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Everything posted by vardicd

  1. Okay, I am positively flummoxed. I cannot reproduce the errors that I got twice yesterday. for now, I withdraw my bug report, but if it comes up again, I'll try to grab logs and such, but you may get way more than what you need, 'cause I don't know what you need exactly.
  2. Yeah, I'll see if I can figure that out tomorrow. I'm leaving for work now.
  3. I've tried to use this twice, both times it just happened on loading into the game. Installed it, started the game, got the pop up right at the beginning, and nothing is clickable except R+D. Edit: the only thing I can think of that maybe an issue is it was a save in progress? I'm not using any mods I wasn't using in .23.5. there are a few im not using now that I was before. Edit again: I'm playing .24 in 32 bit mode, not 64, don't know if that matters. Edit once again: correction, the second time I tried it was on a fresh game, because the first time corrupted my save into un-useability.
  4. Just having this mod installed causes all buildings to be unclickable, except R+D facility, which you then cannot leave. It does not matter if I have the windo interface open or closed or where it is. Shame, this is my favorite mod from .23.5
  5. I laughed so hard I cried. I hit the floor and my roommate thought I was choking. she came running out of her room to see if I needed medical attention.
  6. wow, could we have timed that closer?
  7. ditto, this mod is failing in my carrer mode too, sad just found this and would love to get it to work.
  8. Well, since we've never seen a 'stock' kerbal female, perhaps there could be a radical difference in head shape. there are several species here on Earth that have wild variations in appearance between male and female genders. Here is just one example: I think its entirely believable that male kerbals have a thicker head structure than a female. why not right?
  9. Its the most bizzare behavior I've ever seen out of Kerbal. I don't even know what in the world I've messed up to cause it. I know it has to be on my end, no one else has reported it, and its waaay to weirdly unique to be a bug.
  10. Okay, I've got something I've never seen before, and I can't send logs, 'cause the game isn't making any. I put in the newest KSO, with the newly updated ATM, start the game, and it runs the loading screen with the progress bar, when it fills up and should start the game, Ksp starts a second copy of itself, and starts loading again, then starts switching between games, like someone's alt-tabing between them. If you let it run long enough to fully load the second game, it starts loading a third, at which point my computer just turns off. Its not producing any logs, and if I remove KSO, it works just fine.
  11. so far Open GL is a god send for me, works flawlessly {so far} shadows work, not seeing Nereid's revert flight crash, I do see the alt tab screen border issue, and alt enter does not fix it for me, however double clicking the mouse inside the border does. so if anyone else has this issue and alt tab doesn't work....
  12. I read the thread, there were some people it helped, some not so much, there were instructions to force open gl mode, if it doesn't help me, there were no instructions to turn it back off. anyone know how?
  13. If I force open gl, and it doesn't work well, how do I turn it back off?
  14. Its always embarrassing when we, {the players} act like little kids throwing a temper tantrum in the store cause we can't have what we want right now. Helldiver, Nazari, anyone else involved, you guys made one of the best looking mod[sets?] out there, and you aren't paid for it. I want you to know your efforts are appreciated. Thank you. {and, it may be frustrating to listen to and deal with, but at least you know people like your mod, if they hated it, they wouldn't care about bugs/crashes/broken installs/user errors. Nothing says we love your mod like starting a fight over it. }
  15. how does one do this open gl mode? I either can't get ATM to work for me, on the 32 bit mode of .24, or I can't tell if its working. Everyone keeps saying its saving them x amount of memory, but I don't know how to see this.
  16. I sort of like the general-ished-ness of funds, because then you can just imagine your funds are called what ever currency you want it to be.
  17. I use it and it works just fine. The problem is not in modstatistics. And just for the record, I Fully support Mod Statitistics as a method to improve KSP mods!
  18. Personally, I'm okay with ModStatistics. If it enables them to make better mods so be it.
  19. Okay Horus, apologies incoming, you were right, I am able to reproduce, though this is the only RC part I've found so far that isn't working.
  20. Try re-downloading it again, just to be sure your DL, didn't glitch, and then re-install it to your game. Your issue sounds like maybe you got a bad download to me, and also be sure if you're updating you deleted the old RC folder.
  21. And wow by the way, did you increase the size of the chute canopies, cause I've never seen a parachute this big compared to the single man pod.
  22. Yep, the new download went through on the first try. I was sure I had done something stupid on my end. Oh well, this is an awesome mod, one of my must haves. Thanks for the quick response.
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