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Everything posted by NathanKell

  1. Nothing in KSP is mandatory, though this won't work at all if you don't have e-dog's base mod installed.
  2. At the moment, it would make sense just to copy from existing similar configs.
  3. Dalmatian 3 is the third mission using the Dalmatian spacecraft. The Dalmatian spacecraft is designed for long-term LEO and lunar missions. While the Hyalite-Elm-Dogwood combination is not quite powerful enough to lift a lunar-orbit-capable Dalmatian stack, it can boost one with low propellant loads into a flyby trajectory. The existing Garnet and Cherry stages (Cherry C, in 4m diameter) can place a Dalmatian into orbit with about 300m/s delta V (a very light propellant load). To train our astronauts on the Dalmatian spacecraft and long-term orbital operations we will launch Dalmatian and Dalmatian Target Vehicle pairs to practice rendezvous and docking. The first Dalmatian mission is an uncrewed test article, which performs flawlessly. Dalmatian 3 sees Beagle veteran Mike Austin (the first astronaut to perform a spacewalk, back in the Beagle program) as Command Pilot lead rookies Steven Hart (Flight Engineer) and Evangeline Pimenta (Scientist Pilot). If this mission goes as well as Dalmatian 1 and Dalmatian 2, Dalmtian 4 and 5--uncrewed and crewed lunar flyby missions, respectively--can go ahead.
  4. @Shadowmage awesome! For details, maybe @Niemand303 has or can get the drawings you need? Or @asmi ?
  5. Right now. It just requires trimming things down so you don't run out of RAM.
  6. @ColKlonk you have multiple mods that aren't compatible with 1.0.5, as well as mods that presumably conflict (FAR, Module***SurfacePlus). And you should install Realism overhaul exactly as the OP tells you to, it does not involve changing files in your KSP root folder.
  7. That would be @RoverDude, perhaps he can tell @pellinor what TweakScale needs to update?
  8. https://github.com/rbray89/EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements/blob/master/x86-EVE-Release.zip?raw=true
  9. Are you talking about engines? Because that shouldn't be happening. The percentage is calculated directly from the amount of propellant delivered vs the amount requested, so should be perfectly in line with that. If you are talking about something other than engines, I wasn't involved there.
  10. The last official release was before the config changeover. That explains the above.
  11. I believe this requires the current *dev* version of EVE (the x86-EVE-Release.zip from the repo) not the release version. @pingopete ?
  12. Yes, you'll need a part pack that includes the RS-68 if you want an RS-68.
  13. You are correct that the configs are badly out of date and incomplete. They need some serious love.
  14. @gonzo98x it's in the second-to-last hydrolox node (Advanced Hydrolox Engines)
  15. Per the other thread, glad you're enjoying it! Kerbal Renamer does that, if you don't like it don't install it, it's not's required per se
  16. @MKSheppardRemove Kerbal Renamer, then. And glad you're enjoying it!
  17. @cytosine congrats! Re: flags, It's a stock bug: RP-0 doesn't allow it until level 3, but the game uses EVAUnlocked for both EVA possible, and flags when creating the upgrade level text. @Temeter adding.
  18. It's a dependency in that RO shouldn't ("shouldn't") be played wiithout it...but if it's breaking things, then best to try without it for a bit and see if that's better!
  19. Try without RealHeat and see if the problem goes away. It's possible I have a bug there.
  20. @CatastrophicFailure AFAIK the only 2560x1600 monitors are 30". Mine is 30". For signal delay, since the RT flight computer PID has real trouble with our RCS, I'm leaving it off per @Felger's lead.
  21. Fresh off the success of Sprite 4, we launch two more probes. Sprite 5 is a Mercury flyby probe, launched on a Garnet/Cherry/Birch, but Sprite 6 is another massive undertaking, requiring a Hyalite-Elm-Dogwood. It's a Mars lander, and landing on Mars is perhaps the hardest in the solar system: not enough atmosphere for parachutes alone to work, but enough that heat shielding is required--and that heat shielding must be discarded before landing! Here are some pictures from the Sprite 6 mission. (Note: MECO and separation are out of order here, though correct on imgur itself. Looks like the forum cached the album.)
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