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Everything posted by NathanKell

  1. 1. Yes. 2. Wings don't use drag cubes for drag. Note how the dragModel is set to none or override in those wing configs. 3. When PartDatabase.cfg is created, the dragModifier is multiplied into the drag terms of all cube faces. 4. If you use a ModuleAnimateGeneric to handle the animation, it's done for you. If you're writing your own animation module, implement IMultipleDragCubes and set the cube weights yourself. But remember, if you're making a wing, the 'drag' cube is really only relevant for thermo, not drag. For an overview of drag cubes and their terms, see:
  2. @John FX yep! You can also check out the XLR81 config, or the LR79 config, or...etc, to see other examples.
  3. Just to put a slight coda on what @rbray89 said, I still get "bug reports" on my mods from people who haven't updated to the current (1028+) build of 1.0.5, and find things failing to work. And this is just shy of four months after it was released.
  4. Here is the link. Do please try reading all of it, and doing all of what it asks. I can't help you without the things it asks for.
  5. It's possible that (I.e. I think, but I don't recall for sure) when @nixonshead did the render he made only the LOX portion of the tank cryo-orange (and having the full tank orange was an error in the original drafting). Pinging @e of pi and @Workable Goblin in case they might want to weigh in.
  6. @Drakenex thanks! Regarding the rings, how are they not working for you?
  7. 1. Well, one way to contribute would indeed be to test out those old mods and see if they still work! Part mods from even .20 can in many cases still work fine in KSP particularly if they have patches (as we patch things) to bring them more up to date. 2. For configuring parts, feel free to drop by #RO (as linked in the OP) and we'd be happy to walk you through it!
  8. The tier 1 and tier 2 runways are bugged. Taxis off them, onto the grass. Take off and land from the grass.
  9. Please follow the steps in the sticky at the top of this forum.
  10. @John FX In the latest RO release I added TF configs for all starting and early engines in the RP-0 career tree, but you're right that many more need configuring. To facilitate this, I did some pretty funky MM coding that allows you to just specify a few attributes per engine and my generator will take care of the rest. Here's an example of how to use it. Note that it's applied per engine config, and the application should be in the engine config's global file. https://github.com/KSP-RO/RealismOverhaul/blob/master/GameData/RealismOverhaul/Engine_Configs/LMDE_Config.cfg#L174-L232 As you can see, you really only need the rated burn time and the start and end reliabilities for ignition and for completing the burn cycle. Regarding the TF RO_Config.cfg file, I suggest using Notepad++ because I think the issue is it has Unix/Mac line endings that your text editor doesn't understand. It shows up perfectly fine for me in Notepad++ (or any other more advanced notepad replacement).
  11. @Shadowmage I know scaling does exist. For submodels position certainly does; for the root model, I don't know offhand. And NP. Also, pinging @Porkjet since he's been doing a lot on IVAs, and because some of the stuff I wrote I wrote for him.
  12. Wisp 2 is a Block II Wisp mission. It uses a new mark of the Wisp spacecraft, one which we plan to send to Mars and Venus as soon as windows open. To test it out, we send one to the Moon to perform low and high resolution radar topography. Yet another night launch...at least we get some pretty views of the Florida coast!
  13. This playthrough I've been using Soviet engines only (plus the Astris, because there isn't a low-thrust UDMH/NTO engine in the RP-0 requireds), and man, the power of high chamber pressures is impressive.
  14. The experiment definition looks correct to me: Available everywhere, biome except in space high. It has the same settings as the temperature scan. If you have other sciecne-affecting mods (Science Alert, [x] Sciecne, that sort of thing) try removing them.
  15. Cd is dependent on Mach, and on Reynolds number (or, in stock KSP, pseudo-Reynolds).
  16. GetTemperature() gets the reference temperature at that altitude. It does not get the current temperature; that depends on your location (latitude) and the time of day.
  17. Yep! And LR79/89/105/H-1/RS-27, AJ10, XLR81, and (via SXT and Ven's) RD-107/108/0105/9, RD-58, etc. All the major food groups.
  18. I am trying to prevent your crashing. SXT alone does not add much in the way of memory usage (that's the point, it *re* uses textures), so that is not the cause. Also, in order for other people to be able to play along, and so those with less fortunate setups can still take part, we will not be using part packs beyond what RP-0 (and RO) themselves require. So while you're welcome to have FASA etc on your on own install, Go For Launch won't be using FASA etc parts.
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