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Everything posted by NathanKell

  1. @McHox all new members need their first few posts approved by moderators, otherwise the forum would fill up with spam posts from spambots. This way the moderators get to filter them out first.
  2. @atomontage because maybe we had good reason for pulling it and no longer distributing it? Because maybe modders have good reason for not supporting it?
  3. I actually did (try to) fix this in 1.0.5, but evidently not quite enough.
  4. Actually, Mike and I just looked into this a couple days ago. The issue is this: Unity is bad about non-uniform scaling. It applies the scaling matrix directly to the normals, which means a non-uniform scaling operation will have the inverse effect on normals.* So if the ADEPT's animation involves non-uniform scaling, that would explain why it's screwed. *Let's work in 2D. Consider a 45 degree poly and its normal \ / \ Now consider it scaled by 30 in X and 1 in Y ___ Ah, but what happens to the normal? Same scaling applies, so the normal, too, gets flatter. Rather than, properly, pointing more upwards (normal to the surface).
  5. Ah, sorry, I don't think in terms of flow rate. Also, because density is not the same for all propellants, flow rates will vary widely for the same Isp. Let me take a different tack: How much payload are you trying to place in orbit?
  6. Well, there's the never-made M-1 engine, that's supported too. And the NK-43 is a vacuum engine with ~2MN thrust. Oh, slight correction, sorry. That burn I describe is for a direct-flight (no gravity assist flybys) Mercury orbiter. A Saturn flyby probe only needs a ~7.7km/sec ejection burn for my next window, I can do that just with a single hydrolox stage (8 minutes).
  7. Faerie 2 - Phobos The Faerie 2 stack finally reaches Mars. We capture into Mars orbit and then set up a Phobos transfer. After Phobos capture the stack separates and the lander touches down on the surface of Phobos.
  8. Because you couldn't extend it again once you got there?
  9. @XpertKerbalKSP I think you may not have adjusted to RO then. While MOAR BOOSTERS is a common approach in KSP, it really doesn't translate well. Once you get above a couple thousand meters per second, you can toodle along at very low thrust, say with an upper stage with a burn time of 8 minutes or more. Once you're in orbit you're no longer suffering gravity losses, so even lower TWR is fine. The current EELVs, optimized for putting payload on geostationary transfer orbits, have upper stage burn times in the 10-20 minute range. That's even more true for going to the Moon or other planets (my direct Saturn injection will feature 15 minutes across two hydrolox stages, in addition to a 10 minute flight into orbit) What roles do you need high-thrust vacuum engines for? (And what qualifies as high thrust?)
  10. @Charlie the Kerbal you need to go to settings (from the main menu in KSP) and choose Earth Time rather than Kerbin Time. Also note that GEO (GTO is a geostationary transfer orbit, i.e. 35786km x 185km) has a period equal to the sidereal rotation period, not the solar day. Sidereal period for Earth is 23h 56m 4.1s.
  11. Changelog v10.5 Fixes to Russian launch sites thanks to Niemand303. Fix to Kodiak launch site thanks to CitizenVeen. Planetshine configs thanks to valerian. Support non-RP-0 science thanks to Kerbas-ad-astra and GregRoxMun. Rings fix thanks to Sigma88. Some fixes to Deimos and Phobs thanks to KillAshley and GregroxMun. Add back missing MSFN ground stations (as of 1963). North Korean launch site thanks to eggrobin. Fix issues with some biomes that had crept in on the transition to 1.0. Update atmospheric bodies' atmospheres and temperature curves thanks to OhioBob. NOTE Earth's atmosphere now ends at 140km! Refine Earth PQS/scaled space transititon to attempt to improve RVE integration. Titan fixes from GregroxMun. Atmosphere color/ramp fixes from GregroxMun.
  12. @pingopete I could not reproduce any issues with the scaled space clip changing not occurring with scatterer uninstalled, so I'm going to release.
  13. You need to set the engine config of the thruster to whatever set of propellants you want. Like RCS, there are many options. Then you need to change the tank type to one of the highly-pressurized types (ServiceModule or Fuselage).
  14. @timmers_uk cool beans, I'll look forward to it. @bananashavings all's well that ends well.
  15. Then maybe you'd best ask the author if they'd like to upload it to a different hosting service? I can see uploading something (whose license permits it), when it can't be grabbed otherwise, but when it can...that's just really, really bad form. Please try to imagine the headaches you might be causing in terms of update issues, quite apart from disregarding an author's choices in hosting.
  16. ....and unless you give us more information, we won't either. (see the sticky in the Modded Support forum.)
  17. Um...why? The Github link still works fine, it's not like this mod can't be downloaded. @bananashavings
  18. I feel compelled to point out that many mod authors, myself included, offer no support for those using the x64 hack, because it is proven unstable on many systems. If it is stable on yours, that's great! But please don't assume it will be for others.
  19. Um...you can add arbitrary modules, so yes. @toadicus man I need to set this up for RO...
  20. Uh...KSP already uses perlin noise. Also some other fractal algorithms. It's not a magic wand. :] If you want to learn how KSP's terrain system works, check this video out:(second half, with Mike)
  21. Yep, if you do what the OP says about changing existing models, then other mods that depend on those models will fail even if you undo the cfg patches. If you want a stock part to stay untouched by this pack, you need to not let the pack's cfg patches change it, but you also need to not do so yourself.
  22. @Deimos Rast yep. But if things are failing to work when doing the other thing...something weirder is going on. You didn't prune anything did you?
  23. You'll need to post the output log. See here for where to find it and the other info I need.
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