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Everything posted by vardicd

  1. I love this mod, btw I modded storage containers from KAS and a wedge from Universal Storage to be snack containers for those resupply runs! The KSO Atlantis Prepares for liftoff with a resupply cargo of snacks, packed away in their Snacktainers, for the orbiting Kerbin Station!
  2. I'm also seeing an occasional crash to desk top with phase 4, but I think its because I'm riding dangerously close to the memory wall.
  3. Just made my first real flight with the Kerbostar: Loving it!
  4. I use yargnit's tree exclusively on my careers, never had any problems.
  5. This is on a clean install, only the KSO mod {all four phases} and Active Texture manager. Also, is there some trick to keeping the vehicles on the ground? It seems the slightest bump, and the cars and truck tires become trampolines. I've had some hilarious flips and rolls when I can get this to load.
  6. Okay, bizzare-ness on a fresh install, only KSO full pack, and ATM mods installed, I start the game, first time, it loads fine, second and third freezes up, fourth time works, fifth doesn't I don't get it.
  7. I meant the parts from the older packs, not the new parts. I thought I read in here somewhere the textures got an update or something.
  8. does the new version eat up more memory? Having load issues after updating...
  9. Or maybe some secretary was having a bad day and typed the wrong thing on the contract and no one caught it. Imagine any situation you want.
  10. You're managing like what 6 or seven mods already, providing tech and trouble shooting on them, and now your starting another? Have you ever had one of those moment where you realize: You sir, are awesome. Keep up the amazing work!!
  11. I've only seen this once before, and I wasn't using KCT at the time. {Least I'm pretty sure it was in my pre-KCT game days} Yeah, and I figured out if your launching really big rockets, like 9000+ tones of single frame per second lag fest, the difference between 4 days for every 25 tones and 4 days for every 100 tones... Not so much actually O_O
  12. I have found an occational bug where certain Kerbals stop being recognized by this mod. I have one kerbal in a game whose made 7 or 8 trips to the Mun and one to minmus, and FF says he has 0 missions, but somehow got a high g ribbon. several others are stuck at 2 or 4 missions, but if they go on a mission with a kerbal FF does recognize, then their mission counts will tick up too, but solo no. I've only noticed this behavior in kerbals spawned through the contract system on a rescue mission though.
  13. {inclination change at the ascending/descending node where your orbit intersects the target orbit}<this I understand. I do match inc burns all the time. Is LAN just a measurement of the inclination, or a specific point in the orbit? How does matching Inclination, control the point of LAN? the two must be independent, or matching one, would match the other. I don't understand how you do this>{inclination change at the ascending/descending node where your orbit intersects the target orbit} to change LAN. Either its way more complicated than I've figured out, or [i'm making it way more complicated than I need too.]<guilty of very often.
  14. Don't get me wrong I love the science and challenge, and I'm going to fiddle and fuss with it till I get this mastered, KSP has been a struggle and a mind expanding game and I love it. It took me almost a month of play, at almost 5 hours a day, to build a rocket that could make orbit around Kerbin. {This was before I discovered Scott Manley on you-tube. I learned about 60% of what I know of this game from his vids.} I've just never had some one explain how to set/ adjust the LAN of an orbit before. I grumble, but its part of my learning process.
  15. sometimes I have to turn sas off, turn mechjeb off, and disengage flight computer, if using remote tech, leave to the space center, come back to the flight, turn sas on, rotate sat, turn sas off, and wait 10 secs before it will clear. annoying, but its there. <this is my experience, yours may differ.}
  16. Okay, so I see your point for synchronous orbits, but with any other orbit, since its not rotating at the same speed as the planet, it will drift anyway, won't it? I really do understand its important, especially in real life, but for those of us who can barely understand this stuff, having to figure out that LAN stuff, kind of sucks the fun out of it.
  17. I'm loving the numbers on the sat contracts, I'm just not liking the match longitude of ascending node (LAN) specifications, if you match the periapsis and apoapsis and the inclination, what does the longitude of ascending node (LAN) matter? I mean I get that it's probably important in real life for sats, but for those who have difficulty matching the first 3 requirements, getting that 4th one there, that seems like the purview of wizards.
  18. I found, in the options for KCT, a setting that {supposedly} allows you to set how long it takes to recondition the Launchpad for a launch, default is set to 4 days for every 25 tones. Changing this doesn't seem to change the values for reconditioning, is this a yet to be implemented completely feature, or have I gone and broken something? I like the reconditioning, I just don't like that I can build 3 Mun lander rockets and one KSO flight before the launch pad is ready to go again after 1 KSO flight. O_O
  19. Just use Mechjeb's rover autopilot, and set rover waypoints, click near each fineprint marker you want to visit, make sure you have stability control on, make sure your path to travel isn't going across water or mountains, and let your rover rove, while you: sleep, go to work, or do other stuff, 'cause it can take a loooooooong time to get there. {Airdropping the rover from a plane to get close is encouraged.}
  20. Well, consider me appropriately chastised, DMagic Orbital Science was my second guess, but I thought not since most other Dmagic contracts have a nifty Dmagic logo on them: See contract above my above highlighted contract!
  21. Okay, so this mission: Asks you to find at coordinates, but: There is no associated markers visible in the tracking station, if I take this mission, will a marker show up in the world, or is this a real hunt it down mission, where you'd need Kerbal engineer or mechjebs coordinate systems? Edit: I'm assuming this comes from your mod, and I just decided to go for it, and no, no markers show up for this, so I'll have to hunt it down manually.
  22. He never claimed they were stock, or were you implying that it's not possible on a stock parts only game? I'm confused.
  23. Uh, That's not always true, I regularly get more than two of each type, and that's unaccepted contracts. At one time, I had 3 rover contracts on Kerbin, 5 sat deployment contracts, one around the sun, 2 around Kerbin one around Mun, and one for Ike, I also had 2 fly over certain point missions on kerbin, one rover contract on minmus, and a build a base around Mun and Minmus contract. All at once, all unaccepted, on the latest version, and when I updated, I deleted the old folder and put the new version in clean. I'm not complaining about the quantity of missions, just sayin, I've seen it happen, next time I see it in game, I'll pop a screen shot, and grab a log file if you want. - - - Updated - - - What are those parts from?
  24. That was my very first satellite contract as well after the last update, but it completed for me. Very interesting. I have not yet DL'd the hotfix.
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