that sounds like you just made a very early version of Saturn (i.e. the one with the clustered Jupiter stages as a second stage).
  11. @panourgue That's very weird then. I've never heard of that issue before on Windows. You are correct that MechJeb's own controls don't use signal delay, and may not even be locked out when you don't have a connection (I don't recall that), but manually actuating RCS should be dependent on signal delay and connection availability. I would suggest stripping down to just RSS itself and RemoteTech and see if the problem persists; then add back RO and its required mods, and check again; then add RP-0 and its required mods; and then finally add the recommendeds from RO and RP-0. @John FX: Yeah, the versions prior to -13 were for the original Thor and Jupiter, so had 2m45s burn times. When did we have them with higher rated burn times? Also...wait, you're using LR79 as a *second* stage? :] If you mouse over a locked config in the Engine GUI (i.e. where you change configs), the tooltip will state which tech node is required to unlock it.
  12. Yes, off-center CoM will allow a lifting reentry. For reentry corridors...it depends on your orbital altitude prior to retro burn. But there's a reason RP-0 offers those "Return safely, uncrewed" contracts--so you can test your capsule with no crew. From a 300km orbit, a perigee of anything between 50km and -200km should probably be fine for a ballistic reentry. With offset CoM, if you roll to keep at about 50km, then the corridor gets wider.
  13. @panourgue it's so awesome you're enjoying it so much! Regarding the issue you found--are you on linux? I recall there is/was some issue about linux immediately applying RCS commands rather them going through remotetech. Not having a linux install myself I haven't encountered it. I'd suggest asking on the RT thread as well? (I thought that issue got fixed, to be honest...but I guess not?)
  14. Try a 3m shield then, but remove some of the ablator? I believe I used a 1m shield with an octo 2, that worked for me.
  15. Ok, that sounds right. How heavy was the spacecraft entirely? We might have to bump up the pyrolysis, but it depends on the ballistic coefficient I guess. For a 2m shield going into Venus I'd expect no more than like 100kg of probe (and then 250kg of shield, so 350kg total)
  16. @Temeter : What was the "show info" name of the heat shield? (Right-click on the shield in the part list in the VAB, see what it says under Show Info). So you entered at about 14km/sec?
  17. @ZooNamedGames the log is not public, it says access is required. Also please include the other information the sticky asks of you (system setup, complete mod list with versions, etc).
  18. Note: CKAN did not have 10.9.3. That is now fixed.
  19. Yeah, I do too now. I was on the wrong branch. I manually added the .ckan until the bot runs again to inflate netkans. Doing the same for RO.
  20. @Phineas Freak 1.0.5 does support it, yeah, we just have to do it. Volunteers? @makuclib yeah, PQS is off in map view, so getting terrain height doesn't work. That's how it goes. Whole bunch of these I didn't update the OP for. NOTE: If you're upgrading from 10.9, make sure you delete your RO folder before installing an update! (CKAN does this for you). v10.9.3 for KSP 1.0.5 Thanks to Chrisl, Phineas Freak, Raidernick, Agathorn, SirKeplan, mellons85, stratochief66, and NathanKell Fixes to FASA Nova/Saturn C-8 support. Fix HM-7 conifgs. Improve RSB support. Add support for RN Aerobee. Fix RN Thor/Delta, Scout masses to account for fin mass. Fix some tanks incorrectly given type RCS. Fix some AIES tank changes. Fix RD-107/8 verniers for SSTU version. Improve TestFlight configs. Add a clone of the proc part tank that has heat shielding. Tweak upwards Castor I / II reliability, A-4 engine reliability. Add TF configs for Proton engines. Make the basic NERVA config directly model the actual NERVA I desgin. Support VSR cryo tanks. Support SXT's NTRs. Support Tantares NERVA as NERVA I Add support for RealISRU plumes. Add a center of mass offset to the Tiny Tim solid booster so its CoM is not at its base. Patch SXT cockpit voxelization until next FAR. v10.9.2 for KSP 1.0.5 Thor/Juno craft files (thanks Raidernick) Adjust TestFlight configs to be more generous about air-lighting engines. Fix gimbal and fuel issues with SSTU RD-107/8 (thanks SirKeplan) Fix LR91 plume, add missing vernier transform to LR91-AJ-3 model. v10.9.1 for KSP 1.0.5 Stock fuel cell conversion rate adjusted to same as current FASA Gemini (thanks Schnobs/Laie) Set Earth to be a planet where helmets can be removed (thanks PhineasFreak) Further SSTU improvements thanks to Shadowmage and stratochief Lower RD-108 starting reliability slightly Update ModuleManager to 2.6.18 Standardize Bell 80xx engine (XLR81/Agena) config naming with other USAF engines, update Agena D masses (thanks A1Ch1) Fix issues with FASA and AIES titan bits (thanks SirKeplan and NK) Update Able and Delta antenna ranges (thanks PhineasFreak) Add 1/10th size RCS block (thanks A1Ch1) Fix missing SPU on Early Saturn instrument unit Backend fixes for upcoming RP-0 release
  21. @Temeter what was your entry velocity and angle, compared to Venera's? v0.44 Thanks to winged7 and Zarbizaure! With a typo fix and more to come from g00bd0g Fix up HSF orbital repeat contract requirements to provide good progression. Increase advance and reward amount for HSF lunar flyby. Fix a display issue regarding science cost limits and the R&D facility. Avionics now applied to more parts. Lower number of build rates (in KCT) per facility tier to 1/2/3 not 2/4/6, tweak KCT rates. Scale pad rollout times by pad level, so you need to trade greater capacity vs slower rollout. Add different size limits to the VAB vs the SPH (note there is a display-only bug in 1.0.5 where the Engineer Report displays the limits incorrectly in the SPH). Implement a first pass regarding LEO stations, including placement/pricing, a new node, a new experiment, and new contracts. Move Big Gemini back a node. Fix entry costs of various parts that were set incorrectly in prior pulls. Fix reward and logic of HSF lunar landing repeat contract. Move the Mars/Venus flyby contracts to Milestones. Add HSF crew count and crew duration records. Note: due to a Contract Configurator issue the records only apply in Earth orbit, soon they will track across SoIs. Add HSF lunar landing milestone contract. Tweak HSF Lunar Orbital repeat contract, add a new more-specific-and-harder variant. Fix some issues with Adjustable Landing Gear. Improve SCANsat integration. Contracts now integrate properly with RP-0 and the parts are better placed and priced. Move supersonic-class wings to Supersonic from Mature Supersonic so they can be reached right from the start (after only a single science point). Fix some node movement typos/oversights. Better place large solar panels, move the High Power Electrics node to reflect its proper place. Move AJ10-118K to proper place. Fix place/pricing of RD-0110 and RD-0124. Place/price Otter cockpit, VSR habitat, SXT science nose cone. Fix a typo in crew reports. Allow easy ingame hiding of Non-RP-0 parts, just create a folder in GameData called NoNonRP0 and then delete GameData/ModuleManager.ConfigCache then start the game Place/price GEM-63/63XL. Move AIES command parts to more appropriate places in the tree. Move RTG and Pioneer 10/11 antenna forward to a more appropriate node. Fix up NERVA entry cost and cost. Lower RD-270/270M prices somewhat to be more in line with other Soviet engines. Handle new Agena B and D clones from new RO. Place/price new 1/10th size RCS from new RO. Fix an issue with the Jumo 213E. Fix the starting node ID for fairing sides. Place/price GX-256. Support the VSR version of the RD-108. Place/price the GEnx 287 jet engine. Update B9 support for new parts. Support VSR Mk1 cargo bays in 1.25m and Mk1 formfactors. Replace missing rover body avionics. Improve Mk1 system costing. Support new heat-shielded proc tank from new RO. Place/price SXT NTRs. Now that RO supports TestFlight for all early engines, add TestFlight back to recommended mods. Add ShipManifest to CKAN's recommended mods for RP-0. Round sounding rocket altitudes in contracts and round altitudes/speeds in X-Plane contracts.
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