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Everything posted by vardicd

  1. I think he's saying he wants it there for all levels of Launchpad, not just level 1
  2. Thank you. Sorry I didn't get it in the right place, right off the bat.
  3. SO jealous...... Chomping at the bit for this mod. end of the month can't come fast enough.
  4. The limit of my moding ability is changing a few numbers in a config file to get a slightly different outcome of the part's consumption of power or fuel, or output of power, fuel or thrust. if it's any more complicated than changing code that's already there, I'm useless. I can't even figure out how to mod sound files for the jet engines, and I've been trying to figure it out since 1.4.0 released.
  5. I use real plume, but it doesn't seem to affect the jet engine sounds, unless there's some optional patch for it that I've missed>?
  6. I'm looking for a mod to restore the stock KSP Jet Engine sounds from versions pre- 1.4.0 the new sounds for the jet engines just flat out hurts my ears. If anyone knows of a mod to restore the old sounds, or provides and alternative sound pack, please let me know. Alternatively, if there is anyone out there that knows how to simply restore the old sounds from previous versions to the new version without mods, I'd be grateful for instructions on how to do this. I love playing with jets and jet powered craft, but I the new sounds are just painful to my ears, and playing with the game muted while flying a jet is annoying. Thanks for any help. Sorry if this isn't the right place to post this, I wasn't quite sure where to actually post it.
  7. Going crazy wanting to play with these parts. {am I the only one who checks this thread almost daily, just hoping a release is available? } These look glorious, can't wait man.
  8. How difficult would it be to make this mod work with the astronaut hiring changes bundled into RoverDude's MKS Mod? I just found and added this mod and even on a new save it doesn't seem to do anything with all the changes that are added to the hiring system that are in place with regards to the new types of colonists, and how the hiring has changed.
  9. @severedsolo With further testing it seems the continued rep loss only occurs if funds are diverted to R+D. I started a new test game, started with 100 rep and allowed the game to run for multiple budget cycles with no changes to the base stats, and lost no rep. I then put in to direct 20% of funds to R+D, and after a single cycle my rep dropped to 80, from the original 100. I changed the percentage of funds back to 0% diverted to R+D and for the next several budget cycles I lost no rep. I repeated this experiment several further times, and each time I diverted funds to R+D, I started losing funds. I'm not sure if the amount lost is relative to the percentage of funds diverted. at 20%, I lost 20 percent of my total rep. when I set my funds diverted to 5% my rep dropped from 80 to 76. I don't know if that's a 5% drop or not, but it definitely seems that using the R+D function causes rep loss, despite what ever other settings are used. {EDIT: I just found my calculator and yes an 80 to 76 drop is 5% of the starting amount.} EDIT: Ignore this, I just realized this is also a function not a bug, I missed the line in the explanation where this is EXPLAINED> I'm a blind idiot. Very Sorry.
  10. Okay, thanks for the reply. I'm not using kopernicus, and this is a direct roll-out and launch, so I'm not time warping while it's on the Launchpad. Thanks i'll poke around try removing mods and see if I can narrow down what mod is causing it.
  11. @magico13 I have a question for you, I'm getting an interesting bug, and I'm not saying KCT is responsible, but when I launch from the woomerang launch site my craft are spawning close to 1000-2000 meters up over the launch site and plummeting to the ground {unless I use launch clamps and then it spawns up there, but the launch clamps hold it in place and the whole thing just hovers}, and I have no idea what's causing it, nor any idea how to begin investigating it. KCT is the only mod I can think of that, I'm using, that really impact vessel launching, so I'm starting here. D you know of anything in KCT that might have, or be causing it? I'm fully willing to provide any logs you need, but they seem to have been moved from where they used to be saved, so I have no idea where to look now.
  12. Hey, it's no worries. Now that I understand what's happening, I'm perfectly happy. I just didn't understand . The mod had a new interface from the last version I used, and it wasn't behaving in the way I expected and was familiar with, so I asked questions. Well, color me a little embarrassed. we've done this whole dance before a little over a year ago. Seems I once used a version that did eat the rep, then updated somewhere along the line and got a version with a bugged rep decay and never realized it, got used to it not being there, and when I updated to the newest version it came back to working as intended, and forgot that'd already had this conversation with you. Sorry for being a repeat offender here. Thank you very much for your help, and your patience.
  13. Thank you very much for your time, and for the help with my problem. I just now reloaded my old KSP version and checked it, and what ever version of monthly budgets I was using in that game must have had a bug, or something because I let it run for about 20 budget cycles, as I wanted to see if my rep was decreasing and I just never noticed it before, and found that my rep never decreased. I checked the persistence file and the older version created 2 separate budget areas budgetscenario, and budgetsettings, and under that second one I found this: BudgetSettings { autoPersistance = True newGameOnly = False masterSwitch = True HardMode = False DecayEnabled = False <---Rep decay is disabled ContractInterceptor = True and coverCosts = True <---- Shows cover costs true stopTimewarp = False RepDecay = 10 Multiplier = 990 friendlyInterval = 30 availableWages = 1000 assignedWages = 1750 vesselCost = 2044 It seems that for whatever reason, in the older version of the mod I was using, using the cover costs option was bugged and didn't auto decay rep, if it was supposed too. Which would be why I was confused about it. I have already adjusted settings in my current version of the game so I don't have to worry about rep decay. Thanks again for your time. {Just to be clear, I don't want my explanation above to be construed as complaining. I only posted my findings as an explanation of my expectations and understanding of how this mod worked and why I was confused.}
  14. ah didn't realize that, thought with the rep decay option turned off, it wouldn't matter. Did that change in one of the most recent updates? I played with that option turned on in the previous version of KSP, and I swear I never noticed rep decay in that version? or am I just crazy?
  15. name = BudgetScenario scene = 7, 8, 5 LastBudgetUpdate = 0 EmergencyFund = 0 EmergencyFundPercent = 10 EmergencyFundingEnabled = True MasterSwitch = True HardMode = False ContractInterceptor = True CoverCosts = True StopTimeWarp = True RepDecay = 10 Multiplier = 2227 FriendlyInterval = 30 AvailableWages = 500 AssignedWages = 1000 VesselCost = 50 FirstRun = False RnD = 10 JokeSeen = False https://imgur.com/eWynACl In game pic of my settings.
  16. It seems as if the current version of monthly budgets deducts rep from you even if that setting is disabled, has anyone else experienced this, or just me>?
  17. But... But..... {looks at unavailable download button mournfully.} I neeeeeeeed it nooooooooow.
  18. You know, never even thought to look there. Honestly never really used it, kinda forgot it was there. thanks for the tip. will look.
  19. I have a question, I believe the Bigby solar observatory comes from this mod? where would I find details on exactly how it's meant to be used? I'm specifically asking, low/high planetary orbit, or should it be on a solar orbit? If I'm wrong about the bigby coming from this mod, if anyone knows which mod it does come from and could point me to the correct forum page to ask for help, I'd appreciate it greatly. thanks for your time.
  20. Have I misunderstood something or can the gold digger portable drill not be used to mine up resources? Got a base set right over a rare metal deposit I found with a core sample, and found the option to reconfigure the drill with my engineer, set it to rare metals, but get no option to extract? Do I need a different one, or is it tech dependent? {and maybe I don't have the tech}
  21. Okay, got one for you, was running a simulation testing a helicopter, and it failed amazingly, but as it was crashing, for some reason, KSP jumped me to the tracking station, and when I exited the tracking station, I was back at the main KSC interface, but the sim was still running, and I could not access to controls to end the sim. when I loaded one of my vessels in flight, I still had no way to end the sim. game eventually crashed. Here's a link to the outputlog, and a copy of my save game folder, since it crashed out I have no idea if it actually captured any of what happened or not. Pretty sure it did though, as both the kerbals I had in the sim are showing as dead. they don't appear to have returned as they normally do after a sim ends. https://www.dropbox.com/sh/nnvyf6310qbr5t4/AABeUCvvadPsaX-VBV54GZOia?dl=0
  22. Come on dude, there is no reason for the attitude you seem to be throwing at Sarbian. This is not his job, he doesn't get paid for this. this is something he does in his spare time, on top of what ever full time job he has, his own family time, and the fact that he's maintaining, what 10 mods now? He doesn't have the time to drop everything and change a chunk of code every time a forum user doesn't like the way some part of one of his mods works. He's under no obligation to provide you with the mod you want. It's like throwing a tantrum on Christmas because you didn't get the toy you wanted. He's given you an amazing mod that does wonderful things. If you want it to work better, learn to read/write code, and help sarbian make it better, or just before that final breaking burn that MJ always messes up, turn it off, do the burn yourself. turn it back on once your in the final descent and let it do the landing burn for you. Look at it as a teaching tool to make you a better pilot so you don't even need MJ anymore. that's what I did. I still have MJ installed, but I barely use it, other than the Smart A.S.S. system to hold a heading and pitch in flight [mostly in airplanes on long flights} when I need an autopilot so I can step away from my PC or when I need to make super accurate burns and human fingers just aren't precise enough. I do my own landings now, dropped a science probe on the VAB roof from a 250KM orbit over Kerbin just a few hours ago. Hostile or ungrateful forum users have cost us great modders and great mods that have been lost to history. You've been given a free, amazing gift. Use it, enjoy it what works correctly, and learn to work around it's flaws [as you see them] Show sarbian and all the other great people on here some gratitude for their work, and the great mod gifts they've given you and this community. They aren't obligated to do so, and could leave, and take their mods with them at anytime.
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