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Everything posted by vardicd

  1. I honestly don't know. I don't think waypoint manager really has any affect with this? Waypoint manager just adds markers and the ability to add your own markers, which is now also a stock function as well with Kerb net. I do know that when I did it, the tourists did fall out of the sky as I drove up to the place they were supposed to be at. So that bug is also there in 1.2.2.
  2. After some testing, I think I've figured out the problem. if you jump a kerbal out of your plane, and the PLANE lands BEFORE the jumper hits the ground, the contract won't complete. every time I keep the plane in the air until the Kerbal lands, the contract will complete. On a side note, @inigma I'm seeing an issue with instant completing contracts that require you to go multiple places in a certain area, for example the tour bus at KSC, once all the tourist are on the bus, the contract completes as if I had gone to all the locations, but I haven't moved. I'm also seeing this in @nightingale 's anomaly surveyor mod, so it's not specific to your mod, but I wanted to mention it, as apparently something's changed in KSP's backend that's causing these contracts to short-circuit, and I didn't know if you were aware of it.
  3. @Nertea Quick question, I play with community tech tree, but I've just recently started playing with the mod, monthly budgets [see below] and with the limited amount of funds available, and the massive amount of parts to unlock, I've found that I must frequently purchase only a few parts from each tech node. The strange thing is, when I can't purchase all the parts in a node all at once, as soon as I leave the research center screen, back to the space center view, the space center view freezes up. I can still click any buttons in the stock toolbar, or blizzy's tool bar which show up, and I can still pass time, warp to next morning, but I can't access any buildings. It seems to happen only when I purchase a few parts out of a tech node, and I'm not sure if this is something related to this mod, a combination between this mod, and monthly budgets, or some other mod, or mod combo, and I've just never run into it before because I've always been able to purchase all the parts in a node all at once before. There is a dropbox link below with both the output log for my KSP game, and a copy of my save game in which the bug happened. it is incredibly mod heavy, so I doubt you'll be able to plug that into a KSP copy and get it to work, but I though maybe there might be some clue there in the persistance file that might help? I'm really not sure where else to turn with this, as I'm really not sure how to read these things myself. if you could look and see if you see anything in there, that would point me toward the problem, if its coming from another mod, so i'll know who to approach about this issue, I'd be very grateful. https://www.dropbox.com/sh/ll4ywfitgy6939q/AACc8gw8Cu9kds9tGu4oZMcNa?dl=0
  4. @Antipodes Are you aware of any issues with this mod conflicting with any other mods? I ask as I'm running a fairly large mod set and I've just downloaded this mod and started using it, but every time I use it to place a kerbal out into the space center my game crashes to desktop. every single time, no exceptions. When I reload the game the kerbal is outside of which ever building I chose, so the mod does work, and I'm not seeing anyone else reporting this problem, unless I've somehow managed to miss it, so I'm assuming it's a problem unique to my game, and since I'm running a crap ton of mods, thought I'd ask if there were any known conflicts before trying to wheedle it down on my end. EDIT: I stand corrected, there was indeed a couple of posts on page 2 that answers my very issue. I'm terribly sorry, somehow in my rapid skim the first time I managed to miss those posts. I feel like a moron.
  5. That's great, I know EPL adds a workshop module to command parts, and wasn't sure if yours was the same, or would conflict with EPL. Good to hear I can use them together!
  6. @allista This looks amazing, fabulous work. Just out of curiosity, I'm currently playing with EPL, and I'm thinking, this mod would be a great stepping stone as an early colony building tool, Using this to haul parts, craft, and colony modules to my colonies as I set up them up for the fully EPL completely self-sufficient colonies. My question is, are you aware of any conflicts, or any reason why there'd be a conflict, between this and EPL? I'd love to use both, as this will be great early-mid game and help me get set up for late game and EPL, coupled with RoverDude's colony mod.
  7. My first airship arrives at the crashed arctic vessel after it's almost 4 hour flight. Loving this mod:
  8. @inigma sorry to add to the potential bug report chain that's going on here, as I really love this mod, but I've found the jump from a plane contract isn't completing. I'm not sure why, as it shows the parameters are met, but once the plane is recovered, it doesn't clear the contract. sorry man, love this mod. hate to bring negative stuff up.
  9. Yes, I think that's exactly what I'm suggesting. We don't lose any funds, but we don't gain any funds either, so the 'taxpayers' cover our operational costs for the pay period, and nothing more. Yeah I understand the logic behind it, but at the same time, for a game, it feels like punishment? I guess I'd just like an option to change it for people like me, and everyone else has the option to leave it the way it is?
  10. @severedsolo I'm loving the mod, and the way it changes my game play, I do have a question/possible request if its possible to put the option in, and I'm sorry if I do a poor job of explaining this. I'd like to see an option to change/alter the payout conditions when the budget amount is less than your cap. specifically, say I have 1000 funds. the game is going to award me 500, but I'm only allowed to have 500 funds, as per my cap. but I have costs of 300 funds. as it stands right now, the game would give me nothing, but still take the 300 away, leaving me with 700 funds. I'd like to see an option where, it still wouldn't give me any money, but my costs would be covered by what I'd earned, if that makes sense? mod would check balance and costs, so it would be like, "well you've earned 500 funds, which covers your costs, but you don't get the extra because you've already got more than we authorized." The way it runs now feels, to me, more like punishing you for doing better than you should be? "you've earned 500, but we're not going to give you any, and we're not even going to cover your expenses, even though you did earn money, because you're too successful." I don't know if that'll make sense to you, and maybe it's just me?
  11. My version of KCT seems to be missing a few buttons. This is what I have
  12. Question, since KCT doesn't over-ride the launch button in the VAB/SPH anymore, how do we start 'building' something without the game loading it directly out to the Launchpad, and short-cutting the actual construction process? I haven't seen any posts that explain that, and sorry if I've missed them.
  13. This^ I've been using this mod for so long, base KSP is just unplayable without it.
  14. I get this issue a lot with just Kerbal Alarm Clock mis-reading SOI changes, or forgetting to delete old SOI change notifications. Are wither of you using Alarm Clock mod?
  15. Please note, I am NOT asking for an update to this mod, right now, I am however curious as to IF there are plans to update this mod to 1.2, as I know last I heard Magico13 had a lot going on in real life. This is one of my must have mods, and I was curious. I looked back over the last few pages and didn't see any obvious, "yes this mod will be updated." so if I missed one that was there, I'm sorry.
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