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Everything posted by NathanKell

  1. Ah, I mean the one in the cfgs in the Squad folder under Ven's Parts folder. But if things are erroring, then I dunno, sorry.
  2. You also need to comment out the actual bit that patches the fuel line part.
  3. @Choctofliatrio2.0 the OP has install instructions.
  4. Do you see a release link in the OP? I don't. So please stop asking for install help for something that isn't even released. If you can't get it working, that means it's not ready for you yet.
  5. @Crzyrndm the drag cube is needed for thermo, so yeah it does need to be rendered. If they're set to dragtype none but still have the cube rendered on change, then you're set up perfectly.
  6. Now that various scanning devices are supported, we launch a radar mapping mission into Earth orbit to prove the technology for later use (the Moon and the near planets). Wisp 1 is the first launch of the Wisp program. It produces highly-detailed radar topography.
  7. @Charlie the Kerbal I think @ferram4 might be overestimating how much thrust is needed there. For a 400kg payload I wouldn't use more than 100kN or so of thrust on the upper. Then with a likely 10 tons of payload + upper, you don't need that much of a lower stage. Now, regarding piloting, in RO one generally makes a single burn to orbit, or at least a single burn to insertion (and a 5-50m/s circularization burn on the other side of the planet). The exception would be for something like Juno where you have some very fast-burning solid apogee kick motors. However, this thread really isn't the place, but there is a thread designed just for this sort of conversation. @prorokbmx you forgot to install the texture pack, or you are using the 8192 pack on a Mac. Follow the instructions in the OP.
  8. @smartdummies in stock as well as in RO, flight planning requires mission control at level 2. Not sure how you got stock to make nodes for you otherwise. :] With MJ, MJ can create the nodes once TS alone is upgraded (because it doesn't respect the gamevariable regarding node creation), but to do it yourself requires the mission control upgrade.
  9. I am! How about @tetryds of whom, shockingly, the same can be said?
  10. You're setting dragModel to none, right? Not default or cube? The wing module handles drag itself, you shouldn't also have cubedrag.
  11. @DMagic I was just here. Yes, the transforms under "model" are the individual MODEL nodes, scaled by their individual `scale` factors. The localscale of "model" itself *should* be the `rescaleFactor`, but a bug prior to 1.1 prevents that for MODEL node-based cfgs (it's proper for old mesh based cfgs). Well, prevents it in certain circumstances.
  12. v3 * Fix an issue with too-high background radiation temperature. This prevents blowups for low-temperature parts, but it may understate radiative heating during lunar-plus reentries. Pending 1.1 for a workaround KSP-side.
  13. @smartdummies not the tracking station, the mission control building. *Both* those buildings are on the second or later tier and you still can't place nodes?
  14. @mark7 If a part maker does not have the engine set to the correct category (there's now an Engines category, Propulsion is obsolete), it will show up in the wrong place. Ask the part maker to update their mod to 0.90+ categories. As to configs: did you install an engine config pack?
  15. @Nicole core heat applies only to ISRU parts and (slightly) to the RTG. For the main thermo overhaul...not really, no, part cfgs can continue on as before with the same variables as 1.0.4.
  16. While other missions are in flight or building, and technology is being researched, we decide to increase our knowledge of the Moon's surface. Some years back we flew Lunex missions (orbital and a soft-lander) and now we fly the Lunex B-series of landers, based on old designs from that time. We only need a Garnet-Cherry-Birch (fully upgraded to modern engines)--that's just barely enough to throw 3 tonnes TLI. Here are some pictures from the 4 missions flown.
  17. @Rushligh hah.That's...so far from right it's like 180 degrees from right. Look into what Unity version consoles require and what Unity versions are (notionally) stable in 64bit. >.>
  18. @Choctofliatrio2.0 it's great that you're starting on the modding journey, but do please keep it to the thread you created about that. @Glaran K'erman Yep, that's more or less how the Mercury shield was proved before flight.
  19. @MatveyREG did you forget to install the texture pack?
  20. @MatveyREG then I need your output log and a zip of your KSP/Logs folder.
  21. @smartdummies just like in stock KSP, it takes a Mission Control upgrade to get flight planning (as the right-click popup says).
  22. @AlextheBodacious sorry, but neither of those is quite correct. :] ModuleManager is a "helper" mod. It's a mod that helps other mods do things, it doesn't do anything itself. What sort of things? It lets mods change the config files (*.cfg) that KSP loads. Those config files define everything from part stats to physics behavior to contracts. It even lets you clone or remove parts (i.e. clone or remove the nodes that define parts). It's remarkably powerful. The RO/RP-0 suite requires slightly more processing power, but not a great deal more. I've run it on a five-year-old laptop, as has ferram. The issue isn't so much that, as that's a big jump to make. @Choctofliatrio2.0 to start out, if you want to try realism mods, I suggest just installing FAR alone. Kerbal Alarm Clock is also a great mod to get started with, it's incredibly useful. DMP, BD Armory, and USI mods are going to tax your CPU about as much as RO, I think.
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