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Everything posted by NathanKell

  1. Yeah, we don't show fake parts for that. It's in advConstruction (Advanced Construction) I just checked.
  2. @pingopete looking forward to it. Remember, every time you make a change, commit it to git. Then you can always go back later, and people stop pestering you too.
  3. When you unlock the first hydrolox node, IIRC. Or maybe one of the construction nodes if not?
  4. @hoojiwana things tagged with that are stripped before the part is compiled and therefore not used when creating drag cubes.
  5. So does the real space shuttle. Gravity turns start about 100-500m up. Not km, m.
  6. Note: Transfer Window Planner assumes equatorial orbits. That's...not a good assumption in RSS.
  7. It's also important to use a different folder because right now NEEDS[B9_Aerospace] will flip true if only this mod is installed, making it hard to write MM patches to run if B9 is present.
  8. @Alshain is correct that mach-based shredding should take density into account. It will in 1.1.
  9. Uh, not sure what you mean by the first part, that's...exactly what RF does. On the second part, I could add a toggle to the engine I guess to swap that behavior.
  10. @GregroxMun I'm just me. See what other people have to say.
  11. @k.thrace.462753 hi, welcome! And thanks so much! Texture size should not induce any change in GC behavior, so (sadly) my guess is that your graphics card is not so good at OpenGL and dealing with those high-res textures is causing slowdown. I am happy to change Pluto's textures, however I absolutely don't have time to do so myself; so I beg of the community that someone post good textures for it. It needs diffuse (color), normal, and height maps. (And, of course, I will repeat my plea for community help fixing launch site locations.) Unity doesn't support beyond 8192x8192, and nobody's written any kind of plugin that would support "virtual textures" the way Orbiter and Celestia do them, either on the scaled bodies or in PQS. That's why the maximum res you can get is a single 8192x4096 texture, although @Thomas P. *did* write support for >8192 PQS color maps and height maps in Kopernicus (but that would be 384MB for the surface color map and 96MB for the height map).
  12. Personally, I find the sandy beach coloring a bit jarring, since only in a minority of shore will you hit that kind of sand (or sand at all). The underwater bit makes sense, although as you can see from the EarthSurface texture I did give the shore and low depth areas, and then high depth areas, reasonable underwater coloration (I hope).
  13. @magico13 good stuff! Assuming the reward nodes have names, it seems like supporting an expireOn value in the main node with either ANY, ALL, or (comma-delimited) list of REWARDs would be the most flexible, yes.However, that raises an excellent point. I don't immediately recall if this was covered above, but it would be good if REWARDs can "provide" (in the way CKAN means provides) certain things. So a course could have the active rewards expire but leave one that 'provides' a basic proficiency that other courses can detect and require. Though that really brings us back to @nightingale 's original argument for all courses being meta-courses, with the granularity at the effect level (i.e. courses would just be a set of effects, would have prerquisite effects, effects would do the expiring, etc). I think the way you're going with rewards is 90% of the way there and you might as well just go whole-hog.
  14. I believe @Niemand303 sourced that from Soviet archives as a best guess at costing (it's bad enough trying to figure out engine costs in the West...)
  15. Np. I know Sarbian just patched Mechjeb to be aware of this; my guess is KER isn't patched (it's not even officially out for 1.0.5, right?)
  16. @Gribbleshnibit8 what you posted should work. It works in RO. How exactly does it not work for you?
  17. No, you just need to launch during a time your AN or DN matches the Moon's AN or DN.
  18. You will need to launch during a launch window. See this thread for a planner, or at the end of the OP a spreadsheet to do just this case. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/99228-win-flyby-finder-for-real-solar-system-mod-v082-rss1041-for-ksp105/
  19. Nothing. As I said, stock supports enabling surface-attach crossfeed. You need to change the value in Physics.cfg.
  20. @sarbian the issue is that how you get density from FAR changed, IIRC.
  21. It was a glitch in packaging RealFuels. That has been rectified. AJE 2.6.1, SolverEngines 1.15, and RF 10.8.3 work together.
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