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Everything posted by NathanKell

  1. Radiators don't really do anything under high timewarp.
  2. Just reinforcing again: Anyone sharing craft files must have the RO setup. You will not be able to go between stock and RO. That's really not how it works. Also for the love of Max Faget, put RCS on things. Those probe cores have plenty of tankage, and there are probe-sized RCS.Use 'em.
  3. @MysteriousSteve that seems...a bit under-delta-V'd. That nine and a half minute upper will incur enough gravity losses that you'll need more than 9.3km/sec anyway, let alone the 9.0km/sec provided by just the lower and upper stages during their combined 12.5 minutes burn. Also you probably need more than just those RCS thrusters for roll control during lower stage burn, but it might be ok. What upper stage engine are you using, anyway? I don't recognize it...
  4. There is, or was, a cross-compatibility patch that shipped with Ven's that reconfigured Ven's chutes to use RC if RC is installed.
  5. Nope, I saw what the problem was and it's fixed properly now. I checked a thing that is always false when finding out whether to apply the fix, and we missed that it didn't work somehow.
  6. @CliftonM @Dman979 @Joco223 apologies for the mixup! And also, I didn't realize until today this thread was in RO, I'd sure have been hanging around had I realized that from the start. I love this sort of thing! (And would love to take part in another round, if there is one)
  7. Here's more about the size I'd suggest. Uses only TL2 stock parts (LR79-NA-11 with LR101x2, S1.5400/11D33, Hydrazine and NTO/UDMH RCS,). Requires what RO requires (parts beyond stock are Proc Parts, Proc Fairings, VSR, RemoteTech). The payload is ~550kg, a Ranger Block III core with two solar panels, a dish, and two antenna, with four of the smallest RCS and (of the 550kg) about 400+kg is hydrazine, so you're looking at probably 2500m/s in it. Lots of station-keeping. You should only need 9300m/s so the payload capacity can probably stretch to 600kg or more for LEO. If you use nearly all the hydrazine in the payload, you could probably do a Molniya orbit. https://www.dropbox.com/s/lvw8sfj9x9blz58/Example.craft?dl=0 In the VAB Note the real delta V is slightly lower since this is shown with half the fairing sides present. Flight is a simple gravity turn, pitching below prograde near burnout to not get too high an apogee (don't go beyond 2-3 minutes to apogee on the first stage). Second stage will need to pitch above prograde once time to apogee is below 30s or so, or apogee rises above 180km. You should easily be able to do a 200x200 orbit with no relights, though the stage does support relighting (use the 4x seps in it for ullaging, or the built-in RCS).
  8. @CliftonM you appear to have your RS-27s reversed. The -27A should be on the core and the sea level config (H-1SaturnIB or RS-27) should be on the boosters. Also, you would do much better IMO with only 5 core RS-27As not 6 (4x in a cross and one in the center) and a core stretch of another 45t of propellant (I used a Tantares Proton Upper Stage tank and refilled it with kerolox). That raises payload to ~14.5t. @MysteriousSteve yeah, that lifter is about 15x (or more) as much as you need, if the payload is going to be less than a ton...
  9. If you wan to play career in RO, you need RP-0..
  10. Unless you are going to Medium Earth Orbit or higher, you definitely don't need multiple ignitions, @Temeter is very correct here. Even then, you probably can do the circ burn with the payload, it'll only be like 100m/s for a MEO circ from a 185km perigee. The key is to control your vertical velocity with pitch in order to achieve 0m/s vertical velocity at your insertion point.
  11. And, again, not "the blunter the better", just "blunt enough to detach the shockwave by the time it gets hot enough you can't survive an attached one".
  12. No, it's not going to work building a payload without RF installed. Please don't try something wacky like that. *Everyone* building aspects of the final craft should have the same mods installed.
  13. What gimbal module? Because I thought I fixed that for stock in 1.0.5. You *are* on 1.0.5, yes?
  14. Don't have any immediate suggestions, but: 1. You often need far less engine than you think you do. 6-8 minute burn times are not uncommon for upper stages. Heck, the current EELVs have 10-20 minute burn times for their upper stages! 2. Clustering is very simple: all engines surface-attach in RO, so just add multiple engines. Bonus: roll control!
  15. After Sylph 2 launches successfully and after the successes of Dalmatian 7, 8, and 9, it's time for another lunar orbital flight. Dalmatian 10 launches September 21, 1962 and burns a hole into the clear blue sky.
  16. Also, it can be done purely in cfg since 1.0.5, node type takes a comma-delimited list of types it can dock with.
  17. @jonnyt21 please follow the steps here: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/92229-How-To-Get-Support-(READ-FIRST)
  18. @Rune technically what happens is that the drag cube is created by rendering the part from each of the six (three +, three -) axes. The basic drag coefficient (modified later) is just the average of, for each pixel, the dot of the normal with the axis (so flat = 1, totally sideways = 0, 45 degree angle = 0.707 etc). There's no easy way to tell whether that's sloping in or out.
  19. You need 100% of the ablator on a 2.5m shield to save a Mk1-2 pod and parachute hitting Eve's atmosphere at ~5.5km/sec. You need 5% or so of the ablator on ditto to save a ditto hitting Kerbin's atmosphere at ~3000 to ~3500m/sec. If your vessel is heavier for its drag area than that, you'll need more. If it's lighter, you'll need less.
  20. No problem! You can click the 'edit' button on your original post. That should give you the option to mark it as 'solved'.
  21. @MatterBeam aw, thanks! Glad you're enjoying it! 1. The lower your parking orbit, the more you take advantage of the Oberth effect. Further, even if you want to depart from a high parking orbit, you need to launch to a lower one first (or at least a 185xWhatever orbit) or otherwise you suffer gravity losses coasting to apogee. The orbit was lopsided because I goofed and burned with positive pitch for a bit too long (I wanted something like 200x200, but was planning 220x220...but I burned too long with positive pitch and got 250x50). There also was no need to raise perigee at the time, since I was going to be raising it past the SOI edge in only a few minutes (the TJI burn). 2. If I do a direct Saturn transfer I will likely do a two-stage transfer burn. Since I need the high Isp of cryogenic propellants I won't be using a depot--it's a bit too much of a hassle anyway for me. I have decided to do an EOR lunar landing, though, so I'll be doing docking then (as well as when I put up a station). 3. No, the transfer stage was 35t or so and has its own avionics. The probe is 3.6t (600kg for the RV, 3t for the orbital bus) and therefore needs 3x Surveyor-class cores and 1x Ranger Block III (in the aeroshell). Most of the bus is propellant, of course, for the capture burn (and any course corrections too, but they're minor).
  22. Please follow the requests in the sticky in this forum, it describes what you need to post in order to get help.
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