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Everything posted by Talavar

  1. For the love of all that is good... ONE STOCK HINGE! That's all I want! lol
  2. That's silly to assume. Writing an engine for something specific is WAY easier than writing a blanket system to cover everything (unity). And since it is targeted, there would be less waste code.. thousands of games were written in C / Visual C.. Look at orbiter... IT's done very well, considering its just one guy (DR. Martin Shweiger) poking buttons in his spare time. lol... IMagine if he had a whole team, such as squad, working on it all the time.. It would be awesome. Also, I think you are underestimating the talent of squads coders. After they had written the specific code that handles object physics, it's just a matter of adding assets. The rest is just gloss and small forces detail, and a ram cap would never have been an issue from the start.
  3. I've had one gripe this whole time.. (which impacts productivity) .. I thought it should have been written in straight code from the start. Yes, I know it's not as simple. But there would have been no limitations on the "engine" from the get-go as it would have been tweakable by the devs themselves. This is the general problem with using an engine, they have certain limitations that you can't change. When programmed yourself, your limitation is the height of your ambition. My post isn't meant to be a blow to the developers, as they've done a bang up job with what they have to work with (unity). Just my personal thoughts on it as a whole. I know that such conjecture is a moot point really, but i always wonder how much better it would have been if it had been written in pure code...
  4. A picture explaining how the new wheel system works.
  5. Generally, you would goto the game properties in steam, and check the "opt in beta" box. A lot of games do this. I generally download ksp in about 3-5 minutes.. That aside, the game will not update while you are already playing it, and it will only sync files that have changed when it does update. You don't have to completely re-download the entire game every time it updates.. only a few files that have been altered.
  6. No, me and a buddy are playing multiplayer (DMP) and we needed to have the same fuel seed. thank you very much for your help guys.
  7. Is there a way to change the fuel map in the game if you don't like where the deposits are sitting?
  8. I play KSP as a coffee game, so I religiously use Mechjeb. I can already do it manually, but I've already done it so many times, that I'm not worried about testing myself any more. Also, it's nice to have mechjeb for "hold vertical" when making a hover craft, or helicopter with mod parts.
  9. I backed the ship up to the shore, and drove it up on. It works fine until I save, then reload the ship. And it's such a LONG trip to where I'm headed with it
  10. The problem then, is that the "mole" falls through the boat at the moment of docking, and back end just hangs there ghosting through the hull of the boat.... I just cant win Maybe if I use docks "under" the mole, rather than a grabbing unit on the nose.
  11. He was doing a "thankless job" and got tired of it.. Also, I guess Squad went after him for use of "kerbal" in the name. Someone else is taking care of fixing C-kan. Dunno whats going on from here. Probably just a bump in the road.. Que sera sera.
  12. I know this is for unmodded and I have mods, but this is a quirk that KSP has without mods, as other people have it without mods... My boat is "splashed", the ship it is carrying is "landed". So my ship thinks it is landed on the ocean floor and tries to get there through my ship when I load.. How do I correct this? If I can just get it to load so I can continue and get it to land, I'd be satisfied with just that.
  13. SO I have a ship that transports my rovers around on water... The ship is "splashed".. the rover is "landed".. When I load the game, the rover apparently thinks it's landed on the ocean floor, and puts a crater through my ship trying to get there.. Is there a fix for this?
  14. So they work, You can convert your files to ogg here
  15. I just built my brother one, with a 970 GTX... slightly higher stats than your's. 1020$ was the final price. for anyone building one, A good place to start is here. www.pricewatch.com ..lots of competition there. then bounce around the web comparing prices.
  16. Nice mod here for the docking cam. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/124475-105-docking-camera-kurs-style-v-14-21nov15/
  17. I'm guessing (hoping) this also works in reverse? increasing size makes them stronger?
  18. Seems to be working fine, no impacts on performance. Good stuff!
  19. Dear lord, KSP was pointed in the direction of a face-plant at the beginning. "PULL UP JEB!!" I'm glad he changed his outlook on things.
  20. On my normal rummage of the web for epic new mods, I just happened to find this old post by harvester on the Orbiter forums. Orbiter was my first love .. http://orbiter-forum.com/showthread.php?s=fc386076b9f0d214c1d89c8b5615c705&t=22998
  21. @blackrack Not exactly sure why, maybe this has been addressed before, but when I get close to jool, I drop to 1 frame per 4 seconds. Removed scatterer, and no problems. Any solution to this?
  22. Airlifting some equipment to my new base on the mountain way in the background. Nice spot! http://i.imgur.com/5E9kXi7.png
  23. Heya, I'm not real familiar with tweakscale, but I use IR like mad.. I was wondering if TS also tweaks the power of the engines and/or node strength?
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