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Everything posted by vardicd

  1. This is a n image of what I see just before the game crashes. Anyone else get this retracted line?
  2. can you send me a message on how to do that? I'm not sure what information you need or how to find it. If you can explain it to me, I'll send it along.
  3. So I may have found a bug, but I'm not sure, might be mod conflict. I built a plane, to deliver a kethane refinery to northern Kerbin, both the plane and the refinery have fuel cells onboard. the refinery is attached by radial decoupler, and meant to be airdropped. twice now, after making it to the drop zone, when I stage the decoupler, the on/off status on the fuel cell changes to retracted, and my game crashes seconds later, any opinions or help would be great. after work tomorrow, I'm going to try again, and get some pictures this time if it happens again.
  4. yeah, I usually manage to track MJ problems down to my own idiocy, if I post a problem here, its not me complaining that the mod is broken, its me asking if anyone else has had the issue and figured it out. I've also noticed, that a lot of steering problems I encounter with MJ is that I've put too much torque on the craft, or not enough. Its especially noticeable if you put a reaction wheels on a craft and use RCS. Figuring out the right balance is hit and miss.
  5. One thing I noticed, watching your video, I'd put more RCS ports on that rocket. I'm thinking it has too much mass for the ports you have. Personally, when I build something like that I'm going to dock, I put a ring of 4 ports near the nose, and 4 near the tail, maybe 4 in the middle too. I find I get much better translation control that way, as I do my own docking. I'd try it and see if that helps MJ get this under control. It could be dancing rings around your docking target because it can't get itself up to speed and slow down fast enough.
  6. How would this work, if you used KAS to attach a part to it that still had the shell, at some later date? Would it retain the shell, because each individual part is coded for shell-less-ness, or would it lose it, because the core is coded to lose the shell of attached parts? Does that make sense?
  7. The latest dev build shows "no changes" am I missing something, or did someone else miss something??
  8. I've noticed this behavior too, its especially prevalent if you have parts that clip inside each other.
  9. I did, and I still can't get MJ to work with the toolbar in the new version. Edit: Ah, wait, if I upgrade on a game already in progress, would there be anything in the persistant files to break the toolbar support? Re-Edit: Yep, brand new game works fine, any games already in progress won't accept mechjeb's new toolbar configs. Crap. Have to start all over again. On the positive side, Jeb and Alemone won't be dead, so they get another go.
  10. Docking AP definitely broken, im not seeing the wild rcs use that others are reporting, but even for the smallest craft I make, the docking AP backs me out to more than 1km away and I lose the target on the docking port. In one test it still made the docking, but it did it extremely slow, over the course of like 4 orbits. Fortunately I never use MJ for dockings, but for anyone who does you have my condolences. EDIT: Still can't get this to work with toolbar, unless I add the optional toolbar support. I swear I read that toolbar support was intergrated into MJ standard now, or have I blown a gasket?? ReEDIT: I saw a post earlier about someone running into a mod conflict with crew manifest and MJ. It seems that any mod that includes toolbar support, breaks MJ's included toolbar support. I'm not sure why. maybe I have a mod that has some older version of toolbar data? If anyone else has gotten MJ's toolbar support to work with other toolbar mods, I'd appreciate any help.
  11. You may have a conflict with another mod, I'm not seeing this, my mechjeb throttles my rockets back just fine to keep me under terminal velocity.
  12. Just downloaded the dev version 206 says its includes toolbar support, without the optional module. seems it does not. Also noticed it seems to come with many new windows set up in custom configurations, possibly {accidentally} included personal preference setup in the actual download? Or are these new window configs?
  13. Holy Kraken, Parts I never knew I couldn't live without. Tech tree integrated? Futz-jod, who cares? Downloaded. I'll integrate it myself if its not!
  14. yes, the latest dev build is needed, and some people are reporting a DeltaV Issue with the new parts, although I have not experienced this.
  15. If its there, and I'm not saying it isn't, I just haven't yet seen it. So far all my rockets appear to be displaying DV correctly, no matter what parts I use, and I'm playing a heavily modded game.
  16. I had sloppy node execution before the update, have found RCS set to on, with fine control {CAPS} and maneuver tolerance set to .5 or .6 helps. So far have not experienced the Delta V failing to display for the new parts. Built several rockets earlier today, all showed clean Delta V stats. Are you sure you are using the latest dev build found here > http://jenkins.mumech.com/job/MechJeb2/ ?
  17. Ditto to that. Would love to make this a bit more challenging.
  18. I'm getting overheating of the new 4 engine cluster part in stock game play.
  19. I ran into one today, the certified badass ribbon won't let me award it. I haven't tried changing the text, but I did on the wings ribbon and I've been able to award it just fine.
  20. Why do you have those square panels on the EFT??
  21. What the hell??? Did Jeb throw the laws of physics out the airlock again?
  22. For the unlimited possibilities of {[Our] Your} Imagination.
  23. I've never had that visual stutter on the re-entry, but I've had that sound stutter for as long as I've used this mod. I just thought that was the way it was. I never realized that was some kind of glitch?
  24. BOOM: Downloaded. Won't get to test till tomorrow, but will certainly let you know how it goes! !!Edit!!: :D I totally P#$$*) the room-mate off, refused to surrender the PC when I was supposed to {We share one, she'll get over it} First tests show no more custom ribbon loss on game restart!!!!!!!
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