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Everything posted by NathanKell

  1. Um, regarding those textures: 1. As I said above, Unity will rescale non-power-of-two textures. So your 1200x1200 textures are likely being turned into 2048x2048 textures. You really shouldn't be using NPOT textures... 2. For city lights, it looks like main-4k is never actually used, it's just loaded into memory. Why not get rid of main, and rename main-4k to main.png? Finally, you might want to consider mbm or tga, since KSP's Unity base still has the bug where it doesn't generate mipmaps for PNGs (but does for mbm and tga).
  2. Patupi: What, first man in space wasn't enough for you? MedwedianPresident: I do mention the Krodinans every once in a while, though the OP explains why you're not hearing from them much.
  3. diablos: I meant v4 (I got confused). That's now released, and it fixes the issues you mentioned. Yeah, with KIDS on FAR to real adjusted you'd need a quite incredible mass ratio for orbit. That's like 155s Isp max, yikes! If anything, for this mod, as ferram said in the realism overhaul thread, KIDS might make sense as training wheels where you set the multipliers to something greater than one each, to, y'know, ease you in from stock KSP so you don't have to go straight from .16 payload fraction to .015 payload fraction.
  4. Of interest: http://www.kepu.dicp.ac.cn/photo/07sl02/Handbook%20of%20Photovoltaic%20Science%20and%20Engineering/10.%20Space%20Solar%20Cells%20and%20Arrays.pdf Medieval Nerd and I were discussing solar power. He found references that power per m^2 varied from about 50W in the earliest satellites to ~160W today (ATV was 142, and I think the panels were probably finalized in the early 2000s). I found that PDF which gives approximate kg / m^2 figures. Looks like for the solar cells alone, we're talking up to 0.5 for the early ones and up to 1.0 for recent ones. (Efficiency doubles, so power/kg stays approximately constant). I'm guessing that the structural materials to hold the cells mass about the same as the cells for a simple panel, and, say, twice that for an extensible one? I also calculated some areas: It looks like the OX-STAT is approx 0.2m^2, and the extensible ones 1m^2 (0.168 each, minus the little bit of edge). That means we should get anywhere from 10 to 32W for the OX-STAT, at somewhere between 0.0002 to 0.0004 tons each. For the extendable ones, call it 3x the mass for the regular and 4x for the shielded one, so: 50 to 160W, 0.0015 to 0.003 for the unshielded and 0.002 to 0.004 for the shielded. (Well, maybe 0.0025 to 0.0045? Shielding shouldn't change mass when the panels do) Note that probe EC usage is pretty much OK: 28W to 50W sounds about right to me. RT2 antenna, if they had a factor of 0.1 applied to their power draw, are probably also OK? The issue is right now instruments don't draw any power--they should be the major power draw IIRC. Also, the probe cores themselves are way too heavy of course, at least for the early ones. Regarding batteries, it looks like in the early-mid sixties it's approx 320,000kW-s [i.e. EC] per ton. (Based off Ranger 5's batteries)
  5. Do. Want. I've been stuck rescaling AIES engines for my 0.625m stages and even so there aren't enough (I had to rescale a KW Wildcat!) Looking forward to this very much. (And loving all the rest of your Stockalikes, btw, in case that wasn't clear) Tommygun: KSPX has them. They're a bit OP though.
  6. Not touching the rest, but just, folks, can we not just assume maleness? On the previous thread it was established that it's "she."
  7. Camacha: Canards the KSP part (i.e. a control surface), not canards the type of forward-of-the-wing-stab-and-control-surface.
  8. Yes, that's what I was just talking about--burning up on launch/load.
  9. FlowerChild, thanks again! When you've got settled values it's going in. Sorry for the delay on this folks, been super busy with RSS at the moment. I just got the burnup on launch bug myself, so I can guarantee you it's still there. Which is really weird, considering by all rights it shouldn't be. I have some more ideas, though. I'll try them.
  10. Nothing much yet, other than fixed timewarp. Like I said, I added the "new version" bar twice, that's why it jumped to v5. Oh, and since all planet changes are text-configurable now, I'm changing every KSP body.
  11. That's called doing five things at once. Thanks for catch.
  12. Slight issue with timewarp; it's been redacted from v4 for now. Yes, I thought we were on v4, but apparently it's v3. I must have absentmindedly created a new line in the changelog for new features, then did it again. The changelog on the OP is correct now.
  13. Wait, I thought this was v4. Ah. Changelog v4 -- \/ *Switched to new config file system *Fixed max zoomout on map camera *Fixed some scaledspace issues (configurable) *Changed VAB/SPH camera for more freedom (with a fix: thanks, asmi!) (configurable) *Removed 5x and 50x timewarp; added 1 million x and 10m x timewarp (configurable) *Adjusted solar panels to inverse-square law (configurable)
  14. diablos: expect v5 shortly, it fixes those errors. Fractal_UK: nice, very nice.
  15. It means you're a good egg. asmi, thanks for once again providing the missing piece. As you saw in source I changed cam height but hadn't fixed extents. I do it on every editor launch just in case.
  16. Jasmir, as the MFS docs point out, 1 unit of electric charge in the tank editor = 100EC. This is because 1 unit of EC _really_ shouldn't take up 1 unit of volume! Mass is not added because Talisar set the basemass of the spherical tanks to -1, which tells MFS to not modify tank mass at all (which was proper, because Talisar already has the desired tank mass set in the part cfg)
  17. Camacha: yup, local elections. In my state, no matter the town, at the town level almost everything is up for reelection on the odd years. AndreyATGB: You can use an actual planetary transfer calculator. I know there's a standalone app for Orbiter (because someone was making a KSP version of it)...note that time = 0 is epoch J2000 (i.e. KSP Year 0 = real-year 2000) However, given that Mr. Shifty forked alexmoon's planner, I'll fork it for this too when I have a chance. li7in6: howdy! Actually, at the moment we seem to have beaten all the rescale problems. Even Apollo-Saturn V is only a _bit_ too big for the VAB, I think*, and KJR should fix big-rocket wobbliness. Besides, adopting a smaller scale requires much more work than you'd think, since gravitic acceleration would (I think) be wrong, since it decreases polynomially not linearly. And so many of _those_ calculations are internal; I would hate to change a body's gravity and all orbits every frame! (Unless I'm mathing wrong.) *you can always move it down to edit the top, and move it up when done. Given that existing assets can either be used as is, or (for manned pods) scaled up by approx 1.563, it's not really that bad.
  18. If you want to modify reentry VISUAL effects, change the star and full thermal settings. They control the speeds at which the fire starts, and then when it gets full.
  19. Major = planets. Including dwarfs; Dres is Ceres now. Moons, I'm trying to replicate real moons as best as possible (Gilly->Deimos, for instance). It might make more sense, actually, to use Eeloo for Europa as you say, rather than Laythe, and Laythe to Saturn. But we don't have a Saturn, so...
  20. Hey awesome! Yeah, pretty amazing how much difference a ton will make now... Regarding Synthin, I can add it, sure. Also, regarding fueling towers: MFS makes the launch clamps into fueling pumps.
  21. All major KSP bodies are placed in their human-equivalent orbits is what I meant, yeah.
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