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Everything posted by vardicd

  1. Perhaps, but it's a matter of priority. I'm sure the mod author/maintainer has a great many demands on their time, and when it comes to choosing between fixing a system that works, if somewhat inaccurately, or something that is completely broken, or never worked at all. It becomes pretty obvious that the working if inaccurate landing system is the lower priority. However, if you'd like to take the time to sit down, re-write the code and get the system working with 100% accuracy, and be certain it generates no bugs or broken features, and then submit it to the mod author/maintainer, I'm sure he'd be happy to include your fix in the next version of the mod. Otherwise, I'm afraid you'll just have to wait for him/her to get around to it eventually. Thank you.
  2. Can you please share the specific changes you made? my own efforts have not yielded results. would appreciate it. true, but while a change like that would be simple for you or me, programming that into the MJ module is probably a fairly complex operation, and not a 5 minute fix.
  3. As far as I can remember, the landing guidance has never been 100% accurate on planets/moons with atmosphere, though I'm not the mod creator/maintainer so maybe it was working at some point I'm unaware of, but I know in all the years I've used MJ I have never gotten pinpoint landing with it, in an atmosphere. It did at one point. I remember I edited the config files manually, because it would generate a stupid amount of drag, and I would get some bizzare rocket/plane flip-outs because of it. I'm sure it could be, if you knew what you were doing, or if you wanted to copy the temp/impact tolerance from some other part. I'd imagine though that with all the other work the mod author/maintainer is putting in, changing the config file to fix a relatively minor issue like this is not a high priority on his list. EDIT: @The Aziz Unless I am sorely mistaken, the MJ part is essentially coded to be its own heat shield. I've found a line in the code "thermalMassModifier = 100" which, if I understand how it works means it can absorb and hold a lot of heat before it starts to overheat and explode, easily tanking the heat of atmospheric entry. The Squad heat shields only have a thermal mass modifier of 1. Removing this line from the config file, might, and I mean might, remove it's heat tolerance and allow it to blow up if the rest of the craft does. EDIT2: probably will need to also delete line: "skinThermalMassModifier = 100" EDIT3: as for making it so it doesn't slow down in the air, and will explode on ground contact.... I am clueless. EDIT4: Nope, removing those lines from the config doesn't make much of an effect at all. the MJ unit does get hot enough you can see a thermal bar when entering from the Mun, but it cools down fast enough that it doesn't explode. I'm not sure how to do this, actually.
  4. That has been a thing with that part for as long as I can remember. the MJ casing is pretty much indestructible, and is made out of an anti-physics, anti-gravity metal. Lol.
  5. okay, thanks will check it out. see if that helps me out. Yep that made things much clearer.
  6. I am also confused as all get out on how to make this mod work, I've read the info at the beginning of the mod page multiple times, and I'm not understanding.
  7. No this mod does not affect the Konstruction weldable docking ports. this mod adds functionality to the stock docking ports, construction adds it's own parts. you can use the 2 mods together, but they will not have any effect on each other.
  8. What are the odds of this mod conflicting with the mod that adds the ability to weld docking ports together? I believe made by RoverDude? would be great if the 2 play nice together, that way I could use this mod to align parts to dock, then weld the bits together with the construction mod. Just curious if you know, I'm using the welding mod, and downloading this one. I'll let you know how it goes later if you don't know already. EDIT: Yes it's safe to use both, because I forgot the construction docking ports are new parts added to the game, not a function added to the existing docking ports.
  9. Sent an updated version of the mod to Tortoise, only needed the updated modular fuel tanks mod, and all systems appear good to go. as soon as he sees it, okays it, and has time to post it, mod should be updated for 1.3
  10. Sweet, I'll take a look at that in the next few days, and see about getting an update for fuel wings pushed out.
  11. I must be using the wrong ducted fan then. the ones I tried using each needed 51 electric charge per second, while the little turbine only produced 1 per second.
  12. I've got those except for tweakscale. that might be a problem. one of my other mods conflicts with tweak scale so I don't use that one. I'd actually almost managed to build a version of my own, experimenting, I just couldn't figure out how to handle the power demands of those ducted fans on that little ship
  13. then I have no ideas, your problem is beyond my ability to help at this point. Sorry.
  14. did you download the hooligan labs airship mod, which is a dependency for heisenburg airships, and is responsible for generating the lifting code for airships? The Heisenberg Airship Parts Pack is a series of parts designed to work with the Hooligan Labs Airships mod by @JewelShisen. Hooligan Labs isn't included with this parts pack, so you'll need to download it here. You also need the latest Firespitter.
  15. Would you be willing to share the craft file for that helicopter?
  16. I'll have to look through the Buffalo parts after work and see if there's something there that'll work for me, hadn't actually looked through those parts in this situation.
  17. It did work everytime I'd had it attached to a ship, I just don't have the ability to get a ship underwater. All I can get is floating on the surface. Didn't realize it would make a difference being held by a kerbal instead of on a ship.
  18. @Angel-125 Just a thought, I was building an airship earlier to fly around doing contracts and such, and decided instead of landing the big blimp each time I needed to get Kerbals out to do and eva check or surface sample, I'd build a small dockable VTOL craft. then I had the idea to put those compressed air RCS units on it, to help me wiggle it into the docking port in the air ship, but I got no part to provide compressed air on a small ship. I'm just going to copy the code for the compressed air generator on the big airship rings, and create tack that onto another part somewhere to do for now, but I'd love to have an actual part to do that. If I could make parts I'd do it myself. If you don't want to, I'll understand, just a thought/suggestion. {or maybe there is already a small part that does this and I've overlooked it?}
  19. It does say depth threshold 100m I assumed this meant below 100m it was considered far enough down for deep science versus shallow science. Does it mean it won't work below 100m? Did I have it wrong?
  20. A lot. I'm about to head to bed, will try and compile a list after work tomorrow. I'm running at least 65+ mods.
  21. @DMagic Ran into a problem with the Submersible Oceanography and Bathymetry part. I was trying to get deep water science off the KSC, and it fails to recognize that it's underwater Got a video and log file for you: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/0k8xcnzrmbepk3c/AAC3sTQVJxCRDGDsZGLpecqka?dl=0
  22. @InfiniteDice In the video below, Bob get stuck in place after leaving the water, he can only move forward by hopping. I end up having to hop him back to the VTOL craft. Not sure what's causing this. https://www.dropbox.com/sh/0k8xcnzrmbepk3c/AAC3sTQVJxCRDGDsZGLpecqka?dl=0 Output log
  23. That'd be cool, hope that works out, I'd download that straight away, and just a heads up, I played around with ker-plunk today, and think I found a bug. I'm uploading a video to youtube now showing what happens, and once that's done i'll post it here, along with the output log. basically my kerbals get stuck after walking under water, when they try and come back onto dry land.
  24. @DMagic Got done with eve early enough to install and test latest version, jitter still persists, here's video and log file: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/g5crm5toipm3dy7/AACHsuSc9geW07jlRLV9Dbesa?dl=0
  25. yeah I'd already downloaded the latest version, and planned to upload logs from the up to date version, but it'll be late tomorrow at the very earliest. many activities planned with the Eve Online alliance tonight/tomorrow morning. Will get back to you on this.
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