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Everything posted by NathanKell

  1. While it can sometimes make sense to do something like averaging the atmo and vac delta V from the first stage, by the time you're on any further stages your air pressure is so close to vacuum that you might be at most like 1% away from vac Isp. If you use atmo Isp for your upper stage (with an engine that might be, say, 100/350) that's valuing that stage's delta V at less than one third what it will give you in reality.
  2. I think either a lunar impactor or a crewed orbital mission are quite doable. A solar escape probe...well, it'd take a bunch of gravity assists at the very least.
  3. @pingopete I tried altering it in flight and the camera didn't even show up on the list (!)
  4. Kosmos-I and II? Lambda? Viking (pre-Vanguard sounding rocket, basis for Vanguard first stage)? The ISRO LVs (SLV/PSLV/GSLV)? Tsiklon? Also there are some very interesting also-rans and almost-rans that I'd love to see done, but you might only be going for flight-proven hardware.
  5. @pingopete FYI I've been looking into that clipping issue and still haven't figured out why it's not applying
  6. @NecroBones if I might...your stuff is awesome, and I know those are Iconic, but...might you consider some *less* commonly portrayed LVs?
  7. @Mad Rocket Scientist ah, thanks so much. It means I don't have to create a new install to free up the headroom.
  8. @Mad Rocket Scientist would you mind terribly reworking with just stock (VSR) + SXT? (I.e. the RP-0 requirements) Or are you using an engine like HM-7 or LR91 that we don't have any model of excepting in Cryoengines and FASA respectively?
  9. Did you make the shroud? Did you add a ModuleJettison for it, like the stock engines?
  10. I....I forgot to tag this with [KSPField]. I now hang my head in shame.
  11. If you know what propellant is used that would of course be best, but just multiplying the volume (to preserve mass) is fine if you don't.
  12. @NecroBones awesome! @Phineas Freak has already written PRs for a bunch of the parts, we're currently testing and merging them. If you look on the Pull Requests page of the RO repo (and the RealScaleBoosters folder for what's been merged) you can see what's already been done. Looking at the config, the main thing to know about RF configs is that they clobber RESOURCE nodes. You need to set up those amounts inside TANK nodes in the MODULE[ModuleFuelTanks].
  13. @Beale awesome! Looks good to me, currently poking the CKANers to update the metadata.
  14. @ColKlonk I'm not sure what you're asking...of course it's going to vary if you vary the staging order. MechJeb isn't telepathic, it can't determine the optimal staging order, it only goes off what you tell it you're going to do. You are using the latest dev version, yes?
  15. @mark7 that sounds like an issue in KSCSwitcher then. @MatveyREG Please create a totally fresh, clean KSP install, and then use CKAN to install RealSolarSystem (just RSS and what it requires). Your install sounds borked.
  16. @Beale Cool! <3 Though yeah you need to drag your release zip into the "drag files here" area of the release page. You can edit the existing release and do that. Otherwise CKAN won't be able to pick it up (and as @CobaltWolf mentions, the 'source zip' has lots of extra stuff).
  17. @frizzank roger that, and again all my thanks.
  18. Oooh, I missed this. Now I get to see Bifrost! Ah, wait, no, I did see this before. Just haven't been keeping up. Lots to read!
  19. Alas I decided to start posting this program well after I started it, so there aren't any pictures of all the early Venus and Mars missions, Sprite 4 actually landing, the first two Mercury flyby missions, etc. Also, sadly, I'm running on the ragged edge of force-OpenGL even, so I don't have Venus clouds. But you will get to see a Venus EDL like the Mars one, at least. Yes, all the probes carry science instruments, and indeed the landers carry multiple bio samples as well.
  20. Yeah, uh, I've linked github more than 25 times in any one of my mod threads. :] Also, @5thHorseman does google check the link source or just the display text? Because if the latter it'd only find non-pretty direct links, not pretty links like this.
  21. @Beale spacedock works, but github means people can help. so that's good too. Either way, it'd be really, really great if this were reuploaded--it's a Recommended Mod for RP-0, for example, which means new RP-0 users won't have the correct experience if they can't install it. :]
  22. @Charlie the Kerbal RealPlume requires SmokeScreen. RealPlume is conifgs. SmokeScreen is the plugin. That would explain things.
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