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Everything posted by NathanKell

  1. @g00bd0g more or less. @Matuchkin missed your post, sorry. Can you follow the steps in the How To Get Support sticky in modded support? A compelte modlist with versions, and your log (output-log.txt / player.log )
  2. @XpertKerbalKSP once you pass apogee you need to pitch up, perhaps as much as 20 degrees above the horizon, to kill your descent speed. Can you may post an image of your launch vehicle with MechJeb's delta V stats panel open? (Showing TWR, SLT, Max TWR, vacuum delta V, and burn time--for all stages)
  3. SMURFF would need to modify the cfg values to change the mass fractions for proc tanks as well as regular tanks.
  4. Those are as they always were, I probably just made them public. RCS still uses the old system (as ModuleEngines does). Sorry...
  5. Thanks! I'll see if I can the remainder. The only textures I made were some solid colors.
  6. This post causes the black screen lack of logs glitch.
  7. @EL4M yep. As soon as I get a sec (hahahaexp) I will have releases up for regex's mods that the RO group is forking.
  8. Due to the crunch towards exps I've been somewhat busy. Apologies. I will try to formalize things shortly.
  9. RP-0 uses 1 fund = 1000 USD in 1965 dollars (with prirces from any other year inflation-adjusted). The pricing information is as accurate as the sources we have, but we're always looking for people willing to do more research. So...I guess the answer to the question in the OP is..."that's what RP-0 does".
  10. @blackrack afraid I'm not terribly up to speed with Kopernicus in that regard. Pinging @Thomas P. and @KillAshley who would know better.
  11. @EL4M it is different because this came out before we had the imagery, and no one has contributed a replacement yet. @panourgue that's a TR issue. It needs to know that Earth is breathable.
  12. @Jodo42: there were three series of designs: the A-series, B-series, and C-series. We're going to skip the A and B series because they're not really germane, and were discarded fairly early on (although a lashup of 6 Jupiter stages, or use of an entire Titan I missile as upper stagey, are pretty fun). In the sense that all design studies were made, to varying levels of detail, there were plans; but there certainly weren't, say, plans to build all five C-series versions. The A, B, and C-series design studies were just that: studies. Originally the production plan was to build C-1, C-3, and C-4. C-1 would perform Earth-orbital Apollo flights, C-3 would send an Apollo spacecraft on a circumlunar flight, and C-4 would launch the landing missions. Some time later, C-5 was picked over C-4 for reserve capacity (it proved needed) and C-3 was axed as not being really needed (C-1 and C-5 could do all the missions, and building C-3 and C-5 both would be more expensive than a few more C-5 vehicles). Early proposals did feature Earth-Orbit-Rendezvous missions using multiple C-3 launches, but that was discarded fairly early on. There was a second go at this proposal later on, reusing the C-3 name for a 3x F-1 stage. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saturn_C-3 Even with the C-4 and C-5, multiple launches would be needed for an EOR mission that did not involve LOR. Only with LOR could the C-4 and 5 manage single-launch missions (C-3 could manage two-launch LOR-LOR, or multilaunch EOR-LOR, or many-launch EOR, as you say). Regarding A, I guess they thought of the original stage as the 'A' version of the stage, so any later version would be B and above. The S-IB stage was just a tank stretch of the S-I stage. As I mentioned, changing width is very, very expensive. Stretches are cheap. There originally were five Saturn stages: the S-I stage, the S-II stage (for C-3, C-4, and C-5, using multiple J-2 engines), the S-III stage (a rather smaller S-II), the S-IV stage (6x RL10), and the S-V stage (Centaur). Confusingly, the S-I differed from LV to LV (sometimes 8x H-1 with Jupiter and Redstone tooling, sometimes monobloc with F-1 engines), but the rest were fairly consistent (sometimes a bit smaller or larger, sometimes 4 vs 5 J-2s, etc). The C-4 and C-5 used all five stages; smaller LVs used only some of the stages. Correct about the Saturn V-B. The S-ID was also used for various Saturn INT proposals. On the remaining questions: The Saturn IC's S-IE stage would presumably be roughly equivalent in size to the S-IB stage. It is shown in the image showing all Eyes-based Saturn I variants; the two leftmost are Saturn ICs. The ones with the orange first stage (the S-IF stage) are Saturn Multibody, an upgrade to Saturn IC with strapon and common core booster options (and a 2x J-2 stretched upper for the Heavy variant). You can read about that on the page linking the image, here: http://wiki.alternatehistory.com/doku.php/timelines/eyes_turned_skyward_spacecraft_and_launch_vehicle_technical_data Or, even better, read the whole timeline. It's great. @NecroBones: I would tend to agree there.
  13. Yeah, let's not be making assumptions about people's financial states.
  14. @Dwsg01 when you install RO and RP-0, CKAN will autoselect the mods you should install with it. Do not select the extras it suggests if they are not already checked.
  15. @Dwsg01 That's about a bazillion more than just what RO recommends. Please don't install the merely suggested mods
  16. @Robotengineer: Yes, after the closed experimental period ends. Not after we have a release quality build. Big difference. As others have said upthread, the closed period is gonna be shorter than it otherwise would because we can take advantage of further testing in the wild.
  17. Also, it should be noted that 1.0.5 has a display bug--the engineer report in the SPH used the VAB numbers. It's purely cosmetic, it'll still let you launch if you're outside the shown limits but inside the real ones.
  18. @Jodo42 The stages for the Saturn line of LVs are S and then a roman numeral, and sometimes a letter. The numeral is the stage number. So S-I is the first stage, S-II the second, S-IV the fourth stage, etc. The letter designated variations/upgrades. (There was originally going to be a third stage, S-III, before C-5* became Saturn V). The LVs had the name Saturn and a roman numeral or Arabic number, and sometimes a letter. The number corresponded to the original C-series designation of the LV (the LVs selected for production were C-1 and C-5). So there were multiple versions of the Saturn C-1 derived LV: Saturn I, Uprated Saturn I/Saturn IB (The most-flown IB had further first stage changes). It was comprised of, in the first instance, the S-I and S-IV (would have been 4th stage on C-5) stages. In the later models, it had the S-IB first stage (uprated first stage) and S-IVB (redesigned stage using 1x J-2 not 6x RL10, and nearly double the propellant). The Saturn C-5 was the 5x F-1 first stage plan, and in production was the Saturn V. It featured the S-IC first stage (third version of a Saturn first stage) with 5x F-1 engines, the S-II second stage with 5x J-2 engines, and the S-IVB third stage with 1x J-2. In Eyes, there is a Saturn IC launch vehicle, and it uses the S-IE first stage (the S-ID was a proposed variant of the S-IC but was never produced). Edit: @NecroBones I'm afraid that ninja is not quite correct. The S-IC only ever refers to the first stage of the flown Saturn V. S-ID was the drop-ring version (Atlas style) of the S-IC. S-IE is the new monobloc / F-1A stage for Saturn IC. And further, S-I / S-IB wasn't made by lashing tanks together. Indeed, if you compare measurements, you'll find it's rather taller than either Jupiter or Redstone tankage. Instead, what matters is that the tanks are the same diameter as previously-manufactured tanks, and therefore the tooling can be reused and doesn't have to be created fresh (an expensive and time-consuming process). Further, those tanks are all single tanks: either all LOX or all Kero. Not like the actual Redstone's and Jupiter's tankage, where there are obviously multiple tanks. Final edit: Only S-IE is new to Eyes. The rest of what I discuss (including the planned S-ID stage-and-a-half getup) is all real.
  19. I realize it's fun to be ~le so edgy~ and talk about how buggy release builds are, but if you honestly think there is no difference between even marginally release-quality builds and what there is at the start of experimentals testing...you are not helping your case for why you would be a good tester.
  20. You ran out memory for the KSP process. However, I can't tell exactly what you mean by "all recommended mods" -- some people think that includes the 'suggested' mods as well, so I really do ask you to follow the instructions and provide your complete mod list. Further, unless you tell me, I don't know what size texture pack you installed for RSS, or any of the other options. Once you actually tell me what mods you have installed, I can help you figure out where to save on RAM.
  21. No, only deflectionLiftCoeff is used these days. You just need to modify it based on the animation state.
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